Critical text
Found in 3318 Collections and/or Records:
1. Teil: Subjektive Uberlegungen zur Verwenung vieler verschiedener Medien in der literarischen und kunstlerischen Praxis von heute / Kriwet, Ferdinand., 1976
2 Saunters: Summer and Winter 1978 / Fulton, Jack., 1986
The author records two treks into the western mountains with landscape photographs surrounded by handwritten text and drawings relating to the scenes. Several of the photographs have hand colored additions. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
3-Dimensional Magazine Lives Again in 2 Dimensions / Mirapaul, Matthew; Glass P; Reich S; Young L; Wye D; Moholy-Nagy L; Rauschenberg R; Cage J; Duchamp M; Goldsmith K; Hendricks J; Barthes R; Lennon J; McLuhan M; Reed L., 2002
Aspen Magazine has been put on the internet on by Andrew Stafford. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
3 Windows / Evason, Greg ; Power N ; Bradley Df ; Burroughs WS., 1988
The cover was designed by Daniel f. Bradley. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
4 Libri - Oggetto / Conte, Bruno ; Frasca, Nato ; Pouchard, Ennio ; Pignotti, Lamberto ; Bentivoglio M., 1977
The poem object by Ennio Pouchard entitled, "Leggere Parole" that is photographically reproduced in this catalogue is held by the Sackner Archive. Mirella Bentivoglio conducted an interview of the four participating artists. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
4 Years At Coracle Press 1976-1980 / Coracle Press ; Cutts S ; Clark TA ; Duncalf S ; Coleman L ; Gardner I ; Roberts K ; Rogers M ; Skidmore S ; Torok K ; Tyson I ; Williams J ; Winkfield T., 1980
The catalog essay by David Brown, who also edited the catalog, provides a history of the Coracle Press. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
5 & 10 Cents: Gertrude Stein on Punctuation. No.9 / Kenneth Goldsmith., 2000
Stein's text was originally published in 1935. Goldsmith used the 1985 Beacon Press text to contribute two pages of punctuation marks alone from the text. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
5 x 5 = 25: Russian Avant-Garde Exhibition Moscow, 1921 / Milner, John, editor ; Rodchenko A ; Stepanova V ; Vesnin A ; Popova L ; Exter A., 1992
One of the books reproduces the catalogue in facsimile, the other is a critical text by Milner in English on thae background and significance of the exhibition. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
7 Mondrian di Luciano Ori / Ori, Luciano., 1996
This catalogue is in the form of an insert for a compact musical disc and is housed in a jewel case of a compact musical disc but no disc is present. Instead, a paper card with the shape of a disc depicting Mondrian and a statement by Ori is glued to the inside of the case. This is the first exhibition catalogue with this type of presentation held by the Sackner Archive. The images in the exhibition as shown in the catalogue are Mondrian constructivist paintings modified by Ori's collage treatments. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
7 Mondrian di Luciano Ori / Ori, Luciano., 1996
This catalogue is in the form of an insert for a compact musical disc and is housed in a jewel case of a compact musical disc but no disc is present. Instead, a paper card with the shape of a disc depicting Mondrian and a statement by Ori is glued to the inside of the case. This is the first exhibition catalogue with this presentation held by the Sackner Archive. The images in the exhibition as shown in the catalogue are Mondrian constructivist paintings that Ori has modified with collage treatments. This is an unsigned copy, the other copy held by the Sackner Archive is signed. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
10 Jahre Graphotek Bremen 1975-1985 / Knizak M ; Knowles A ; McLean B ; Mields R ; Olbrich JO ; Williams E., 1985 - 1986
11x30: Jack Kerouac. No.1., 1990
Edited by Joel Lipman. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
12 Dancepoems from the Cosmic Typewriter / Houedard, Dom Sylvester ; Medalla D ; Ponge F., 1969
17 Paintings with Details and Text / Gelfman, Lynne Golob ; Capellazzo A., 1997
Amy Cappellazzo contributed a personal, descriptive text that is printed on translucent paper overlaying reproductions of the abstract expressionistic paintings. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
19 (7 + 7) / De Mey, Gaston ; DeVree P., 1977
20 Jaar de Tafelronde 1953/1973 / De Vree, Paul, editor ; Debbaut, Jan, editor ; Coenen, Jean-Paul, editor ; Chopin H ; Albert-Birot P ; Houedard DS ; DeVree P ; Finlay IH ; Adler J ; Valoch J ; Ockerse T ; Cobbing B ; DeRook GJ ; Solt ME ; Accame V ; Blaine J ; Sarenco ; Gerz J ; Phillips MJ ; Riddell A ; Arias-Misson A ; Kostelanetz R ; Seuphor M ; VanBrugghen J ; Vroom I ; DeCampos A ; Pazos L ; Santos AJ ; McCaffery S ; Hausmann R ; Schmidt SJ ; Ulrichs T ; Bory JF ; Dufrene F ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Gette PA ; Heidsieck B ; LeSidaner JM ; Leveque JJ ; Moineau JC ; Tapie M ; Claire P ; Gibbs M ; Horovitz M ; Mayer P ; Zurbrugg N ; Carrega U ; Isgro E ; Marcucci L ; Miccini E ; Mignani R ; Nannucci M ; Oliva AB ; Perfetti M ; Lora-Totino A ; Vaccari F ; Niikuni S ; Todorovic M ; Clavin H ; DeVries H ; Joseph R ; Mund Hjr ; Copithorne J ; Hidalgo J ; Meyboom P ; Nucha N ; Millan F ; Kocman JH ; Trinkewitz K ; Valoch J ; Padin C ; Etlinger A ; Fernbach-Flarscheim C ; Hompson DD ; Ockerse T., 1975
This catalogue documents each issue of De Tafelronde and reproduces exemplary visual/verbal poems from the publications. An index of contributors is provided. This book is stored with the periodical of the same name. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
21st-Century Modernism: The "New" Poetics / Perloff, Marjorie ; Altieri C ; Andrews B ; Antin D ; Apollinaire G ; Arnheim R ; Ashbery J ; Bernstein C ; Blaser R ; Bok C ; Cage J ; Drucker J ; Duchamp M ; Ginsberg A ; Hamilton R ; Henderson L ; Hejinian L ; Howe S ; Janecek G ; Joyce J ; Khlebnikov V ; Kruchenykh A ; MacLow J ; McCaffery S ; Malevich K ; Marinetti FT ; Mayakovsky V ; Phillips T ; Pound E ; Silliman R ; Stein G ; Schwarz A ; Waldrop R ; Werschler-Henry D ; Wittgenstein L ; Yeats WB ; Zukofsky L ; Eliot TS ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H., 2002
23 Modern British Poets / Matthias, John, editor ; Jones D ; Bunting B ; Fisher R ; Logue C ; Thomas DM ; Harwood L ; Tarn N ; Finlay IH ; Hollo A., 1971
Contains a long, concrete poem by D.M. Thomas "Labyinth," which was first published in New Worlds S.F., and several reproductions in black & white and color of poster poems and sculptures by Ian Hamilton Finlay. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
24 Ideas About Pictures / Zelevansky, Paul., 2008
25 Years: the Book Art Movement 1974-1999 / Minsky, Richard; Sackner MA; Sackner RK., 2001
This paper was presented an the SHARP 2001 Conference. The Sackner Archive is mentioned as providing crucial support to many authors working in the field of book arts. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.