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A TV Dante 2nd Series No.8 / Phillips, Tom., 1985
Titled "Dante in Cambridge" this page contains a map that Phillips has annotated with his particular visits including book shops, Trinity Hall and King's College Chapel.The newsprint piece is of a medieval bound copy of The Divine Comedy which reminds Phillips of Richard Minsky's projected version. Phillips writes that Brian Eno is keen to do the music for a TV Dante . -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.10 / Phillips, Tom., 1985
This page is titled "to celebrate the USA publication of Inferno." It consists of eight panels of Dante in his study each version slightly bigger than the preceding one.Tthe last image also contains a very small collaged replica of the full image. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.11 / Phillips, Tom., 1985
The title of this page is "Make It New" and the theme seems to be the Islamic extremism and Irish political problems.Along with newspaper articles about these topics, protest pictures of Khomeini and a Jewish star of David, Phillips writes that he is back from Tibet and China. His text continues to follow the proceedings of making a TV Dante. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.12 / Phillips, Tom., 1985
Dante Among the Moderns is the title of this page. Much of the collaged material is from Sydney, Australia and from a dance production of "Hell." The upper right corner has a small photograph of Phillips. His diary notes continue to refer to his work with Peter Greenaway and others on the ideas for a TV Dante. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.13 / Phillips, Tom., 1986
The title of this page is "Dante is Ireland." The newsprint articles from the Cork Examiner depicts the pilgrims at the shrine to the Virgin in Ballinspittle and the shrine. An obituary for the Dante scholar, Fr Kenelm Foster is included and a small map of Ireland. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.14 / Phillips, Tom., 1985
The title of this page is "Dante in Italy - From Pisa to Florence to Gaville to Pesaro to Pistola to Peckham." The collaged elements include cards from various restaurants including Il Sasso di Dante. A photograph in the center of the page is of an Italian town and at the bottom a collaged photograph shows Tom Phillips walking in the Della Sala Market. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.15 / Phillips, Tom., 1985
Dante in Tibet & China is the title of this page.The water colored drawings relate to the Asian surroundings. The right side depicts three falling, nude figures and two additional swirling paintings are on the page. Phillips' diary notes describe his trip. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.16 / Phillips, Tom; Minsky R., 1985
The left side of this page is a collaged page from a magazine titled Dante over which are pasted a scrap reading "big screen/small screen, a distorted head, and a handwritten post card addressed to Tom.The right bottom of the page is a newspaper photograph of Terry Waite, captured in Lebanon, being led off by a strange drawn figure of Phillips' imagination. Below are two clippings that read " ...and hell followed with him - Clint Eastwood." Phillips handwritten text continues with his meetings with Peter Greenaway.At the bottom left Phillips writes "Meanwhile in New York Richard Minsky continues with his epic Dante binding." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.17 / Phillips, Tom; Phillpis L., 1985
This page is titled "Dante in Rouen & Chicago." The upper right of the page is a newspaper photo of Tom Phillips holding a copy of Dante's Inferno and dignitaries at the Musee des Beaux-Arts. The upper left corner of the page is a mailing slip of the Inferno to Leo Phillips, his son.At the bottom center is an announcement of a TV Dante to be shown at The National Video Festival Reprise at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. The work is described as follows: "A video montage of archive and original film combined with paint-box generated graphic images, the program achieves a narrative of contemporary relevance that is at once exploratory of both the original text and current video techniques." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.18 / Phillips, Tom., 1986
Titled "Dante in Naples" this page depicts a map circuling Pza Dante, a painted text that New Year's Eve was spent in Plaza Dante, a bill from Ristorante Dante e Beatrice, a scene overlooking Mongibello, and a painting in the lower left corner of sea forms on a blue background. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.19 / Phillips, Tom; Minsky R., 1986
This page is titled "I drove my big Mercedes from Stuttgart down to Hades." This relates to the book Phillips made in collaboration with Richard Minsky. The left side of the page depicts four collaged images of the front of a Mercedes truck and the painted words "Minsky in London." The right side of the page lists the contents of the NY Center for Book Arts show of Phillips' works including original manuscript books from the Sackner Archive. It was at this exhibition that the Sackners purchased the sculpture "Miami Beach More than a Million Poems." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.20 / Phillips, Tom., 1986
Number 20 has the title "Dante Dines Out.' On the left side of the collage the word Inferno is pressed in high relief on the paper. On the right side of the collage is the menu of a dinner at The Arts Club where Phillips spoke about Dante's Inferno: from folio to viseo." The center section depicts a brown ink architectural drawing of a rounded building and a drawing of a man in a bath tub with Phillips writing "Keeping myself awake again at the... art council." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.21 / Phillips, Tom., 1986
This collage is titled "Dante in Rouen II." The left side is a drawing stating To Rouen via Biggin Hill and a complex figure drawing. The right side consists of two figure drawings. The center section is the printed, cut and pasted description of Phillips works and CV in French. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.22 / Phillips, Tom; Phillips L; Furnival A; Furnival J., 1986
This collage is titled "Welcome Back to A TV Dante." There is a collaged parking ticket on the left side of the page from Dante Rd that Phillips writes he had sought for years . Astrid or John Furnival provided him with the photographs of L'Inferno restaurant on the bottom left and Leo Phillips took the photograph of the Thames & Hudson Dante in the window of Zwemmer's book store. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.23 / Phillips, Tom; Phillips L; Minsky R; Sackner MA; Sackner RK; Ackerman M; Ackerman D., 1986
Titled "Dante on Broadway II" this collage has fragmented newspaper clippings from the New York Times of Le Bernadine Restaurant where Phillips writes that he had lunch with Marvin and Ruth Sackner and Martin and Diane Ackerman. Also collaged is the obituary of Dante scholar John Ciardi, a torn portion of the announcement of Phillip's talk at the Center for Book Arts and an announcement of a concert in Boston with Leo Phillips. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.24 / Phillips, Tom; Phillips L; Minsky R; Sackner MA; Sackner RK; Ackerman D; Ackerman M., 1986
Titled "Dante on Broadway" this collage contains handwritten and collaged additions describing Phillips' opening exhibition at the Center for Book Arts. Collaged elements include a match book cover from the Noho Star, the graphic design logo for Hero Boy, a picture on Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland holding a Broadway sign and the Hebraic calligraphy for 2nd Ave Deli. Phillips comments that there was a "very lively and successful opening on Broadway with lots of people close to me there, Leo and Ruth, the Sackners, the Ackermans and of course Richard [Minsky] who has made such a wonderful job of curating the exhibit ." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.25 / Phillips, Tom., 1986
This collage is titled "Paris & Now an HDTV Dante!" Phillips makes a trip to Paris to see a TV Dante on a big screen at a production studio called "Capain Video." He writes of all the ill timed plans. The left side of the page is the hand written schedule and the right side of the page contains fragments of airline boarding pass, a telephone mesage card and a hotel card. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.26 / Phillips, Tom., 1986
In the center of this collage has printed the following in text: "There lies towards the middle of the sea a devastated land he said called Crete beneath whose king the world had once been pure..." Fragments of collaged paper include a view of Phillips' hotel, a map of Crete and the Greek islands, a view of the harbor, an erotic nude female, and an advertisement in Greek. Two portrait heads in the center are composed from several printed sources. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.27 / Phillips, Tom., 1986
This collage is titled "Dante in the Medoc." Phillips writes in the right side of the page, " Bourdeaux revisited. Ended second wine château visit with a plane trip to Jim Buchanan's newly acquired castle in the (illegible). In the Ingres museum I see a copy by Ingres after Raphael in which Ingres copies Raphael's Dante. Also his own version of Dante." The wine label is Château Haut-Brion 1961. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A TV Dante 2nd Series No.28 / Phillips, Tom., 1986
This collage is titled "Dante in Zimbabwe" and includes five photographs of Tom Phillips standing next to road markers on the way to the town of Beatrice.the left side of the page contains a ticket notice for overtime parking on Dante Rd. Phillips writes on the left side that he made inquires of the towns people whether they knew where the name Beatrice came from... -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.