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Subject Source: Sackner Database

Found in 411 Collections and/or Records:

Futurist Imagination, The: Word + Image in Italian Futurist Painting, Drawing, Collage, and Free-Wor / Anne Coffin Hanson, curator ; Poggi C ; Temkin A ; Hanson A ; Boccioni U ; Cangiullo F ; Marinetti FT ; Azuri F ; Balla G ; Cangiullo P ; Carra C ; Rognoni A ; Russolo L ; Severini G ; Buzzi P., 1983

Identifier: CC-13049-13341
Scope and Contents

Exhibition was curated by Anne Coffin Hanson who planned this exhibition in conjunction with her graduate students who contributed essays to this catalog on such topics as Marinetti's Parole in Liberta and the Futurist Collage Esthetic (Christine Poggi), Luce Futurista: Art for an Electric Age (Anne Temkin), and Words-In-Freedom, & Cangiuillo's Dancing Letters (Antonella Ansoni). Several of Marinetti's unpublished Parole in Liberta are reproduced as well as pages from a book by Rognoni. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1983

Gloup and Woup / Cobbing, Bob, editor; Houedard DS; Furnival J; Cox K; Mayer P; Cobbing B; Edmonds T., 1974

Identifier: CC-19807-20194
Scope and Contents

GLOUP (GLOUcestershire grouP) signifies name given by Jonathan Williams to group of concrete poets living in the west of England, mainly in Gloustershire, including Dom Sylvester Houedard, John Furnival and Kenhelm Cox. WOUP (Westminster grOUP) is name given by Bob Cobbing and Peter Mayer to group of concrete poets living in London, mainly in the city of Westminster, including Cobbing, Mayer and Tom Edmonds. This anthology presents five works by each the poets. One copy has a yellow papercard cover, the other an orange one with a tear. Tom Edmonds who died at age 27 years was a member of the group; the Sackner Archive holds three of his typewriter drawings. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1974

Graphic Design History: A Critical History / Drucker, Johanna ; McVarish, Emily ; Bass S ; Bayer H ; Blake W ; Brody N ; Carson D ; Cassandre AM ; Chermayeff I ; Chwast S ; Crumb R ; Depero F ; Fella E ; Gill E ; Glaser M ; Greiman A ; Heartfeld J ; Hoch H ; Kalman T ; Klucis G ; Licko Z ; Lissitzky E ; Lubalin H ; Lustig A ; Makela S ; Marinetti FT ; Matter H ; Mau B ; Mayakovsky V ; McCoy K ; Padgett R ; Rand P ; Rodchenko A ; Ruscha E ; Sagmeister S ; Scher P ; Schwitters K ; Sutnar L ; Tschichold J ; VanDoesburg T ; Warhol A ; Werkman HN ; Zapf H ; Zdanevich I ; Zwart P ; Stenberg G ; Stenberg V ; Schmidt J ; Cassandre AM ; Stankowski A ; Reid J ; VanderLans R., 2009

Identifier: CC-48471-69500
Scope and Contents

Graphic Design History traces the social and cultural role of visual communication from prehistory to the present, connecting what designers do every day to a history of innovative graphic forms and effects. The contents of this book include the following chapters titled Early Writing: Mark-making, Notation Systems, and Scripts - Medieval Letterforms and Book Formats - Modern typography and the Creation of the Public Sphere - the Graphic Effects of Industrial Production - The Culture of Consumption - Corporate Identities and the International Style - Postmodernism in Design - Digital Design. The book includes an extensive glossary of terms, a bibliography and a list of image credits. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2009

Gutai: Decentering Modernism / Tiampo, Ming ; Ben ; Tapie M ; Yoshihara J ; Shimamoto S ; Cage J ; Alechinsky P ; Capogrossi G ; Imai N ; Kaprow A ; Klein Y ; Motonago S ; Mukai S ; Murakami S ; Nasaka Y ; Shiraga K ; Ono Y ; Tanaka A ; Yoshida T ; Yoshihara M., 2011

Identifier: CC-54764-990192
Scope and Contents This book examines Japan's best-known modern art movement, a circle of postwar artists whose avant-garde paintings, performances, and installations foreshadowed many key developments in American and European experimental art. "Working with previously unpublished photographs and archival resources, Ming Tiampo considers Gutai's pioneering transnational practice, spurred on by mid-century developments in mass media and travel that made the movement's field of reception and influence global in scope. Using these lines of transmission to claim a place for Gutai among modernist art practices while tracing the impact of Japan on art in Europe and America, Tiampo demonstrates the fundamental transnationality of modernism. Ultimately, Tiampo offers a new conceptual model for writing a global history of art, making Gutai an important and original contribution to modern art history." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2011

Gutai: Dipingere Con Il Tempo E Lo Spazio / Paintinmg With Time And Space / Emanuela Di Lallo, curator ; Shimamoto S ; Yoshihara J ; Hirai S ; Ben ; Restany P ; Jenkins P ; Kaprow A ; Klein Y., 2010

Identifier: CC-53702-642795
Scope and Contents

Gutai menaing 'Concrete' was formed in 1954 by Jiro Yoshihara in a town between Kobe and Osaka and disbanded in 1972. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2010

Happening & Fluxus / Hans Sohm, curator ; Harald Szeemann, curator ; Higgins D ; Williams E ; Paik NJ ; Lebel JJ ; Spoerri D ; Beuys J ; Brecht G ; Sohm H ; Knowles A ; Ono Y ; Filliou R ; Saito T ; Maciunas G ; Hansen A ; Kaprow A ; Klintberg B ; Schneemann C ; Shiomi C ; Ben ; Watts R ; Vostell W., 1970

Identifier: CC-09816-10010
Scope and Contents

This exhibition was co-curated by Hans Sohm and consisted of material from his Archive. It included a chronology of Fluxus performances. Haralld Szeeman (1933-2005) was a Swiss curator and art historian whose Archive and Library was acquired by the Getty Research Institute in 2011. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1970

Hors Limites: L'Art et la vie 1952-1994 / Jean de Loisy, curator ; Ben ; Blaine J ; Brecht G ; Burroughs WS ; Cage J ; Chopin B ; Dufrene F ; Fahlstrom O ; Filliou R ; Gysin B ; Hains R ; Heidsieck B ; Isou I ; Kaprow A ; Latham J ; Lebel JJ ; Lemaitre M ; Manzoni P ; Schneeman C ; Spoerri D ; Villegle J ; Vostell W ; Warhol A ; Wolman G ; Zazeela M ; Abramovic M ; Anderson L ; Gerz J ; Hubaut J ; Orlan ; Gette PA ; Restany P ; Donguy J ; Dreyfus C ; Higgins D ; Duchamp M ; Knizak M ; Arman ; Paik NJ ; Rauschenberg R ; Tinguely J ; Young L ; Acconci V ; Anderson L ; Kelley M ; Giroud M ; Debord G ; Klein Y ; Cobbing B ; Gette PA ; Maciunas B ; Moorman C ; Brus G ; Schwarzkogler R ; Export V ; Nitsch H ; Muhl O ; Obrist HU ; Beuys J ; Boltanski C ; Szeemann H ; Nauman B ; Merz M., 1994

Identifier: CC-29853-31234
Scope and Contents

This scholarly, informative and well illustrated catalogue describes the adventures of the post-WWII artists who searched for new forms of liberty in art beyond aesthetic conventions of the moment or social norms. The exhibition was organized in two sections:1952-1968 and 1968-1994. The catalogue also includes a section of music and cinema, a chronology organized by year and event location and a bibliography. Most of the text consists of interviews of the participants. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1994

Ian Hamilton Finlay: A Visual Primer, 1985

Identifier: CC-10947-11159
Scope and Contents

Perhaps the best treatment accorded to the life and work of a concrete poet. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1985

Ikon Logos - Word as Image / Robert Browning, curator ; Frisch J ; Carroll L ; Apollinaire G ; Marinetti FT ; Duchamp M ; Sabatier R ; Indiana R ; Kriwet F ; DeCampos A ; Furnival J ; Gomringer E ; Finlay IH ; Arakawa ; Dienst KP ; Schuldt ; Ashmore R ; Baranik R ; Benes BL ; Blum J ; Finster H ; Garcez P ; Goldstein H ; Gordon B ; Hartmann W ; Johnson M ; Lederman SB ; Mendel M ; Rosen K ; Spero N ; Stevens M ; Thatcher R ; Tompkins B ; Vater R ; Vicuna C., 1981

Identifier: CC-54069-57571
Scope and Contents

The catalogue began with an historical introduction to text based works and included reproduced images of 20th century artists whose works are held by the Sackner Archive such as Apollinaire, Marinetti, Sabatier, Indiana, Kriwet, Augusto de Campos, Furnival, Finlay, Gomringer, Klaus-Peter Dienst, and Schuldt. The exhibition itself featured several artists whose works are held by the Sackner Archive, viz., Barton Lidice Benes, Howard Finster, Werner Hartmann, Stephanie Brody Lederman, Betty Tompkins, Regina Vater -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1981

Il Portico. No.7/Jul / Umberto Artioli, editor ; Pignotti L ; Miccini E ; Baratta G ; Artioli U ; Trebbi F ; Oliva AB ; Campanella P ; Camillo ; Carnevale S ; LaRocca K ; Battista-Nazzaro G ; Casa O ; Guala M ; Marcucci L ; Miles ; Matta L ; Malquori R ; Ori L ; Russo A ; Tola L ; Vaccari F ; Vaccarone F ; Petroni G ; Vitone R ; Zampini D ; Zaveri G ; rosa L ; Isgro E., 1966

Identifier: CC-58967-57805
Scope and Contents

Includes a 24 page section entitled "Antologia Di Poesia Visiva" that cionists of several critical texts and 49 illustrations printed in B&W of visual poems. The usual proponents are depicted as a well as a large number of poets not ususall cited. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1966

Il Segno Poetico 2nd edition / Accame, Vincenzo ; Miglietta E ; Ferro G ; Pavanello G ; Blank I ; Sanesi R ; Carrega U ; Ben ; Ferrari V ; Villa E ; Costa C ; Isgro E ; Vaccari F ; Mussio M ; Faietti A ; Caruso L ; Mignani R ; Vitone R ; D'Ottavi C ; Tola L ; Padin C ; Isou I ; Accame V ; Agnetti V ; Azeredo R ; Belloli C ; Beltrametti F ; Binga T ; Bonito-Oliva A ; Bussotti S ; Chopin H ; Comini R ; Curtay JP ; D'Ambrosio M ; Danon B ; Dermisache M ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; DeRook GJ ; DeVries H ; Diacono M ; Dorfles G ; Drozdz S ; Ermini F ; Fagone V ; Finotti C ; Furnival J ; Gerz J ; Gomez de Liano I ; Gomringer E ; Grogerova B ; Finlay IH ; Haussmann S ; Heidsieck B ; Heissenbuttel H ; Higgins D ; Houedard DS ; Kitasono K ; Kolar J ; Kostelanetz R ; Kosuth J ; Kriwet F ; Kruchenykh A ; Jandl E ; Johnson BE ; Joyce J ; LaRocca K ; LeSidener JM ; Lora-Totino A ; Luca ; Mallarme S ; Marcucci L ; Marchegiani E ; Marinetti FT ; Martini S ; Martini SM ; Maurus H ; Miles ; Millan F ; Moineau JC ; Mon F ; Nannucci M ; Nicolai C ; Nichol bp ; Novak L ; Novelli G ; Oberto A ; Oberto M ; Ori L ; Ovcacek E ; Parmiggiani C ; Patella L ; Pazos L ; Perfetti M ; Persico M ; Pignotti L ; Porta A ; Rossi A ; Russo V ; Sandri G ; Sanesi R ; Sarenco ; Schauffelen KB ; Shimuzu T ; Simmias of Rhodes ; Simonetti GE ; Sitta C ; Spinelli A ; Spoerri D ; Sunada C ; Takahashi S ; Todorovic M ; Ulrichs T ; Valoch J ; Verdi F ; Vicinelli P ; Vigo EA ; Villa E ; Vostell W ; Vroom I ; Xerra W ; Yoshizawa S ; Zabala F., 1981

Identifier: CC-25637-26095
Scope and Contents

This is the second edition of this extensive international anthology of concrete and visual poetry which was first printed by Munt Press in 1977. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1981

Illustrations of Letter-Diagrams / Kapadia, Hiralal R.., 1954

Identifier: CC-08078-8238
Scope and Contents

Includes several articles by Kapadia on ancient Indian shaped poetry. Some poems are printed in red and black colors. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1954