Visual poetry
Found in 4862 Collections and/or Records:
Schism Skin Game / Phillips, Tom., 1983
This image is taken from Phillips illustration of Dante's Inferno, Canto XXVIII/3. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Schizografia C / Roffi, Gian Paolo., 1992
Schizografia H / Roffi, Gian Paolo., 1992
Schizografia O / Roffi, Gian Paolo., 1992
Schizografie / Roffi, Gian Paolo ; Miccini E., 1991
The sheets and print depict visual images cut from popular magazines, separated into strips collaged onto paper with lower case printed letters placed into some of the spaces between the strips. According to Eugenio Miccini who wrote an intoductory essay, the spaces represent emptiness and the letters stand for minimal elements of speech. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
SCHM| Ersichtlichkeiten: Internationale Visuelle Texte der 90er, 1996
After a brief introductory essay, Schmidt depicts the works of book artists from several countries by depicting a one or two black & white photographs of their work, one to a page. Marvin Sackner selected and contributed the photographs for the section on American book artists. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Schnipsl / Zauner, Hansjorg., 1988
schrift mal bild hoch / Haack, Horst ; Gomringer E., 2003
Schriftbild - Bildschrift / Hainke W ; Mon F ; Olbrich JO ; Reichert J ; Schmidt H., 1988
Schu --- Bert (Ave Maria), 1990
SCHW / Gosewitz, Ludwig., 1964 - 1965
The image is a gray square surrounded by black painted border. The letters "SCHW' are collaged in relief onto the center of the gray square. This phoneme may signify "Schwartz," the German word for black or "Schweigen," the German word for silence. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Scientific Reconstructions / Boberg, Scott Francis., 1985
S.C.L.E.R.A. / White, Derek., 2003
This poem deals with the eye. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Scompaginazione / Perfetti, Michele ; Cavallina M., 1980
Score: KO. No.4 / Karl Kempton ; Loris Essary., 1984
The poems in this issue are a collaboration between Essary and Kempton. The issue was exhibited in Visualog 2, San Luis Obispu, California. The exhibition was curated by Karl Kempton. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Score. No.12 / Crag Hill, Laurie Schneider, editors ; Grumman B ; Gnazzo A ; Brannen J ; DiMichele B ; Baker C ; Basinski M ; Basmajian S., 1992
The editors state that this is the final issue of Score. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Score Sheet: [Untitled]. No.42 / Chris Winkler., 1990
Score: Visual Poems. No.5 / Crag Hill, Laurie Schneider, editors ; Polkinhorn H ; Robertson K ; Helmes S ; DiMichele B ; Hagglund SG ; curry jw ; Maki W ; Adler J ; Rosenberg MR ; Blaine J ; Bennett JM ; Hill C ; Baroni V ; And M., 1985
scostamenti / Gregotti, Carmen; Lora-Totino A; Dorfles G; Martini SM., 1997
One of the loose sheets is a reproduction of a letter to Dorflies, another a letter to Martini. The afterword was written by Lora-Totino. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Scream Poem One Man, One Woman] / Depew, Wally., 1970
This is a partial printing of the Scream Poem over a grainy photograph of an erotic encounter. One of the prints depicts solely the text of the poem. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.