Visual poetry
Found in 4862 Collections and/or Records:
[bird & flowers], 1997
This work was included in pete spence's archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Bird on Scroll] / Houedard, Dom Sylvester., 1960
birds om flight observed om (30x167) / Dom Sylvester Houedard., 1967
birds om flight observed om (30x167) / Dom Sylvester Houedard., 1967
Bite. No.1 / David UU, Ed Varney, editors ; UU D ; Evason G ; Jankola B ; Wood D ; Norris K ; West D ; Woods E., 1986
Editors are David S. West, Tom Konyves, David UU and Ed Varney. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
BITTS bits / Finlay, Ian Hamilton; Deedman, Heather., 1996
This card depicts drawings small wooden parts of a ship. "Bitts" in the title means a strong post of wood or iron, usually projecting in pairs, above the deck of a ship, used for securing cables, lines for towing, etc. The word "BITTS" in capitals implies strength but the parts are small, hence "bits." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Black Music / De Araujo, Avelino., 1993
Black & White: Lyrische Bildwortkarten: Black & White Serie 2 dutzend plus 1 / Breuer, Theo; spence p; Seifert J; Deisler G., 1999
Includes a card in memoriam to Guillermo Deisler. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Blades for Michel Blum, Jonathan Hirschfeld, Yves Hayat / Finlay, Ian Hamilton., 1988
The individuals named in the title fought Finlay's commission for a public work in Paris on the grounds that he was (falsely) anti-semitic. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
blah, blah, blah / Emmanuel and Erofili., 1980
BLAINE Vou (1), 1981
[Blandorine] / Bennett, John M. ; Figueiredo, Cesar., 1999
Blason Du Corps Feminin / Garnier, Ilse., 1979
Each page has one or two phrases of a poem along with handrawn lines on the words of the poem that deals with variations of a feminine body. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Blats / Finch, Peter ; Kostelanetz R., 1972
The Sackner Archive has two signed copies of this book, one in a series of 25 as in this copy and the other out of series. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Blats / Finch, Peter ; Kostelanetz R., 1972
Blats / Finch, Peter ; Kostelanetz R., 1972
Blatt: all the things you are. No.15 / Anonymous., 1973
The title of the print refers to pictograms of the eye, ear, lips, heart, and genitalia. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Blatt einer Edition zu den Lesungen: Eva Zeller: Meiner Mutter. No.7 / Uta Schneider ; Ulrike Stoltz., 1987
Blatt einer Edition zu den Lesungen: Ludwig Harig: Ordnung isr das Leben. No.8 / Uta Schneider ; Ulrike Stoltz ; Harig L., 1987
BLAUDSZUN Oserdruck, 1982
Blaudszun was born in Koenigsberg, Germany in 1941. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.