Hausmann, Raoul
Found in 86 Collections and/or Records:
No.40 Libri Antichi e Moderni - Aeronautica / Arengario Studio Bibliografico, L' ; Breton A ; Cangiullo F ; Dubuffet J ; Hausmann R ; Hoffmeister A ; Marinetti FT., 2000
No.65: Modern Art / Ars Libri ; Cangiullo F ; Ribemont-Dessaignes G ; Tzara T ; Hausmann R ; Huelsenbeck R ; Jarry A ; Mayakovsky V ; Malevich K ; Marinetti FT ; Picabia F ; Schreyer L., 1988
No.117: 'from holland with love' / Vloemans, John ; Berlewi H ; Grosz G ; Hausmann R ; Lissitzky E ; Mayakovsky V ; Marinetti FT ; Schwitters K ; Teige K ; Stieglitz A ; Zwart P ; Schreyer L., 1993
No.183: Moderne Kunst / Galerie Kornfeld ; Arp H ; Carra C ; Grosz G ; Hausmann R ; Duchamp M ; Ernst M ; Klee P ; Marcoussis L ; Picasso P ; Jacob M ; Desnos R ; Eluard P ; Goll Y ; Tzara T ; Iliazd ; Schwitters K ; Tinguely J ; Wolfli A., 1983
Auction catalogue. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
No.351: Sammlung Albert Spindler Pressendrucke Seit 1945 / Hauswedell & Nolte ; Burkhardt K ; Burgert HJ ; Hausmann R ; Badura M ; Strugalla J ; Reinhardt A ; Herbst W ; Frenken W ; Garnier P ; Eisendle H ; Ernst M ; Andersen HC ; Malutzki P ; Gomringer E ; Grieshaber H ; Neruda P ; Werkman HN ; Jandl E ; Girke R ; Enke W ; Mayrocker F ; Mon F ; Dienst KP ; Dienst RG ; Heimbach E ; Huppertz W ; Staeck K ; Hartmann W ; Ulrichs T ; Schindehutte A ; Waldschmidt A ; Rixdorfer Drucke ; Bremer U ; Uecker G ; Jarry A ; Scheerbart P ; Roth D ; Sandberg W ; Sdun D ; Schmidt W ; Stomps V ; Tarlatt U ; Artmann HC ; Unica T ; Tyson I ; Elfen F ; Zapf H., 2000
Auction catalogue. The collection of Albert Spindler was outstanding in holdings of fine press books but also held several European assemblings of the 70's to 80's, notably "Anschlag" published in Leipzig. Many publications by Rixdorfer Drucke were also in this collection. Several items in this auction were purchased by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Poemes Et Bois / Iliazd ; Hausmann, Raoul., 1961
Sims Reed: This is an innovative collaboration between Iliazd and Raoul Hausmann, one of the principal protagonists of Berlin Dada and a pioneer of phonetic and visual poetry. The preface consists of a 'Hommage illettre d'Iliazd à Raoul Hausmann': 'Je suis fier de vous rendre hommage en disposant vos poemes et vos bois ou en tenant le plioir comme une plume.'. 'The typographic layout echoes the forms in the woodcuts, suggesting an architectonic underpinning to the very essence of the work. Poems and images seem to have the same skeletal foundation to their morphology, as a result showing two aspects of a single work.' (Johanna Drucker, Iliazd and the Art of the Book). Some water staining on cover, foxing on inside pages. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Raoul Hausmann, 1994
This catalogue doocuments the first major retrospective of Hausmann's work for the exhibition that was shown in the three countries in which Hausmann lived, France, Germany and Spain (Ibiza). Several scholary essays are included in the catalogue tracing his early years as a Dadaist, collages and photomontages, the photographic works, sound poetry, abstract paintings and later Dada works. Chistopher Phillips essay, "In the Chaotic Cave of the Mouth," describes Hausmann's sound poems, which are considered "among the most difficult and perplexing" of this "recondite genre." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Raoul Hausmann Archive / Reichardt, Jasia ; Schwitters K ; Themerson S ; Hausmann R ; Reichert J., 1985
This is a listing of items for sale. Stored in the Hausmann box. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Respirations et Breves Rencontres / Heidsieck, Bernard; Gysin B; Dufrene F; Hausmann R; Arp H; Perse SJ; Cocteau J; Brecht B; cummings ee; Nichol bp; Stratos D; Lindsay V; Neruda P; Olson C., 1990
riqus Bearbeitete Ausgabe von Nr 2 der Zeitschrift material / Hausmann, Raoul., 1982
One page prints Hausmann's 1926 poem 'Lausbumchen' in calligraphic format; the typed poem is held by the Sackner Artchive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
RLQS Varie 3 Cascades / Raoul Hausmann; K Schwitters., 1970
These poems are based upon a colllaboration with Kurt Schwitters on the the reading of "Pin." This never played tape is also designated No.4 of the series. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Sagemorcim / Hausmann, Raoul., 1971
Sans Limite / Chopin, Henri; Hausmann R., 1974
Sensorialite Excentrique / Hausmann, Raoul ; Jean Chopin, translator., 1970
Internet: Released in 1970, eccentric Sensoriality is the last book published by Hausmann in his lifetime, so that it starts after a long period of neglect, to receive the testimony of admiration from younger generations. If the book is short, it is nonetheless a huge ambition: Shaping a new psychological and social conscience by making a clean sweep of two thousand years of history. It is homo sapiens that attacks Hausmann. He is indeed that, in his eyes invented the capitalist dictatorship and limited knowledge to a purely materialistic level, preventing the development of a human type with more universal brain and sensory abilities. The new man will be equipped with a "sensory eccentric", a mental energy transcending the limits of body and mind. In this sense, Sensory eccentric is both a utopia and a ruthless and deeply pessimistic so-called modern myth of progress and civilization criticism. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Short List of 20th Century Books / Fox, Leonard ; Hausmann R ; Iliazd ; Ting W ; Flocon A ; Ernst M ; Leger F ; Dubuffet J., 1995
Soundreel & Interview avec les Lettristes / Raoul Hausmann; R Motherwell; J Reichardt., 1971
The poem Soundreel (1919) is printed as "Sound-Ell" and is missing the handwritten ink additions present in the original copy held by the Sackner copy entitled " Sound-Reel" in the book "The Dada Painters and Poets" (1951) by Robert Motherwell. The Interview Avec Les Lettristed (1947)i s based upon "PIN and the story of PIN" (1962) edited by Jasia Reichardt. This unplayed tape is also designated No.5 of the series. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Sprechspane / Hausmann, Raoul., 1962
Stationen der Moderne / Andre C ; Beuys J ; Grosz G ; Hausmann R ; Citroen P ; Heartfield J ; Lissitzky E ; Maciunas G ; Hendricks J ; Patterson B ; Paik NJ ; Brecht G ; Cage J ; Higgins D ; Schnebel D ; Watts R ; Vostell W., 1988
Studio Brescia Exhibition Catalog: Disegni & Collages. No.2 / Raoul Hausmann ; Bory JF., 1972
Bory wrote the introductory essay. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Temoignages / Berlewi, Henryk ; Lambert JC ; Hausmann R ; Hugnet G., 1965
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Dada 27
- Documentation 23
- Sound poetry 14
- Concrete poetry 11
- Critical text 11
- Visual art 8
- Conventional poetry 5
- Typewriter poetry 5
- Conceptual art 4
- Visual poetry 4
- Music 3
- Reference text 3
- Artist book (citation) 2
- Bauhaus 2
- Calligraphic text 2
- Chronology 2
- Constructivism 2
- Conventional fiction 2
- Diagram 2
- Futurism 2
- Illustrated book (citation) 2
- Political poetry 2
- Political text 2
- Pre-Mallarme work 2
- Repetitious text 2
- Russian avant garde 2
- Surrealism 2
- Alphabetical text 1
- Artist book 1
- Artist book (limited edition) 1
- Book review 1
- Conventional non-fiction 1
- Correspondence art 1
- Exhibition review 1
- Experimental fiction 1
- Fluxus 1
- Illustrated book 1
- Illustrated book (limited edition) 1
- Manifesto 1
- New realism 1
- Performance poetry 1
- Permutation 1
- Photomontage 1
- Typewriter art 1
- Visual/verbal 1 + ∧ less