Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1880-1918
- Existence: 18800825 - 19181109
Found in 410 Collections and/or Records:
catalogue raisonne de l'oeuvre typographique 1948-1958 / Massin ; Apollinaire G ; Artaud A ; Pichette H., 1998
The drawing on the colophon page consists of a large K in ink and green graphite. Two phrases are handwritten at the top and bottom of the K: "Quand bien meme lance dans des circonstances eternelles" and "Toute pensee emet un coup de des." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
catalogue raisonne de l'oeuvre typographique de Massin, Vol. 2 1958-1979 / Massin ; Apollinaire G ; Aragon L ; Arp H ; Artaud A ; Breton A ; Burroughs WS ; Butor M ; Ionesco E ; Jarry A ; Mallarme S ; Queneau R ; Voznesensky A ; Erte., 1999
The catalogue reproduces and documents Massin's book and record covers as well as some typographic layouts and bookbindings. The drawing on the colophon page consists of the letter K with an arm and leg hand drawn and colored. Inscribed on each side of the K is the phrase "Cette lettre K qui derive du [symbol of bent arrow] Phenicien." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Celebration De La Lettre / Gid, Raymond ; Apollinaire G ; Mallarme S., 1962
This book includes a reproduction of a calligram by Apollinaire and a reproduction of a military formation using letters. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Celebration De La Lettre (reprinted) / Gid, Raymond ; Apollinaire G ; Mallarme S., 1990
This book includes a reproduction of a calligram by Apollinaire and a reproduction of a military formation using letters. The Sackner Archive also holds the first edition that was printed in French. This reprinted edition is an English translation. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Charmed Circle: Gertrude Stein & Company / Mellow, James R. ; Stein G ; Apollinaire G ; Picasso P ; Hugnet G ; Jacob M ; Joyce J ; Picabia F ; DeZayas M., 1991
This book is an oustanding reference to the artistic times in Paris in the first part of the 20th century. The Sackners' reading of the book prompted them to purchase Stein's "Dix Portraits." The latter is described on pages 323-324. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Charmed Circle: Gertrude Stein & Company / Mellow, James R. ; Stein G ; Apollinaire G ; Picasso P ; Hugnet G ; Jacob M ; Joyce J ; Picabia F ; DeZayas M., 1974
This book is an oustanding reference to the artistic times in Paris in the first part of the 20th century. The Sackners' reading of the book prompted them to purchase Stein's "Dix Portraits." The latter is described on pages 323-324. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Chez Lui / Apollinaire, Guillaume., 1947
The pages of this book have been deacidified. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Close Listening: Poetry and the Performed Word / Bernstein, Charles, editor ; Andrews B ; Drucker J ; McCaffery S ; Perloff M ; Silliman R ; Apollinaire G ; Marinetti FT ; Tzara T ; Morgenstern C ; Kamensky V ; Picabia F ; Hausmann R ; Lemaitre M ; Gomringer E ; MacLow J ; Hatherly A ; Howe S ; Rasula J ; O'Sullivan M ; Retallack J ; Nichol bp ; Carroll L ; Lewis WP ; Antin D ; Watten B ; Pound E ; Quartermain P., 1998
The editor states that the 17 essays in this book are concerned with poetry readings, the sound of poetry and the visual performance of poetry. They "offer original and wide-ranging elucidations of how twentieth-century poetry has been practiced as a performance art." Johanna Drucker contributed a chapter titled "Visual Performances of the Poetic Text" in which she describes and illustrates several poems of early 20th century visual poetry movements including an in depth analysis of "Poesie de mots inconnus" by Iliazd, a book that is held by the Sackner Archive. A listing of audio resources and a bibliography are included. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Colecao Enciclopedia Visual: Naquele Flutuar das Escritas: Caligramas / Dias Pino, Wlademir, editor; Carroll L; Apollinaire G., 1995
Features examples of Arabic and Oriental shaped poems. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Collage / Wescher, Herta ; Robert E. Wolf, translator ; Albers J ; Altman N ; Annenkov Y ; Apollinaire G ; Aragon L ; Arp H ; Baader J ; Baj E ; Balla G ; Baumeister W ; Bayer H ; Bellmer H ; Bergmann E ; Berlewi H ; Berman M ; Biederman C ; Blake P ; Boccioni U ; Breton A ; Bryen C ; Cangiullo F ; Carra C ; Delaunay R ; Delaunay S ; Dali S ; Depero F ; Dine J ; Dubuffet J ; Duchamp M ; Dufrene F ; Eluard P ; Ernst M ; Exter A ; Farfa ; Fillia ; Gascoyne D ; Golyscheff J ; Gris J ; Grosz G ; Hausmann R ; Heartfeld J ; Henry M ; Hoch H ; Huelsenbeck R ; Huidobro V ; Iliazd ; Itten J ; Janco M ; Johns J ; Joostens P ; Kandinsky V ; Kassak L ; Hoffmeister A ; Khlebnikov V ; Klee P ; Kliun I ; Kruchenykh A ; Leger F ; Magritte R ; Mayakovsky V ; Malevich K ; Ray M ; Mansouroff P ; Marinetti FT ; Michel R ; Mesens E ; Miro J ; Morgenstern C ; Munari B ; Nebel O ; Pannaggi I ; Penrose R ; Picabia F ; Picasso P ; Piper J ; Popova L ; Puni I ; Prampolini E ; Prevert J ; Rauschenberg R ; Restany P ; Reinhardt A ; Ribemont-Dessaignes G ; Richter H ; Rodchenko A ; Roh F ; Rozanova O ; Russolo L ; Schad C ; Schlemmer O ; Schwitters K ; Segall L ; Severini G ; Sironi M ; Soffici A ; Soupault P ; Spoerri D ; Stenberg G ; Stenberg V ; Styrsky J ; Survage L ; Sutnar L ; Teige K ; Torres-Garcia J ; Tzara T ; VanDoesburg T ; Vesnin A ; Vordemberge-Gildewart F ; Werkman HN ; Zwart P ; Dexel W ; Rotella M ; Schuitema P ; Gutfreund O ; Rosai O ; Stepanova V ; Bardi PM ; Lissitzky E ; Klucis G ; Citroen P ; Hugnet G ; Vail L ; Scheper L ; Tschichold J., 1968
Collection Christian Genet / Renaud, Paul ; Giquello, Alexandre ; Albert-Birot P ; Apollinaire G ; Aragon L ; Arp H ; Artaud A ; Bellmer H ; Breton A ; Eluard P ; Bryen C ; Cahun C ; Char R ; Desnos R ; Duchamp M ; Ernst M ; Ray M ; Marinetti FT ; Michaux H ; Picabia F ; Queneau R ; Reverdy P ; Tzara T., 2006
Auction catalogue. In addition to books, this auction included several reviews, personal letters and bookbindings. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Collection X / Loudmer, Guy ; Apollinaire G ; Balla G ; Cendrars B ; Desnos R ; Gleizes A ; Marinetti FT ; Picabia F ; Tzara T ; Albert-Birot P ; Hugnet G., 1968
Auction catalog. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Concrete Poetry / Bodden, Valerie ; Herbert G ; Apollinaire G ; Gomringer E ; Carroll L ; Ball H ; DeCampos A., 2009
Page 15 reproduces a colored calligram by Apollinaire that is held by the Sackner Archive in a limited edition of 10 copies. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Concrete Poetry in Canada and Quebec l963-l975 / Bayard, Caroline ; Acorn M ; Adorno T ; Andrews B ; Apollinaire G ; Arp H ; Artaud A ; Atwood M ; Aylward D ; Ball H ; Ball N ; Barbour D ; Barreto-Rivera R ; Barthes R ; Benjamin W ; Bense M ; Bill M ; Birney E ; bissett b ; Blaine J ; Bowering G ; Breton A ; Bronson AA ; Brossard N ; Bremer C ; Broudy H ; Burroughs WS ; Cage J ; Caruso B ; Charron F ; Chopin H ; Clinton M ; Colombo JR ; Cortazar J ; Creeley R ; cummings ee ; DiPalma R ; DeVree P ; Duguay R ; Dutton P ; Eco U ; Eluard P ; Fahlstrom O ; Finlay IH ; Four Horsemen ; Frank P ; Furnival J ; Gagnon M ; Garnier P ; Gomringer E ; Heidsieck B ; Kafka F ; Kristeva J ; Kroetsch R ; LaBarbara J ; Leiris M ; levy da ; Lyotard JF ; McCaffery S ; McCarthy C ; Mallarme S ; Marinetti FT ; Mayer HJ ; Miller B ; Miller H ; Mon F ; Mr Peanut ; Morgan E ; Nichol bp ; Norris K ; O'Connelly B ; O'Huigin S ; Owen Sound ; Patchen K ; Pignatari D ; Pinto LA ; Ponge F ; Riddle J ; Rothenberg J ; Saussure F ; Schwitters K ; Scobie S ; Silliman R ; Solt ME ; Souster R ; Stein G ; Tostevin L ; Toronto Research Group ; Truhlar R ; Tzara T ; Valoch J ; UU D ; VanDoesburg T ; Wah F ; Williams E ; Wittgenstein L ; Wyss M ; Young K ; Zend R ; Derrida J ; Chamberland P ; Gilbert G ; Farrell L ; Gauvreau C ; Mayer P ; Birney E ; Copithorne J ; Lapointe PM., 1976
Bayard, in her Ph.D. dissertation, traces the beginning, growth and development of concrete poetry in Canada and focuses on styles of concrete poetry. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Concrete Poetry / Lucie-Smith, Edward; Apollinaire G; Schwitters K; Garnier P; Finlay IH; Morgan E; Rimbaud A., 1966
This a critical text dealing with issues after the exhibition, "Between Poetry and Painting" at the ICA in London 1966. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Conjurer of Souls / de Zayas, Marius ; Apollinaire G ; Picabia F ; Steiglitz A ; Weber M., 1981
This catalogue has a fairly detailed biography of de Zayas. The exhibition features caricatures of famous poets and artists, -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Couci Couca. No.5 / Wolfli A ; Jarry A ; Apollinaire G., 1985
Creating the World: Poetry, Art, and Children / Carpenter, John ; Apollinaire G ; Mallarme S ; Malevich K ; Marinetti FT ; Thomas D ; Breton A., 1986
This book is an anthology of visual and picture poems made by students from kindergarten to the 12th grade living in Seattle, Washington. The poems and teaching methods are analyzed by the author who was a poet-in-residence in the school system in Seattle. In the final chapter, he presents and comments on poems by established adult poets. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Cubist Prints/Cubist Books , 1983
Portrays Apollinaire as rendered by Louis Marcoussis. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.