Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 63
New World Collective records
A Des Moines collective which existed between 1972 and 1980. Members lived communally and participated in a variety of progressive actions.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Norse Club records
Founded in Iowa City in 1937 to celebrate its members' Norwegian heritage.
North Madison Happy Pals 4-H Club records
Local chapter of 4-H organized in Mahaska County, Iowa, 1952.
O'Brien County Farm Bureau Women records
Organization to promote the interests of farmwomen.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Omega Township Women's Club (O'Brien County) records
OOP (Marion, Iowa) records
Women's study club founded in 1867 by young women who had attended the Marion Female Seminary.
Palo Alto Garden Club (Emmetsburg, Iowa) records
Percival Needlecrafters scrapbooks
Percival, Iowa club that made quilts to raise money for the community.
Professional Women's League (Des Moines, Iowa) records
Women's club founded in Des Moines in January 1900.
Shakespeare Club of Marion (Iowa) records
Women's study club organized in 1909 in Marion, Iowa.
Sioux County Women's Chorus (Iowa) records
Choral group that was invited to represent Iowa at the New York World's Fair in 1939.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Tennyson Study Club (Marion, Iowa) records
Study club founded in 1932 to discuss works by Alfred Tennyson; it later expanded its focus to include charitable and community-based activities.
The Clionian Club (Davenport, Iowa) records
Women's study group which originated in 1874.
The Recital Club (Garner, Iowa) records
Organized in 1901 to promote the arts and community service.
Theristriai Club (Marion, Iowa) records
Marion, Iowa, study club that was founded in 1867.
TOPS Club records
Organization that provided support for weight loss.
United Sisters of Black Hawk County records
Iowa affiliate of Networking Together, Inc., an organization for women of color.
University of Iowa Dental Hygiene Program records
University of Iowa Department of Physical Education for Women records
The department was established in 1924 and was a pioneer in the development of graduate study and professional training. The department existed until 2010 under a variety of names and organizations.
West Lucas Women's Club (Johnson County, Iowa) records
The club initially met on the second Tuesday of the month for conversation, a program, and refreshments. Later, meetings were held bimonthly and were dedicated to study, roll call, a program, and refreshments.