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Showing Collections: 61 - 80 of 996

Ben C. Phillips Papers

Identifier: MsC0071

Records of income and expenses kept by a dentist in Maquoketa, Iowa.

Dates: 1901-1931

Bernadine Solberg papers

Identifier: IWA0579

Engineering clerk, weaver, photographer, and traveler from Boone, Iowa.

Dates: 1855-1980

Bernice Larson Boyum papers

Identifier: IWA0194

Ellsworth, Iowa, woman who served in World War II.

Dates: 1943-1993

Bernice Leary papers

Identifier: IWA0030

Educator, author, collector of children's books.

Dates: 1878-1977

Bernice Zimmer papers

Identifier: IWA0876

Diaries of an Iowa woman.

Dates: 1932-2010

Bertha Hedges papers

Identifier: IWA0846

A talented seamstress and milliner, Bertha Gotter Hedges was born in Greene County, Iowa, in 1887.

Dates: 1870-2014

Bertha Korn Tucker papers

Identifier: IWA0434

Writer and life-long student who was active in the Sisterhood (Jewish aid society) at the Beth El Jacob Synagogue in Des Moines and Hadassah, a national organization aiding disadvantaged Jews, primarily children.

Dates: 1920-1999

Bess Aldrich papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0104

Twentieth-century writer.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1915-1919

Bess Newcomer papers

Identifier: IWA0663

Appanoose County farmwoman, columnist, and Farm Bureau officer.

Dates: 1936-1978

Bessie Wilkerson papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0320

Former seamstress and long-time resident of Fort Madison, Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1994

Best Ever Club (Percival, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0179

A women's study club in Percival, Iowa that was founded in 1922.

Dates: 1929-1994

Bette Brooks Stone papers

Identifier: IWA0360

Mapleton, Iowa high school student who sent telegrams for Western Union during World War II.

Dates: 1941-1993

Bettie McKenzie papers

Identifier: IWA0136

Community activist from Red Oak, Iowa.

Dates: 1870-2005

Betty Jean Clark papers

Identifier: IWA0153

Iowa legislator from 1976 to 1990.

Dates: 1935-1994

Betty Jean Furgerson papers

Identifier: IWA0111

Teacher, social worker, human rights commission director, and university regent from Waterloo.

Dates: 1921-2010

Betty M. Burger papers

Identifier: IWA0792

Congressional caseworker from 1967 until 2007.

Dates: 1973-2009

Betty Rugen Schutter papers

Identifier: IWA0477

Scrapbook and correspondence to her parents during her student years at the State University of Iowa.

Dates: 1937-1980

Beulah Wiederrecht papers

Identifier: IWA0508

Correspondence between Wapello farm woman and two Polish families after World War II.

Dates: 1946-1995

Beverly A. Hannon papers

Identifier: IWA0065

Two-term Iowa state senator. Hannon chaired the Human Resources Committee and was instrumental in founding the Iowa Women's Foundation in Iowa City.

Dates: 1968-2015

Beverly Barnes Fix papers

Identifier: IWA0609

Television and radio broadcaster, producer and writer who worked in Iowa and Hollywood in the 1940s.

Dates: 1974-2001

Filtered By

  • Language: English X
  • Subject: Archives (groupings) X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Iowa Women's Archives 798
University of Iowa Special Collections 162
University of Iowa Archives 36
Personal papers 600
Photographs 597
20th century 558
Correspondence 281
2001-2010 272
∨ more
Scrapbooks 225
Iowa 218
Iowa City (Iowa) 208
Administrative records 184
1991-2000 176
Diaries 167
Rural women 165
Oral histories 164
Women in agriculture 155
Cultural artifacts 154
Women -- Societies and clubs 153
Families 150
1981-1990 144
Women -- Political activity 125
Sound recordings 124
Speeches 121
Teachers 118
College students 112
Memoirs 111
1971-1980 110
Women lawyers 109
Video recordings 107
Autobiographies 102
Des Moines (Iowa) 100
Women 96
Farm life 89
Teaching 88
Homemakers 83
Farmers 80
Authors 75
Clubs 74
Clippings (information artifacts) 71
Women in education 69
College teachers 67
Yearbooks 63
Rural families 61
African American women -- Iowa 59
Social participation 59
Women -- 19th century 59
Women in public life 59
Photograph albums 57
African American women 54
Women and War 53
World War, 1939-1945 53
Women in higher education 49
Women's rights 47
English literature 46
Political participation 46
Community activists 45
Political campaigns 45
American literature 44
Slides (photographs) 43
Journalists 42
Volunteers 42
Writers Archive at Iowa 41
Community organization 37
Legislators 37
Voyages and travels 37
Davenport (Iowa) 35
High school students 35
Nurses 34
Rural girls 34
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 32
2011-2020 31
Feminism 31
Family papers 30
1941-1950 29
Artists 29
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 29
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 29
Twentieth century 29
1961-1970 28
Manuscripts (documents) 28
Political activists 28
Sports for girls 27
Sports for women 27
Typescripts 27
Women in charitable work 27
Women in medicine 27
Bisexuals 26
Feminists 26
Gays 26
Lesbians 26
Poets 26
Posters 26
Sexual minorities 26
Transgender people 26
Women in community organization 26
Women in nonprofit organizations 26
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 26
Equal rights amendments 25
Pacifism 25
Social workers 25
Women in journalism 25
+ ∧ less
Dutch; Flemish 1
Finnish 1
French 1
German 1
Icelandic 1
∨ more  
University of Iowa 70
State University of Iowa 67
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 20
Democratic Party (Iowa) 19
Republican Party (Iowa) 19
∨ more
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 12
American Association of University Women 10
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 9
Iowa State Teachers College 9
League of Women Voters of Iowa 9
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 8
Drake University 7
Grinnell College 7
Iowa State College 7
University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives 7
American National Red Cross 6
Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 6
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 6
Mason, Kären 6
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 6
University of Northern Iowa 6
General Federation of Women's Clubs 5
Iowa State University 5
Iowa Women's Political Caucus 5
League of United Latin American Citizens. Council 10 (Davenport, Iowa) 5
State University of Iowa. Department of Home Economics 5
United Nations 5
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 5
University of Iowa. College of Nursing 5
White family 5
City High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 4
Daughters of the American Revolution 4
Emma Goldman Clinic 4
Iowa Mother of the Year 4
League of Women Voters of Johnson County, Iowa 4
Republican National Committee (U.S.) 4
Shrauger, Cornelia Prentiss, 1896-1985 4
State University of Iowa. School of Nursing 4
United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve 4
University High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 4
University of Iowa. Department of English 4
University of Iowa. Women's Resource and Action Center 4
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 3
Coe College 3
Des Moines Women's Club 3
Ellsworth Community College (Iowa Falls, Iowa) 3
Everett, Beverly, 1926-2001 3
Girl Scouts of the United States of America 3
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 3
Iowa Civil Rights Commission 3
Iowa Cornets (Basketball team) 3
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation 3
Iowa Porkettes 3
Jones, Virginia Shrauger, 1921- 3
Keene, Carolyn 3
Keyes, Margaret N., 1918-2015 3
League of United Latin American Citizens 3
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 3
National Organization for Women 3
National Organization for Women. Iowa 3
National Women's Political Caucus (U.S.) 3
Noun, Louise R. (1908-2002) 3
O'Dea, Suzanne, 1950- 3
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 3
Smith, Mary Louise (1914-1997) 3
United Nations Association of the United States of America 3
United States. Navy 3
University of Iowa. Department of History 3
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education and Dance 3
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education for Women 3
University of Iowa. Women's Studies Program 3
University of Minnesota 3
University of Wisconsin 3
Veterans Administration Hospital (Iowa City, Iowa) 3
Wirt, Mildred A. (Mildred Augustine), 1905-2002 3
Women's Professional Basketball League 3
YWCA of Greater Des Moines 3
Young Women's Christian Association (State University of Iowa) 3
Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A. 3
Amana Society 2
American Association for the United Nations 2
Anderson, Margaret, 1928- 2
Artists In Action (Muscatine, Iowa) 2
Atlantic High School (Atlantic, Iowa) 2
Blanchard, Ruth 2
Blanchard, Thomas 2
Braunwarth, Sarah, 1853-1927 2
Camp Fire Girls 2
Camp Fire Girls. Iowana Council 2
Campbell, Bonnie J., 1948- 2
Central College (Pella, Iowa) 2
Conlin, Roxanne Barton, 1944- 2
Cornell College (Mount Vernon, Iowa) 2
Crawford family 2
Darling, Jay N. (Jay Norwood), 1876-1962 2
Davis, Aldeen 2
Day, Cornelia, 1919-2004 2
Des Moines Art Center 2
Ellsworth family 2
Engle, Paul, 1908-1991 2
+ ∧ less