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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 32

Aaron Silander papers

Identifier: IWA0525

Iowa City feminist and activist.

Dates: 1972-2004

Campaign to Add Women to the Iowa Constitution records

Identifier: IWA0400

Organization formed to work for passage of Iowa state ERA.

Dates: 1978-1998

Carolyn Dyer papers

Identifier: IWA0884

Professor Emeritus of Journalism at the University of Iowa and Nancy Drew scholar.

Dates: 1905-2016

Emma Goldman Clinic (Iowa City, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0466

Feminist health clinic.


Administration Boxes 1-30 and 66

EGC projects Boxes 30-48 and 67

Anti-abortion movement Boxes 48-50 and 67

Pro-choice movement Boxes 50-53 and 67

Publications, EGC Boxes 53-54

Publications, non-EGC Boxes 54-56 and 67-68

Newspaper clippings Boxes 56-57 and 68

Photographs Boxes 36, 59-50, and 58-60

Scrapbook Box 61

Artifacts Boxes 38, 62-63, and 69

Audiovisual [audiocassette and videocassette collections]

Dates: 1971-2013

Ingleside Club (Mount Vernon, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0207

Program on feminism discussed by this book club in Mount Vernon, Iowa.

Dates: 1993-1995

Iowa Women's Political Caucus records

Identifier: IWA0019

Organization to promote the advancement of women in politics.

Dates: 1972-1999

Jane Alison Weiss papers

Identifier: IWA0129

Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Iowa, 1978-1981.

Dates: 1967-1981

Joyce Nielsen papers

Identifier: IWA0665

Feminist, legislator and community activist who worked in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Dates: 1951-1996

Judy Klemesrud papers

Identifier: IWA0094

Nationally recognized journalist whose reporting included coverage of the women's movement.

Dates: 1939-1995

Kittredge Cherry and Audrey Lockwood

Identifier: IWA0759

Life partners Kittredge Cherry (1957-), an author, journalist, and minister to the LGBT community, and Audrey Lockwood (1957- ), a financial planner, met as students at the University of Iowa in 1975 and lived and worked in Japan before settling in California.

Dates: 1970-2009

Linda Kinney Neuman papers

Identifier: IWA0532

Served for over twenty years in the Iowa judiciary and was the first woman to be appointed to the Iowa Supreme Court.

Dates: 1975-2018

Linda Yanney papers

Identifier: IWA0413

Iowa City feminist and champion of LGBT rights.

Dates: 1948-2000

Louise Goldman papers

Identifier: IWA0307

Public servant, feminist activist, and poet from Davenport, Iowa.

Dates: 1933-1997

Mary Grefe papers

Identifier: IWA0186

Educator, social activist, politician and businesswoman who was inducted into the Iowa Women's Hall of Fame in 1980.

Dates: 1943-1997

Midwest Women's Studies Association records

Identifier: IWA0649

Regional branch of the National Women's Studies Association.

Dates: 1979-1992

Naomi Schedl papers

Identifier: IWA0548

Artist and professor in the Department of Home Economics at the University of Iowa.

Dates: 1966-2004

National Organization for Women, Cedar Rapids Chapter records

Identifier: IWA1382

Cedar Rapids feminist activist organization.

Dates: 1983 - 1988

National Organization for Women, Des Moines Chapter records

Identifier: IWA0014

Feminist activist organization records.

Dates: 1971-1987

National Organization for Women, Dubuque Chapter records

Identifier: IWA0223

The group was formed in 1973. The purpose of the group was to improve and expand the role of women in society and it supported the Equal Rights Amendment, safe and legal abortion among other issues.

Dates: 1973-1995

National Organization for Women, Iowa records

Identifier: IWA0013

Feminist activist organization records.

Dates: 1976-1989

Filtered By

  • Language: English X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Feminism X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Feminism 31
Archives (groupings) 30
Photographs 19
1971-1980 17
Personal papers 16
∨ more
1981-1990 15
Feminists 15
1991-2000 14
Administrative records 14
2001-2010 13
Iowa City (Iowa) 13
Women's rights 13
Women 12
Women -- Political activity 12
Women -- Societies and clubs 12
Cultural artifacts 11
Iowa 11
Women lawyers 11
20th century 10
Video recordings 10
Political participation 9
Sound recordings 8
Bisexuals 7
Equality before the law 7
Gays 7
Lesbians 7
Sexual minorities 7
Speeches 7
Transgender people 7
College teachers 6
Community activists 6
Equal rights amendments 5
Oral histories 5
Scrapbooks 5
Sex role 5
Correspondence 4
Des Moines (Iowa) 4
Sex discrimination against women 4
Social advocacy 4
Social service 4
Women in higher education 4
College students 3
Discrimination in employment 3
Families 3
Journalists 3
Photograph albums 3
Political activists 3
Posters 3
Sexism 3
Slides (photographs) 3
Social justice 3
Women in journalism 3
Women's studies 3
Abortion 2
Agriculture 2
Authors 2
Businesswomen 2
Child care 2
College teaching 2
Community education 2
Farmers 2
Johnson County (Iowa) 2
Political campaigns 2
Political candidates 2
Politicians 2
Racism 2
Rural women 2
Sex crimes 2
Sex discrimination in higher education 2
Sexual harassment 2
Social participation 2
Social workers 2
Spousal abuse 2
Sustainable agriculture 2
Teachers 2
Teaching 2
Women in agriculture 2
Women in finance 2
Women in public life 2
Working class women 2
1961-1970 1
2011-2020 1
AIDS (Disease) 1
Adult education 1
Affirmative action programs 1
African Americans 1
Algona (Iowa) 1
Ames (Iowa) 1
Art 1
Artists 1
Authors, American 1
Autograph albums 1
Bioethics 1
Birth control 1
Book clubs 1
Books and reading 1
Career development 1
Caterers and catering 1
Caucus 1
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 1
+ ∧ less
Finnish 1
French 1
Icelandic 1
Japanese 1
Norwegian 1
∨ more
Swedish 1
+ ∧ less
University of Iowa 4
University of Iowa. Women's Studies Program 3
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 2
National Organization for Women. Iowa 2
O'Brien, Denise, 1949- 2
∨ more
AIDS Coalition of Johnson County (Iowa) 1
American Association of University Women 1
Anderson, Marilyn 1
Atwood, Roy Alden 1
Barker, Patti 1
Bevin, Nancy 1
Blundall, Joan, 1945- 1
Bollin, Kathy 1
Campaign to Add Women to the Iowa Constitution 1
Campbell, Bonnie J., 1948- 1
Carmack, Patricia Jo 1
Cherry, Kittredge, 1957- 1
Christensen, Naomi 1
Coe College 1
Crane, Amanda Jean 1
Crossley, Laura 1
Cruikshank, Rena 1
Daggett, Heather 1
Davis, Laura 1
Dolgos, Gypsy 1
Durham, Leona 1
Dyer, Carolyn 1
Eaton, Linda 1
Eddy, Pat 1
Elliott, Wende 1
Embree, Wilma 1
Emma Goldman Clinic 1
Faga, Linda 1
Flunder, Yvette A. 1
Ganz, Sheila 1
Garst, Liz 1
Garst, Mary 1
Gearheart, Sally 1
Glanton, Willie 1
Goldman, Louise, 1924-1998 1
Goldsmith, Judith 1
Grabner, Barbara 1
Gradwell, Shelley 1
Grefe, Mary 1
Griffieon, LaVon 1
Griffis, Lynn 1
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 1
Hanley, Sarah (1937-) 1
Hansen, Betty 1
Hawkeye Area Community Action Program 1
Herring, Patricia, 1944- 1
Hickok, Kathleen 1
Hodne, Carol 1
Ingleside Club (Mount Vernon, Iowa) 1
International Council for Adult Education 1
International Feminists of Japan Meeting (1985 : Tokyo, Japan) 1
Iowa Center for AIDS Resources and Education 1
Iowa City Free Medical Clinic 1
Iowa City Women's Press 1
Iowa Community AIDS Partnership 1
Iowa State University 1
Iowa State University. Library 1
Iowa Women's Caucus Research and Education Center 1
Iowa Women's Political Caucus 1
Iowa. Department of Public Health 1
Iowa. Supreme Court 1
Jackson, Jesse, 1941- 1
Jensen, Dorothy 1
Jesina, Sheryl 1
Jew, Jean Y. 1
Johnson County (Iowa). Department of Public Health 1
Jones, Cleve 1
Kazina, Ben 1
Keene, Carolyn 1
Kirschman, Fred 1
Kittredge family 1
Kittredge, Mabel Hyde 1
Klemesrud, Judy 1
Koester, Kymbyrly 1
Kramer, Mary, (Legislator) (1935-) 1
Laughlin, Ruth, 1954-1986 1
League of Women Voters of Iowa 1
Levins Morales, Aurora, 1954- 1
Lindener, Eileen 1
Linn, Martha 1
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 1
Lockwood, Audrey, 1957- 1
Lockwood, George 1
Maduka, Sylvanus 1
Mahoso, Tafataona Pasipaipa 1
McNamera, Randa 1
McNeill, John J. 1
Metcalf, Janet, 1935- 1
Metropolitan Community Church 1
Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco (San Francisco, Calif.) 1
Midwest Women's Studies Association 1
Midwest Women's Studies Association. Conference 1
Mitulski, Jim 1
Mollenkott, Virginia R. 1
Mondale, Walter F., 1928- 1
+ ∧ less