Showing Collections: 1321 - 1340 of 1774
Oral Histories of Iowa Policewomen
15 interviews and associated materials document the entry of women into Iowa's law enforcement agencies.
Organizations and Clubs Vertical Files
The Organizations and Clubs Vertical Files of the University of Iowa Archives consist of material pertaining to over 600 former and current University and student organizations, including fraternities and sororities, the Afro-American Cultural Center, Asian Society, Biblical Archaeology Club, Dead Poets Society, Gay People's Union, and clubs formed around such interests as photography, languages, sports, or games. The files may include, but are not limited to, pamphlets, newspaper articles, reports, programs and posters. The collection is a convenient source of information about University of Iowa student organizations and clubs. Each entry below represents a folder pertaining to that particular club or organization.To access a folder in our reading room, note the title of the desired folder and the name and RG number of this collection, then contact staff in the Department of Special Collections with your request.
Ortha Harstad papers
An Iowa native, avid traveler, and community activist.
Ortha Lane papers
1917 graduate of Cornell College, Iowa, who served as a missionary in the Changchao District of Northern China.
Ortha P. Neff papers
Red Cross staff member who was stationed in Okinawa and Hawaii during World War II.
Osha Gray Davidson Papers
Free-lance journalist and author of Broken Heartland and Under Fire. Correspondence, research notes, and preliminary drafts of his writings.
Otha Wearin Papers
The papers of a Congressman from Iowa in 1932, 1934, and 1936 who was also a writer and was inducted into the Cowboy Hall of Fame for his westerns.
Otilia Gomez Savala papers
Davenport woman raised in the Cook's Point neighborhood, whose parents emigrated from Mexico in the early twentieth century.
Ottumwa Railway & Light Company Records
Street railroad, electric light and steam power business in Ottumwa, Iowa. Maps, legal documents, correspondence, and subject files.
Our Rightful Place: Iowa Women in Politics oral history collection
Oral histories with women who have served in statewide or federal elected office representing residents of the state of Iowa.
Owen and Leone Elliott Papers
Cedar Rapids business people and collectors who donated their silver collection to the University of Iowa Museum of Art. This collection is made up of a series of correspondence and inventories of the Elliotts' library.
Paisley Family Diaries Collection
Diaries of John and Chloe Paisley. John served in the 10th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry in the Civil War, and later lived in Burlington, Iowa. Also includes diaries kept by Mabel Paisley and Susan Swan Lippitt. Contains Civil War diaries.
Palmer/Calkins/Corbin Papers
Letters, diaries, genealogies, papers, and videocassette dealing with the Civil War, the Mormon move west, and World War II.
Palo Alto Garden Club (Emmetsburg, Iowa) records
Pam Jochum papers
A paper delivered by Jochum on a panel titled "Women and Political Discourse" at the Conflict and Civility in Political Discourse symposium in 2011.
Pamela Walker Manuscripts
Teacher and novelist. Author of Twyla (1973, 1976), a book for young adults. Three drafts, related correspondence.
Papers of Joe Bolkcom
Papers related to Joe Bolkcom (Senator) and his various roles in local and state offices.
Papers of Ruth Suckow
This collection is comprised of photographs, letters, paintings, and manuscripts of Ruth Suckow, family, and friends.