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Showing Collections: 21 - 40 of 253

Birdie Sears papers

Identifier: IWA0903

Autograph book and genealogy of 19th century Iowa woman.

Dates: 1875-2013

Blanca Vasquez Gaines papers

Identifier: IWA0899

Puerto Rican woman who served in the Women's Army Corps during World War II and trained at Fort Des Moines, Iowa.

Dates: 1944-2009

Bonnie Kern papers

Identifier: IWA0797

Iowa author who was a victim of sexual and physical abuse, served time in prison and later placed into Iowa's work release program.


Bonnie Kern's book, Proclivity, is shelved in the printed works collection in IWA.

Dates: 1945 - 2014

Book Review Club (Manchester, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0575

The club was a social group gathered in homes to review books.

Dates: 1938-2007

Boone Township Women's Club (Wright County, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0504

The club was organized in 1911 for the social and intellectual benefit of the ladies of Boone and the surrounding area.

Dates: 1911-2002

Bowersox and Osborn Family papers

Identifier: IWA0500

The Bowersox family settled in Johnson County, Iowa in approximately 1855. The papers include a family account book, school exams and teaching certificates.

Dates: 1861-2002

Burchard Family papers

Identifier: IWA0800

The family lived in New York state until 1862 when they moved to Illinois before settling in Iowa in 1910. The diaries are from several generations.

Dates: 1861-2003

Carol Hodne papers

Identifier: IWA0488

Iowa farm activist who served as the first executive director of the North American Farm Alliance during the farm crisis of the 1980s.

Dates: 1921-2005

Carrie Lindahl papers

Identifier: IWA0638

Rural Linn County banker who worked outside of the home from 1910s to 1960s.

Dates: 1875-2001

Cedar Investors (Cedar County, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0742

A women's investment club organized to invest the assets of the partnership solely in stocks, bonds, and securities, for the education and benefit of the partners.

Dates: 1983-2003

Cedar Valley Community Club (Muscatine County, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0594

Club formed in 1920 by rural women living near West Liberty, Iowa.

Dates: 1922-2009

Charlene "Mac" Eblen papers

Identifier: IWA0515

Homemaker from Wichita, Kansas whose papers consist primarily of journals.

Dates: 1965-2003

Cherry Muhanji papers

Identifier: IWA0366

Writer, lesbian activist, and University of Iowa alumna.

Dates: 1984-2006

Christine Grant papers

Identifier: IWA0329

Sports administrator, professor, and gender equity activist.

Dates: 1952-2022

Church Women United in Iowa records

Identifier: IWA0003

Ecumenical organization.

Dates: 1933-2018

Claudine Harris papers

Identifier: IWA0446

Harris worked in radiation detection instrumentation. She was active in the Johnson County League of Women Voters and the Johnson County Alliance for the Mentally Ill.

Dates: 1903 - 2022

Cloverleaf Club (Cass County, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0397

A social and benevolent women's club near Atlantic, Iowa.

Dates: 1918-2002

Connie McBurney papers

Identifier: IWA0888

Journalist and 1996 congressional candidate.

Dates: 1996-2002

Cornelia Shrauger Day papers

Identifier: IWA0328

Educated in journalism and law. Washington, Iowa, resident active in YWCA, Planned Parenthood and UNICEF.

Dates: 1890-2004

De Jong Family papers

Identifier: IWA0906

Dutch immigrants who settled in Iowa in the 1910s, and four generations of their descendants.

Dates: 1852-2011

Filtered By

  • Language: English X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: 2001-2010 X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Iowa Women's Archives 252
University of Iowa Archives 1
Archives (groupings) 247
Photographs 180
20th century 179
Personal papers 178
Iowa City (Iowa) 79
∨ more
Cultural artifacts 64
Scrapbooks 63
1991-2000 62
Oral histories 60
Correspondence 58
Administrative records 57
Diaries 53
Rural women 52
Women -- Societies and clubs 51
Women in agriculture 49
Sound recordings 47
Memoirs 46
Video recordings 45
1981-1990 44
Iowa 44
Women -- Political activity 40
Speeches 39
Families 38
College students 37
Autobiographies 36
Teachers 34
Women lawyers 33
Clubs 29
Women 29
2011-2020 28
1971-1980 27
Teaching 27
Farm life 26
Yearbooks 26
Des Moines (Iowa) 25
Homemakers 23
Community activists 22
Women in education 22
Women in higher education 22
College teachers 21
Farmers 21
Photograph albums 21
Volunteers 21
Rural families 20
Hispanic American families 19
Hispanic American women 19
Slides (photographs) 19
Social participation 18
Women in nonprofit organizations 18
Women in public life 18
World War, 1939-1945 18
Davenport (Iowa) 17
Pacifism 16
Political campaigns 16
Peace 15
Political activists 15
Women's rights 15
Bisexuals 13
Community organization 13
Gays 13
Immigrants 13
Lesbians 13
Political participation 13
Sexual minorities 13
Transgender people 13
Women and War 13
Women in charitable work 13
Authors 12
Feminism 12
Feminists 12
Immigrant families 12
Mexican American women 12
Women -- 19th century 12
Working class women 12
Rural girls 11
Social workers 11
Twentieth century 11
African American women -- Iowa 10
High school students 10
Mexican American families 10
Pacifists 10
Social service 10
Voyages and travels 10
Autograph albums 9
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 9
Chicago (Ill.) 9
Civil rights 9
Girls 9
Journalists 9
Posters 9
Women in church work 9
African American women 8
Artists 8
Family papers 8
Johnson County (Iowa) 8
Legislators 8
Local history 8
Nurses 8
Political candidates 8
+ ∧ less
Dutch; Flemish 1
University of Iowa 26
State University of Iowa 21
Democratic Party (Iowa) 6
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 5
Mason, KƤren 5
∨ more
Grinnell College 4
League of United Latin American Citizens. Council 10 (Davenport, Iowa) 4
League of Women Voters of Johnson County, Iowa 4
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 4
American Association of University Women 3
American National Red Cross 3
City High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 3
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 3
Iowa State Teachers College 3
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 3
Jones, Virginia Shrauger, 1921- 3
League of Women Voters of Iowa 3
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 3
O'Brien, Denise, 1949- 3
Shrauger, Cornelia Prentiss, 1896-1985 3
United Nations Association of the United States of America 3
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 3
Atlantic High School (Atlantic, Iowa) 2
Camp Fire Girls. Iowana Council 2
Day, Cornelia, 1919-2004 2
Englert, Edna Rummelhart, 1902-2005 2
Fox, Margaret, 1912-2010 2
Glandorf, Gil 2
Griffin, Edna, 1909-2000 2
Hemm, Joan, 1957- 2
Hodne, Carol 2
Iowa Civil Liberties Union 2
Iowa Civil Rights Commission 2
Iowa Mothers Association 2
Iowa State College 2
Iowa State University 2
League of United Latin American Citizens 2
League of Women Voters (Des Moines, Iowa) 2
Lipsky, Joan (1919-2015) 2
Mahaska County Farm Bureau. Women's Committee 2
Martin, Mona Kadel (1934-) 2
Mullen, Peg, 1917-2009 2
Muscatine Migrant Committee 2
Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays 2
Republican Party (Iowa) 2
Rural Women's Project (University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives) 2
Shrauger family 2
Shrauger, Harold, Sr. 2
Smith, Mary Louise (1914-1997) 2
United Nations 2
United States. Navy 2
University of Iowa. College of Nursing 2
University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives 2
University of Iowa. School of Art and Art History 2
University of Minnesota 2
University of Northern Iowa 2
University of Wisconsin 2
World Conference on Women 2
Yates-Glandorf, Janie B. 2
AIDS Coalition of Johnson County (Iowa) 1
Adams family 1
Adams, Janet (1937-) 1
Adams, Monroe Milton 1
Aguilera, Maria Mercedes, 1936-2013 1
Albia Woman's Club (Albia, Iowa) 1
Alfred University 1
Algona High School (Algona, Iowa) 1
Alliance for the Mentally Ill 1
American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 1
American Association for the United Nations 1
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 1
American Association of Dental Schools 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Dental Association 1
American Dental Hygienists' Association 1
American Educational Research Association 1
American Institute of Commerce 1
American Mission Upper Nile 1
American Mothers, Inc. 1
American Patients Association 1
American Psychological Association 1
American Theological Society 1
Anderson, Marilyn 1
Another Mother for Peace (Association) 1
Anothor Mother for Peace (Association). Northeastern Iowa Chapter 1
Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women's (Dubuque, Iowa) 1
Arizona State University 1
Art Institute of Chicago 1
Associated Country Women of the World 1
Associated Country Women of the World. Conference 1
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 1
Athens History Circle (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Athletic and Recreation Federation of College Women 1
Atlantic Refining Company 1
Audiovisual Education Association of Iowa 1
Audubon Society of Manchester (Iowa) 1
Balster, Stella Werden 1
Barcelo family 1
BarceloĢ, Nancy V., 1946- 1
+ ∧ less