Showing Collections: 141 - 160 of 241
Margaret Wilbourn Gerber papers
Clubwoman and activist who lived in Chicago, Albany, New York, and Iowa City.
Maria Cano Martinez papers
Maria Cano came to Iowa from Guanajuato, Mexico, with her parents in 1928. She established a Spanish language interpreter program at the University of Iowa Hospitals in 1975.
Marianne Michael papers
Served with her husband as missionaries for the Church of the Brethren in Garkida, Nigeria from 1948 to 1961.
Marie Tener Havel papers
Nurse who worked in Missouri in the 1930s and at the University of Iowa Hospitals from 1948 to 1965.
Marilyn Preheim Rose papers
Professor of Anthropology and Women's Studies at the University of Iowa.
Marion Miller Papers
State University of Iowa student, 1939-1943. Journals.
Marjorie Elizabeth Lyford papers
Public health and visiting nurse who later taught at the University of Iowa College of Nursing.
Martha Wahl papers
Mathematician and teacher who patented educational toys for teaching mathematics to children.
Mary C. Neuhauser papers
Democrat who served four terms in the Iowa House and one four-year term in the Senate (1986-1998).
Mary Ellen Moore papers
High school English teacher from Iowa City.
Mary Frances Reger-Wilkinson papers
Social worker who worked for the American National Red Cross during and after World War II.
Mary Gantz papers
Three student research papers on mid-19th century medical education at the University of Iowa written by Mary Gantz.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Mary Louise Smith papers
First woman to chair the Republican National Committee, serving from 1974 to 1977. Co-founder of the Louise Noun-Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women's Archives.
Mary Morton Ellsworth papers
Ohio born psychometrist who divorced in 1957 and moved to Iowa City with her daughters.
Mary Parden papers
University of Iowa graduate who worked as secretary to four University of Iowa presidents.
Mary Rouse papers
Journalist who worked for the Office of Public Information at the University of Iowa.
McCown Family Papers
Northwest Iowa family including Robert McCown, head of the University of Iowa Libraries Department of Special Collections from 1986-1997.
Mildred Augustine Wirt Benson papers
Journalist for the Toledo Blade and writer of the first Nancy Drew mysteries and other children's series books; collection includes writings, clippings, scrapbooks, fan mail, photographs, and a typewriter.
Mildred H. Lavin papers
Professor in instructional design and outreach education at the University of Iowa's College of Education.
9 audiocassettes shelved in audiocassette collection.
Milton Monroe Reigelman: Collection on The Midland
Collector and scholar. Chiefly correspondence assembled in preparing his A Study of the Midland Magazine: 1915-1933 (1973) and The Midland: a Venture in Literary Regionalism (1975).