Showing Collections: 21 - 40 of 64
Iowa City Women's Press records
Iowa City publisher and printer of lesbian and feminist books that existed from 1973 to 1985.
Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs records
Nondenominational and nonpartisan organization bringing Iowa women's clubs together.
Iowa Wesleyan University Records
The Iowa Wesleyan University records is comprised of various collections that documented Iowa Wesleyan's history and various elements of their campus, individuals, and eudcational offerings. Upon their closure, the materials were transferred to the University of Iowa Special Collections and Archives. The collections that were selected for Iowa, specifically fit Iowa's collection areas. The remaining of IWU's archives was given to the Henry County Heritage Trust. The IWU records contain materials from the Deutsche college, catalogs, their quarterly publication, and two collections of letters from World War II.
Irene Hoover papers
Farmwoman, 4-H leader, and volunteer who was active in the Farm Bureau and the Master Farm Homemakers Guild.
Josephine Witmer Van Liew papers
Secretary of the West Des Moines High School Class of 1908. Maintained alumni relations through the 65th class reunion.
Josie Thurston papers
Journalist who worked for the Des Moines Register between 1947 and 1957 and was later a freelance writer.
Joyce Beisswenger papers
Social worker and civil rights activist from Osage, Iowa.
Judy Klemesrud papers
Nationally recognized journalist whose reporting included coverage of the women's movement.
Lela Powers Briggs papers
An artist who farmed with her husband near La Porte, Iowa.
Leola Bergmann papers
Lonabelle Kaplan Spencer papers
American Association of University Women member and advocate for women's issues including dual listings for married women in Iowa telephone directories.
1997 ACCESSION: Boxes 1-11
2007 ACCESSION: Boxes 12-41
2008 ACCESSION: Boxes 42-65
Margaret Johnson papers
Farm woman, teacher, and recipient of the Master Farm Homemaker award in 1970.
Marilyn Preheim Rose papers
Professor of Anthropology and Women's Studies at the University of Iowa.
Marta Werner papers
Native of Mexico who came to Fort Madison, Iowa in 1914. Her community activism centered on the Iowa State Penitentiary in Fort Madison.
Mary Jane Odell papers
Television journalist and politician who served as Iowa Secretary of State from 1980 to 1986.
Mary Johnston Elson papers
Iowa teacher from Jefferson County who taught in rural schools for forty-four years and was active in the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs.
Mary McDermott Shideler papers
Theologian, writer and lecturer whose work encompassed religious theology, philosophy and psychology.
McCown Family Papers
Northwest Iowa family including Robert McCown, head of the University of Iowa Libraries Department of Special Collections from 1986-1997.
Modern Idea Club of Thurman Iowa records
Fremont County, Iowa women's club that was responsible for opening a public library in the small town of Thurman in 1936.
Monday Afternoon Club (Fort Madison, Iowa) records
Cultural women's club in Fort Madison, Iowa which focused on intellectual improvement through study and reading.