Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 28
Christie York papers
University of Iowa graduate and laboratory assistant who was active in student government and served as a steward in AFSCME Local 12.
DeGowin Blood Center Records (SEE: Papers of Elmer DeGowin)
See: Papers of Elmer DeGowin (RG99.0320).
Department of Dentistry University Hospitals and Clinics Records
Department of Respiratory Therapy records
Breath Sounds, a publication of Respiratory Therapy; 0.25 ft. Respiratory Therapy; 0.25 ft.
Department of Surgery University Hospitals and Clinics Records
This collection contains various reports relating to the surgery department at the University Hospitals and Clinics. Materials such as statistical reports, publications, and guidelines relating to transplants.
Elizabeth "Bettye" Crawford Tate papers
Owner and operator of the Tate Arms, a boarding house for African American male students at the University of Iowa during the 1940s and 1950s.
Epidemiology Department Records
Family Planning Records
Institute of Gerontology Records
Iowa Mental Health Authority Records
The materials in this collection pertain to the Iowa Mental Health Authority's operations from 1954-1981 including reports, newsletters, and critical resources and publications in the field through pamphlets and bibliographies.
Lois Boulware papers
Physician in the University of Iowa Student Health Department, who established the Patient Advocacy Program at University Hospitals after marrying and having a child.
Maria Cano Martinez papers
Maria Cano came to Iowa from Guanajuato, Mexico, with her parents in 1928. She established a Spanish language interpreter program at the University of Iowa Hospitals in 1975.
Marie Tener Havel papers
Nurse who worked in Missouri in the 1930s and at the University of Iowa Hospitals from 1948 to 1965.
Nursing Service Department Records
Nutrition Department Records
Oakdale Sanatorium Records
The Records of Oakdale Sanatorium include photographs, newsletters, and patient council meeting minutes. The collection does not include patient records; these are maintained by University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
Pathology Department Records
Patricia Herring papers
Feminist, social worker, and advocate for persons with HIV/AIDS.
Pediatrics Department Records
Pharmacology Department Records
P & T News, formerly Pharmacy Bulletin; Formulary and Handbook.