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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 34

Allen Wortman Papers

Identifier: MsC0732

Editor of the Malvern Leader. Personal and professional correspondence.

Dates: 1918-1990

Arthur Francis Allen Papers

Identifier: MsC0357

Editor of the Sioux City Journal. Primarily correspondence, with speeches, clippings, and a scrapbook on Abraham Lincoln.

Dates: 1913-1949; Majority of material found in 1919-1930

B.H. Shearer Papers

Identifier: MsC0242

Newspaperman in Columbus Junction, Iowa. Journals, correspondence, business records, and subject files relating to his life and career as the editor and publisher of the Columbus Gazette and as the publisher of the Iowa Union Farmer. Subject files include topics ranging from the Iowa Union Farmer to the Louisa County Fair.

Dates: 1901-1969

Bruce Bliven Papers

Identifier: MsC0566

Author, editor of The New Republic 1923-1953, and journalist. Typescript drafts, galleys, and page proofs for two books, Preview of Tomorrow and The World Changers.

Dates: 1952-1965

Bruce Gould Papers

Identifier: msc0614
Scope and Contents

There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, Msc0869.

Dates: 1929-1968

Charlotte M. Smith Papers, Including the Records of the Tamazunchale Press

Identifier: MsC0457

Publisher of miniature books in Newton, Iowa, founded by Charlotte and Thomas Smith. Correspondence, typescripts, proofs, advertising, contracts, etc., have been combined with Charlotte M. Smith's personal papers.

Dates: 1970-2001

Clarence W. Moody Papers

Identifier: MsC0326

Editor and publisher of the Burlington Hawk-Eye, civic leader. Newspaper clippings, correspondence, speeches, etc., concerning the newspaper and the Burlington, IA area, with information on the Great River Road Project of the 1960s.

Dates: 1932-1965; Majority of material found within 1950-1965

Conger Reynolds Papers

Identifier: MsC0183

Journalist, diplomat, and public relations expert. Subject files, correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks, etc. relating to his varied career, from WWI intelligence officer to Chicago Tribune editor in Paris to consulate official to public relations director for Standard Oil.

Dates: 1899-1970

Facts for Farmers Records

Identifier: MsC0485

Agricultural publication (1935-1962) edited by Charles J. Coe.

Dates: 1930-1990; Majority of material found within 1930-1949

Fairfield Daily Ledger Records and Walter Williams Papers

Identifier: MsC0155

Account books, tax receipts, operating statements, advertising returns, other financial records.

Dates: 1930-1938

Frank Nye Papers

Identifier: MsC0437

Reporter and editor for The Cedar Rapids Gazette. Correspondence, subject files, and photographs relating to Nye's career with the Gazette. Includes information on Iowa politics and legislature, reapportionment, Herbert Hoover, and copies of articles written by Nye.

Dates: 1942-1983

Frank Starzell Papers

Identifier: MsC0231

General manager of Associated Press. The scrapbooks contain photographs, speeches, press releases, and articles from his career with the Associated Press.

Dates: 1942-1959

Gladys Denny Shultz Papers

Identifier: msc0692

Editor with Better Homes and Gardens and The Ladies' Home Journal and author of biographies. Typescript of her Jenny Lind (1962).

Dates: -

Glenn E. Whitehead Papers

Identifier: MsC0237

State legislator and Perry, Iowa, newspaper publisher. Correspondence, poetry, diary, subject files, etc. relating to both his private and professional life. Includes items ranging from campaign advertising to his WWI supply officer's manual.

Dates: 1924-1963

Henry Agard Wallace Papers

Identifier: MsC0177

Editor of Wallaces' Farmer 1921-1933; Secretary of Agriculture, 1933-1940; Vice-President of the United States, 1941-1945; Secretary of Commerce, 1945-1946. Includes audio visual materials; clippings; an extensive collection of correspondence, including photocopies of the microfilm edition of the originals in the Library of Congress, Manuscript Division; government documents; personal papers; photographs; research materials, with an emphasis on agriculture, particularly corn, but including livestock, weather, strawberries, chickens, and gladioli; writings, and speeches.

Dates: 1923-2004

Henry C. Wallace Papers

Identifier: MsC0179

Second editor of Wallaces' Farmer; appointed U.S. Secretary of Agriculture by Warren Harding (1921-1924). Member of exec. committee of the Roosevelt Memorial Association and of the International Committee of Young Men's Christian Association. Arranged in broad subject categories. The correspondence arranged in chronological order.

Dates: 1904-1930

Henry Wallace Papers

Identifier: MsC0180

First editor of Wallaces' Farmer. Arranged in broad subject categories and then in chronological order. Available on microfilm for use in repository, for interlibrary loan, and for purchase.

Dates: 1860-1924

James S. Flansburg Papers

Identifier: MsC0496

Journalist and editor for the Des Moines Register. Correspondence, editorials, and subject files reflecting his professional career as a reporter, editor, and columnist for the Register.

Dates: 1962-1998

John W. Carey Papers

Identifier: MsC0389

Newspaper editor in Rock Rapids and Sioux City, Iowa.

Dates: 1899-1943

Joseph E. Evans Papers

Identifier: MsC0275

Editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal. Correspondence, clippings and photographs relating to his editorial work, his experience in World War II, and his days as a graduate student at the University of Iowa.

Dates: 1935-1971

Filtered By

  • Repository: University of Iowa Special Collections X
  • Subject: American literature X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Editors X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Newspaper editors X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Periodical editors 33
Publishers and publishing 33
Iowa 18
Journalists 10
Newspaper publishing 9
∨ more
Clippings (information artifacts) 7
Scrapbooks 7
Archives (groupings) 6
Newspapers 5
Photographs 5
20th century 4
Correspondence 4
Speeches 4
Agriculture 3
Journalism 3
Authors, American 2
Business enterprises 2
Businessmen 2
Cashbooks 2
Columbus Junction (Iowa) 2
Diaries 2
Drafts (documents) 2
Manuscripts (documents) 2
Personal narratives 2
Personal papers 2
Political campaigns 2
Reporters and reporting 2
Wallaces' farmer (Des Moines, Iowa : 1898) 2
Wallaces' farmer (Des Moines, Iowa : 1959) 2
Wallaces' farmer and Iowa homestead (Des Moines, Iowa : 1929) 2
World War, 1914-1918 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
Account books 1
Agricultural exhibitions 1
Agricultural laws and legislation 1
Agriculture and politics 1
American newspapers 1
Anamosa (Iowa) 1
Antonin Dvorak 1
Apportionment (Election law) 1
Aristocrat 1
Audiovisual materials 1
Authors 1
Birds 1
Book collecting 1
Book interlude 1
Broadcasts 1
Buena Vista County (Iowa) 1
Burlington (Iowa) 1
Burlington Hawk-eye 1
Business records 1
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 1
Cedar Rapids Gazette 1
Chicago tribune. European ed 1
Children's books -- Authorship 1
Church history 1
Claude Monet 1
Clergy 1
Confessions of a wild boar 1
David Swan 1
Daybooks 1
Des Moines register and leader 1
Diplomatic and consular service 1
Diplomats 1
Dramatic criticism 1
Editorials 1
Editors 1
Evening sentinel (Shenandoah, Iowa) 1
Facts for farmers 1
Family papers 1
Farmers 1
Farms 1
Food supply 1
Geese 1
Government records 1
Great River Road 1
Halifax (N.S.) 1
Hollander garland 1
Ida County (Iowa) 1
Invoices 1
Journalism, School 1
Lay ministry 1
Ledgers (account books) 1
Legislative bodies 1
Legislative reporting 1
Legislators 1
Literary antiquary 1
Little store 1
Louisa County (Iowa) 1
Manuscripts for publication 1
Marshalltown (Iowa) 1
Marshalltown times-republican 1
Mason City (Iowa) 1
Mason City globe-gazette 1
Memorabilia 1
Methodist Church 1
+ ∧ less
University of Iowa 3
Republican Party (Iowa) 2
Speidel Newspaper Syndicate 2
United States. Department of Agriculture 2
Adler, Philip 1
∨ more
Allen, Arthur Francis 1
American Legion 1
American National Red Cross 1
Angelou, Maya 1
Associated Press 1
Bahar, Ann 1
Beck, Robert K. 1
Bliven, Bruce 1
Bliven, Bruce, 1889-1977 1
Booth, T. E. 1
Booth, Thomas Eyre, 1842-1927 1
Bowen, Howard Rothmann, 1908- 1
Bradstreet, Anne, 1612?-1672. 1
Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 1892-1973 1
Capote, Truman, 1924-1984 1
Carey, John W. 1
Coe, Charles J. (Charles Joseph), 1908- 1
Democratic Party (Iowa) 1
Evans, Joseph E. 1
Facts for Farmers 1
Fairfield Daily Ledger 1
Farm Research, Inc. 1
Flansburg, James S. 1
Gould, Bruce 1
Hall, W. Earl 1
Hancher, Virgil Melvin, 1896-1965 1
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864 1
Hollander, John 1
Hoover Presidential Library Association 1
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 1
Iowa Farmers Union 1
Iowa Governor's Reapportionment Action Committee 1
Iowa State Safety Council 1
Iowa. General Assembly 1
Iowa. State Board of Regents 1
Iowan 1
Irving, Washington, 1783-1859 1
Jarnagin, William C. 1
Lee Enterprises 1
Lennox Industries, Inc. 1
Lewis Publishing Company 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 1
Linograph Corporation 1
Moody, Clarence W. 1
National Board of the Young Men's Christian Associations 1
National Farmers' Union (U.S.) 1
Norris Jr., Paul G. 1
Nye, Frank 1
Oakville Iowa Sentinel 1
Parsons College (Fairfield, Iowa) 1
People to People Conference (1956: Washington, D.C.) 1
Public Relations Society of America 1
Radio Free Europe 1
Republican National Convention 1
Republican National Convention, 29th, Miami, Fla., 1968 1
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 1
Reynolds, Conger 1
Roosevelt Memorial Association 1
Savin, Janet 1
Shearer, B.H. 1
Shearer, Paul V. 1
Shultz, Gladys Denny 1
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 1904-1991 1
Smith, Charlotte M. 1
Smith, Charlotte, 1749-1806 1
Smith, Thomas R., 1909- 1
Speidel Newspapers Inc. 1
Speidel, Merritt C. 1
Standard Oil Company 1
Starzell, Frank 1
Tamazunchale Press 1
United Methodist Church (U.S.) 1
United Methodist Church (U.S.) Iowa Conference 1
United Service Organizations (U.S.) 1
United States Information Agency 1
United States. Food Administration 1
United States. Office of Private Cooperation 1
University of Iowa. Department of English 1
Updike, John 1
Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965 1
Wallace, Henry Cantwell, 1866-1924 1
Wallace, Henry, 1836-1916 1
Warren, Robert Penn, 1905-1989 1
Welty, Eudora, 1909-2001 1
White, E. B. (Elwyn Brooks), 1899-1985 1
Whitehead, Glenn E. 1
Williams, Walter 1
Wortman, Allen 1
Yoseloff, Thomas 1
Yoseloff, Thomas, 1913-2007 1
Young Men's Christian Associations of North America. International Committee 1
+ ∧ less