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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 56

Albert J. Cohen Papers

Identifier: MsC0126

American motion picture and television script writer and producer. Program scripts, department materials, memos, clippings, notes, correspondence, production budgets, and miscellaneous photographs.

Dates: 1948-1961; Majority of material found within 1951-1955

Alice French Papers

Identifier: MsC0605

One of the most successful women writers of the later 19th century, Octave Thanet's stories and novels celebrated the status quo; she lived much of her life in Davenport, Iowa. Our holdings consist of a holograph draft of her story, The Governor's Prerogative, photographs, photocopies of other stories, and a microfilm of Voice of Nature.

Dates: 1868-1962

Allen Motor Company Records

Identifier: MsC0874

Records of the oldest auto dealership in Iowa, including financial records, newsletters, and photographs.

Dates: 1903-2006

Augustus Sinning Papers

Identifier: MsC0391

Physician. Correspondence, clippings, notebooks, and other papers.

Dates: 1892-1948

Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce Records

Identifier: MsC0138

Budgets, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and other material.

Dates: 1874 - 1973; Majority of material found within 1935 - 1946

Clark M. Eichelberger Papers

Identifier: MsC0150.18

Articles, clippings, correspondence, lectures, photographs, etc.

Dates: 1914-1933

Clifford Thorne Papers

Identifier: MsC0188

Attorney, Iowa Railroad Commissioner and candidate for the U.S. Senate. Correspondence, speeches, notes and other material relating primarily to legal disputes involving transportation of agricultural products.

Dates: 1901-1923; Majority of material found within 1917-1922

Cornelia Meigs Papers

Identifier: MsC0658

Children's author and Iowa's first Newbery Award winner. This collection consists of a manuscript and various clippings. Iowa Author Mss.

Dates: 1949

Crawford and Eastwood Families Papers

Identifier: MsC0836

Correspondence, photographs, clippings, and genealogical records of these families, including materials relating to operating a farm near Prescott, Kansas; letters home from a worker on the Chautauqua circuit; and letters home from a professor of music.

Dates: 1910-2004

Dante Pierce Papers

Identifier: MsC0061

Farm editor. Correspondence with State and National Political figures including Smith Brookhart, Calvin Coolidge, Robert LaFolette, Henry Wallace, and George Wilson.

Dates: 1916-1948; Majority of material found within 1925-1945

Davenport Besler Corporation Papers

Identifier: MsC0081

Business records of a liquidated Davenport, Iowa, locomotive manufacturing company.

Dates: 1909-1955

Denton Chester Crowl Papers

Identifier: MsC0150.01

Lecturer-portrayalist, salesman and editorial writer for the Toledo Blade, Denton Crowl performed on the Chautauqua circuits and in other venues. This collection includes correspondence, appointment diaries, photographs, and manuscripts, mostly relating to his lecture and political activities.

Dates: 1909-1938

Donald P. Lay Papers

Identifier: MsC0858

Speeches, articles, and correspondence of a judge of the Eight Circuit Court of Appeals.

Dates: 1958-2004

Dr. Mark Ranney Papers

Identifier: MsC0190

Physician and book collector. Photographs, financial records, clippings and memorabilia.

Dates: 1854-1909; Majority of material found within 1870-1909

Earl F. Rose Papers

Identifier: MsC0860

Medical Examiner of Dallas County at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy, Rose performed the autopsies on Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. The reports and projector slides for these autopsies are here, as well as pathology slides for Ruby. Rose also kept clippings files on items related to the assassination, including a series on conspiracy theories. Clippings for other events of the latter half of the twentieth century such as Watergate and the Clinton impeachment are included here as well, as are photocopies of death certificates for some famous and infamous people, such as Nicole Brown Simpson and Bonnie Parker. Correspondence and personal papers form a portion of this collection, as well as a manuscript version of Dallas: My View of History, Rose's memoir of his time in Dallas.

Dates: 1963-2006

Edward C. Eicher Papers

Identifier: MsC0049

Lawyer, Government official, and U.S. Representative from Iowa. Correspondence, and speeches, including material on Iowa politics and government.

Dates: 1899-1944; Majority of material found within 1899-1901; Majority of material found within 1935-1938

Edwin Ford Piper Collection

Identifier: MsC0040

Piper's notes on Western ballads, with music for some; other folk materials including rhymes, riddles, games, folk sayings, quadrille calls, slang, superstitions, and folk remedies.

Dates: 1929-1941

Elbert Family Papers

Identifier: MsC0042

Legal papers, diplomas, certificates of appointments, scrapbook, 2 issues of Keosauqua, Iowa, newspapers (1852-58), and other papers.

Dates: 1828-1895; Majority of material found within 1850-1869

Eleanor Pownall Simmons Manuscripts

Identifier: MsC0698

Printmaker and artist, Simmons wrote and illustrated a number of books for children. This collection includes her artwork, typescript drafts, and artist's ephemera.

Dates: 1960 - 1970

Emlin McClain Papers

Identifier: MsC0035

Lawyer, judge, and professor. Personal and business correspondence, diaries, and speeches on painting. Most of the material dates before 1880, while McClain was a law student at the University of Iowa.

Dates: 1869 - 1915

Filtered By

  • Repository: University of Iowa Special Collections X
  • Subject: Clippings (information artifacts) X
  • Subject: Correspondence X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Archives (groupings) 49
Photographs 31
Iowa 24
American literature 17
English literature 17
∨ more
Writers Archive at Iowa 17
20th century 14
Scrapbooks 12
Articles 10
Drafts (documents) 9
Manuscripts (documents) 9
Speeches 9
Typescripts 9
Authors 8
Diaries 7
Motion picture authorship 7
Motion pictures -- Production and direction 7
Popular culture -- Study and teaching 7
Television -- Production and direction 7
Television authorship 7
Theater -- Study and teaching 7
Fiction -- Authorship 6
Galley proofs 6
Novelists 6
Poets 6
Biographies 5
Chautauquas 5
Notes 5
Posters 5
Research (documents) 5
Authors, American 4
Business enterprises 4
Business records 4
Businessmen 4
Children's books -- Authorship 4
Ephemera 4
Financial records 4
Legal documents 4
Pamphlets 4
Personal papers 4
Physicians 4
Programs 4
Sound recordings 4
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 4
Women authors 4
American drama 3
Annual reports 3
Broadsides (notices) 3
Brochures 3
Budgets 3
Des Moines (Iowa) 3
Dramatists 3
Interviews 3
Iowa City (Iowa) 3
Lecturers 3
Middle West 3
Minutes 3
Motion pictures 3
Newspapers 3
Notebooks 3
Photocopies 3
Poetry 3
Proofs (printed matter) 3
Research grants 3
Screenplays 3
Screenwriters 3
Slides (photographs) 3
Television programs 3
Universities and colleges -- Finance 3
Wages -- College employees 3
Actors 2
Administrative records 2
Advertising 2
American prose literature 2
Broadsheet (format) 2
Cartoonists 2
Clergy 2
College students 2
College teachers 2
Davenport (Iowa) 2
Diplomas 2
Editorial cartoonists 2
Editorial cartoons 2
Entertainers 2
First drafts 2
Genealogies 2
Lawyers 2
Lectures 2
Maps 2
Memorandums 2
Microfilms 2
Motion picture actors and actresses 2
Novels 2
Obituaries 2
Oral histories 2
Personal narratives 2
Petitions 2
Playbills 2
+ ∧ less
University of Iowa 4
Blanchard, Ruth 2
Blanchard, Thomas 2
Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965 2
Allen Motor Company 1
∨ more
Allen, Woody 1
Bissell, Bess G., 1908-1970 1
Blanchard, Tom 1
Bob Hanscom Players (Theatrical group) 1
Brown, Hazel E. 1
Brown, Lewis H. (Lewis Herold), 1894- 1
Carlson, Esther Elizabeth 1
Cassill, R. V. (Ronald Verlin), 1919-2002 1
Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce 1
Clark, Glenn, 1882-1956 1
Cohen, Albert J. 1
Colby, Anthony Owen 1
Committee of Seven 1
Cone, Marvin Dorwart, 1891-1965 1
Conlon, Paul 1
Crary, Margaret 1
Crawford and Eastwood Families 1
Crawford family 1
Crowl, Denton Chester 1
Darling, Jay N. (Jay Norwood), 1876-1962 1
Davenport Besler Corportation 1
Davenport Locomotive Works 1
Davenport-Besler Corporation 1
Donovan family 1
Drake University 1
Eastman, Harold Lloyd 1
Eastwood family 1
Eichelberger, Clark M. 1
Eicher, Edward Clayton, 1878-1944 1
Eisenschiml, Otto 1
Eisenschiml, Otto, 1880-1963 1
Elbert, John Downs 1
Elbert, S. LeRoy 1
Elbert, Samuel Hitt, 1833-1899 1
Elston, Hattie Phinnette, 1900- 1
Engle family 1
Engle, Paul 1
Engle, Paul, 1908-1991 1
Faulkner, William, 1897-1962 1
French, Alice 1
Harrison, Harry P., 1878- 1
Horner, Charles F. (Charles Francis), 1878-1967 1
Iowa Author's 1
Iowa Writers' Workshop 1
Ironmen (Football team) 1
J.N. "Ding" Darling Foundation 1
John Morrell & Co. 1
Johns-Manville, Incorporated 1
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 1
Keyes, Scott 1
Kinnick, Nile C. 1
Kinnick, Nile C. (Nile Clarke), 1918-1943 1
Lay, Donald P., 1926-2007 1
Lay, Donald Pomeroy 1
League of Iowa Municipalities 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 1
MacLaren, Gay 1
MacVicar, John 1
MacVicar, John, 1859-1928 1
Maibaum, Richard 1
Marsh, Willard 1
McClain, Emlin 1
McDonald, Julie 1
McDonald, Julie, 1929- 1
Meade, Marion 1
Meade, Marion, 1934- 1
Medary, Marjorie 1
Meigs, Cornelia 1
Meigs, Cornelia, 1884-1973 1
Miles, Mary E. Russell 1
Miller, Frank 1
Miller, Frank, 1926-1983 1
Morrill family 1
Muehl, Lois Baker 1
National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting 1
Nature Conservancy (U.S.). Iowa Chapter 1
New York & New England Railroad 1
O'Donovan, Timothy C., 1879-1954 1
Oram, Richard G. 1
Oram, Richard G., 1914-1999 1
Pierce, Dante 1
Pierce, Dante M. 1
Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad Company 1
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and St. Louis Railway Company 1
Progressive Party 1
Progressive Party (U.S. : 1948) 1
Radcliffe Chautauqua System 1
Radio Corporation of America 1
Ranney, Dr. Mark 1
Ranney, M. H. 1
Redpath Chautauqua Bureau 1
Redpath Lyceum Bureau 1
Redpath Vawter Chautauquas 1
Redpath, James, 1833-1891 1
Redpath-Horner Chautauquas 1
+ ∧ less