Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 60
Meredith Willson Papers
Writer, musician, composer, and lyricist, best known for The Music Man. Manuscript drafts from his books, a script from The Music Man, and sheet music.
Merle Miller Papers
Editor at Yank, Time and Harper's, biographer of presidents, script writer, and novelist. Drafts, correspondence, printer's copies, and reviews for four of his books; the materials for The Sure Thing (1953) are extensive.
Nancy Veglahn Papers
Author of numerous books for young adults, many on science subjects. Collection includes manuscripts and correspondence about, among other titles, Follow the Golden Goose (1971) and Coils, Magnets and Rings (1976).
Pamela Walker Manuscripts
Teacher and novelist. Author of Twyla (1973, 1976), a book for young adults. Three drafts, related correspondence.
Papers of Ruth Suckow
This collection is comprised of photographs, letters, paintings, and manuscripts of Ruth Suckow, family, and friends.
Paul Conlon United Nations Sanctions Papers
Documents supporting Dr. Conlon's United Nations Sanctions Management: A Case Study of the Iraq Sanctions Committee 1990-1994 (Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, Inc., 2001; ISBN 1-57105-059-0). Most relate to UN sanctions against Iraq from 1990 through the spring of 1995 with extensive materials dealing with UN sanctions against Yugoslaviain the same period plus items dealing with UN sanctions against Angola, Haitiand South Africa and relating to certain peacekeeping activities of the time.
Paul Corey Papers
Writer Three Miles Square (1939), environmentalist, and animal activist. Correspondence, subject files, scrapbooks, and preliminary drafts of writings.
R. Keith Courtney Papers
Iowa City resident and artist. From the late 1970s to the late 1980s Courtney conducted a project titled Notes From All Over, which invited artists to send him found objects and printed matter. The collection consists of art works, correspondence, and related documentation dating from 1971-1995.
Richard Pike Bissell Papers
Typescript and holograph drafts, galley proofs, editor's notes, source material, etc., documenting the writings of this Dubuque novelist and author of 7 1/2 Cents (1953), the basis of the musical hit, The Pajama Game (1954, filmed 1957).
Rose Mary Lawrence Papers
The manuscript of this national prize-winning short story by a twenty-two year old Davenport native.
Ruth Lechlitner Papers
Poet and teacher. Correspondence, subject files, and preliminary drafts of her writings.
Seymour Krim Papers
Journalist and essayist. Correspondence, typescripts, notes, reviews, published copies, etc. relating to his literary career and his contributions to beat literature and the new journalism movement.
Steven Dow Mossman Papers
Writer born in Cedar Rapids. Collection includes extensive pre-publication materials for Mossman's highly regarded novel, The Stones of Summer (1972) as well as drafts written while a student in the Writer's Workshop.
Thomas W. Duncan Papers
Novelist and story writer. Preliminary drafts, notes, revisions, and galley proofs for three of his novels, including a highly successful circus novel, Gus the Great (1947).
Thomas Yoseloff Papers
Journalist and publisher. Managing editor of The Daily Iowan as a student, later wrote for newspapers including the New York Times and the Omaha World Herald. Collection consists of drafts for A Fellow of Infinite Jest (1946), a biography of Laurence Sterne, and his own autobiography, The Time of My Life.
Vance Bourjaily Papers
Novelist and Writers' Workshop instructor. Typescript with notes and revisions of his novel, A Game Men Play (Dial Press, 1980). Iowa Authors Ms.
Wallace Stegner Papers
Award-winning novelist, story writer, essayist, historian, English professor at Stanford, and frontline conservationist. Preliminary drafts and proofs for seven novels.
Willard Marsh Papers
Graduate of the Writers' Workshop, a musician and an English professor.
William A. Rohlf Papers
This collection is made up of the manuscript works of Dr. Rohlf's Good Morning, Doctor!, and related materials.
Wise Clark Family Papers
Family papers consisting of correspondence on life in Iowa and Illinois in the Civil War era and beyond.