Showing Collections: 401 - 420 of 449
Theodore F. Koop Papers
Journalist with the Associated Press before WWII, with the National Geographic Society and CBS after 1948. He conceived Face the Nation. Correspondence, subject files, speeches, and preliminary drafts of his works.
Thomas E. Corkhill Papers
Methodist minister and moving force behind the organization of schools at Eldora and Mitchellville. Included are certificates of Corkhill's appointment of trustee of Iowa Reform School and an account book relating to his expenses as trustee as well as a holograph commonplace book containing the text of a diary of his experience in the Civil War, commissioned by Governor Samuel Kirkwood. This diary also contains poems and clippings. Also included is a CD of a transcription of the diary, plus a commentary on the text of over 150 pages, including background information and photographs.
Thomas Eyre Booth Papers
Editor and publisher of the Anamosa Eureka in Anamosa , Iowa . Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, a scrapbook, and other related papers.
Thomas Henry Foster Papers
President of John Morrell Company of Ottumwa, Iowa, Foster was a book and bookplate collector, anti-Stratfordian, and writer. Includes mounted and unmounted bookplates, scrapbooks on Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, manuscripts of his book Shakespeare - Man of Mystery, and correspondence.
Thomas J. Bray Papers
Trial lawyer of Oskaloosa, State Iowa and Albert B. Cummins campaign manager. Speeches, correspondence, photographs, biographical sketch, etc. relating to Bray's political concerns and private life.
Thomas J. Frey Papers
Thomas Frey was a newspaperman from northern Iowa who once operated four newspapers at a time. He served in the Iowa Senate, and these papers are comprised of correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and scrapbooks.
Thomas John Bright Robinson Papers
President of the Citizens National Bank of Hampton, Iowa, U.S. Representative, real estate and investment business. Correspondence, bank record book, and campaign materials documenting his career.
Thomas W. Duncan Papers
Novelist and story writer. Preliminary drafts, notes, revisions, and galley proofs for three of his novels, including a highly successful circus novel, Gus the Great (1947).
Thomas W. Messenger Papers
World War I soldier. Letters written by Messenger during his service in W.W.I. He was a corporal in Co.B, 111 Machine Gun Battery in France, after the armistice was declared.
Thomas Yoseloff Papers
Journalist and publisher. Managing editor of The Daily Iowan as a student, later wrote for newspapers including the New York Times and the Omaha World Herald. Collection consists of drafts for A Fellow of Infinite Jest (1946), a biography of Laurence Sterne, and his own autobiography, The Time of My Life.
Tom Gatten Literary Letters
Collection of letters from literary figures including Kofi Awoonor, Robert Bly, Michael Cimino, Galway Kinnell, Denise Levertov, and others.
Toothpaste/Coffee House Press Records
Private press founded and operated by Allan and Cinda Kornblum in Iowa City in 1970. Comprised of subject files, correspondence, financial records, etc. relating to the daily operations and literary output of the private press.
Torch Press Book Shop Records
The Torch Press Bookshop was started by Luther Brewer in 1909, and sold books at a storefront in Cedar Rapids as well as to mail-order patrons until 1917.
Vance Bourjaily Papers
Novelist and Writers' Workshop instructor. Typescript with notes and revisions of his novel, A Game Men Play (Dial Press, 1980). Iowa Authors Ms.
Velma Ford Morrison Papers
Author of books for children, president of the Morrison Book Company. Correspondence, preliminary drafts and art work for her books including There's Only One You (1978) and Going On a Dig (1981).
Vernon Richard Martin Papers
Maytag executive and State Chairman of the Republican Party in Iowa. Primarily correspondence and subject files relating to his political work for the Republican Party.
Vivian W. Johnson Papers
Banker of Cedar Falls, Iowa. Correspondence, speeches, and subject files regarding his banking career. Subject files include materials relating such topics as the American Bankers Association.
W. Earl Hall Papers
Editor and publisher of the Mason City Globe Gazette. Papers relating to his career and civic activities. Subject files, correspondence, speeches, and editorials reflect his work for such organizations as the Red Cross, Radio Free Europe, and the Iowa State Board of Regents.
W. H. Goodrich Papers
Republican party official. Subject files relating to Republican politics in Iowa and the nation, especially the 1976 election.
W. Lee Garner Targets' Collection
Poetry magazine. Correspondence from poets and subscribers, manuscripts of poems, page layouts and dummy sheets.