Showing Collections: 281 - 300 of 449
Leopold Desk Company Records
Office furniture manufacturing firm in Burlington, IA. Company's history is documented with annual reports, minutes, time books, etc. Catalogs showcase their products.
Leroy Jones Papers
Labor official from Clinton, Iowa. Correspondence between local and Iowa State Federation of Labor organizations and with the National Labor Relations Board. Also including speeches, press releases, union business papers, labor disputes, etc.
Lester Jesse Dickinson Papers
U.S. Representative and Senator from Iowa. Speeches, scrapbooks, correspondence, clippings, and campaign material all related to his political career.
Lester L. Kluever Papers
Iowa state representative and attorney. Correspondence, political files relating to elections and campaigns, and subject folders with topics ranging from apportionment to liquor laws document his legislative service.
Lewis Publishing Company Records
Correspondence of Nathan Henry Wilson, receipt books, memorandum pads, and other business records.
Lewis Turco Papers
Papers of the twentieth century poet and teacher. Includes manuscripts of poems, books, essays, book reviews, plays, short stories, and correspondence and bibliographies.
Lewis Worthington Smith Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, MsC0869.
Lois Baker Muehl Papers
Manuscripts and correspondence related to her books for children including My Name Is-- (1959) and Hidden Year of Devlin Bates (1967).
Lokken Collection on Iowa Lands
Historian of Iowa public land disposal. Petitioner's exhibits and briefs used before the Indian Claims Commission, mimeograph copies of the original field notes for much of Iowa, and computer printouts of data abstracted from Deed Record Books (including county surveys and surveys of Indigenous land).
Loren L. Hickerson Papers
Director of Alumni Programs and Director of Community Relations for the University of Iowa and mayor of Iowa City. Subject files, correspondence, speeches, etc.
Lot Abraham Papers
Correspondence, Civil War diaries, military records, business papers, family papers.
Louis Kehoe Papers
Lawyer and journalist. Primarily consist of manuscripts of his columns for Washington, Iowa's Evening Journal, along with some material from his political campaigns.
Lucas James DeKoster Papers
Iowa state senator. DeKoster's correspondence and legislative newsletters from his terms in the legislature.
Lyman Whiting Papers
Congregational clergyman. Diaries, correspondence, sermons, and other materials.
MacKinlay Kantor Papers
Author. Manuscript drafts, proofs, correspondence, etc. for his novel, Andersonville, with drafts for some other books.
Maecenas Press Records
Publisher at Lake MacBride, Solon, Iowa. Correspondence, drafts, proofs of books.
Mann Family Papers
Civil War letters and military records of Asahel Mann, Jr., John Mann, and William Mann, all of whom were members of Co. A, 4th regiment, Iowa Cavalry.
Manta S. Graham Papers
Between 1919 and 1962, Graham wrote and published at least 43 plays (represented by typescripts in this collection, a gift in 1953).
Manuscript of "The Chancellor's Party" by Don Liljenquist
Four revisions of the play that won the Iowa centennial contest and was performed at the University of Iowa in 1947.
Margaret Drabble Research Files
Acclaimed British novelist and scholar. Research files, including administrative material, research materials, and corrected typescripts for her 1995 biography of novelist Sir Angus Wilson.