Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 1172
19th Century Iowa Farmer's Diaries
19th century diaries of Iowa farmers near or around Atalissa, Iowa.
20th Century Fox Film Scripts Collection
American film producing and distributing corporation. Materials include motion picture screenplays (both American and foreign) and television scripts. The screenplays range from various dra s to dialogue and cutting continuity scripts. Correspondence and general business agreements.
A. M. Fine Papers
Fluxus artist, composer, and poet. Artworks, personal items, poetry, essays, and music scores.
Actea Carolyn Young Duncan Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, Msc0869. Half sized document box (3 folders, including a large manuscript and notes)
Actualist Archive Collection
Ada Holding Miller Sheet Music Collection
Nearly 200 pieces of sheet music for popular songs, organized topically (Transportation, Tear Jerkers, War, Religious, Love, etc.). The pieces range in date from 1840 to 1968, but the bulk of the collection was published between 1861 and 1915.
Afrofuturist Comics Collection
Al M. Lee Papers
Graduate of the Writers' Workshop, novelist and poet. This collection contains manuscripts, clippings, a photograph, and correspondence. Correspondents include Hubert Humphrey, Gene McCarthy, John F. Kennedy, Mark Strand, Cleanth Brooks, and Donald Justice among others.
Albert A. Couch Papers
Labor leader. Correspondence, reports, and clippings relating to a proposed hydroelectric dam at Moscow, Iowa.
Albert Foster Dawson Papers
U.S. Representative from Iowa and businessman. Speeches on various topics.
Albert J. Cohen Papers
American motion picture and television script writer and producer. Program scripts, department materials, memos, clippings, notes, correspondence, production budgets, and miscellaneous photographs.
Albert N. Harbert Railroadiana Collection
Correspondence and printed documents such as timetables, train orders, and rate sheets relating primarily to the Burlington, Cedar Rapids, and Northern Railway Company of Iowa.
Albert Zugsmith Papers
American motion picture producer, director and writer. Ten script items ranging from shooting schedules to screenplays.
Alberta Powell Graham Papers
A writer of biographies for children (on Columbus, Clara Barton, Lafayette and LaSalle, among others), Mrs. Graham also published more than 300 songs and Strike Up the Band! (1949), a collection of short biographies of American band musicians. Both her books and songs are represented in her papers.
Albertson Family Papers
Correspondence reflecting pioneer life in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Montana.
Aleck G. Kringlock Pamphlet Collection
Informational and organizational literature of many cooperative, labor, farm and international movements and organizations. Some correspondence.
Alembic Press Archive Records
A significant archive, entire and extant, from one of the most prolific and independent of British fine presses, these documents are a record of the processes of hand printing, publishing, and typecasting undertaken by Claire and David Bolton.
Alexandra Soteriou World Paper Company Collection
Slides of papermaking from around the world, mostly India, Pakistan, and Nepal.
Alfred B. Chamberlin Papers
Methodist minister. Sermon outlines, orders of worship, notebook, pastoral calls, and other papers.
Alfred E. Moredock Papers
Postcards, newsletters, talent brochures, programs, and other material relating to Chautauqua, with the majority dealing with the Swarthmore Chautauqua system.