Showing Collections: 381 - 400 of 1172
Fred High Papers
Fred high materials relating to their performances and time in Chautauqua performing circuit.
Fred J. Poyneer Papers
Member of the Iowa State Conservation Commission. Correspondence and subject files relating to the Conservation Commission.
Fred M. Potgeiter Papers
Fred Moulton Science Fiction Collection
Science fiction publications and materials.
Fred Schwengel Papers
This collection is comprised of the papers of Iowa Representative Fred Schwengel.
Fred Stover Papers
Hampton, Iowa farm advocate and activist for progressive causes, former head of the Iowa Farmers Union and president of the U.S. Farmers Association. Correspondence, writings, and organizational materials, together with miscellaneous material, documenting his 40 years of political and social activism.
Frederick and Margaret McDowell Papers
Collection of letters from literary figures, including T. C. Boyle, Paul Engle, E.M. Forster, Gail Godwin, Caroline Gordon, and Angus Wilson.
Frederick Darling Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, Msc0869. large manuscript, clippings
Frederick Elliott Biermann Papers
U.S. Representative from Iowa. Correspondence, speeches, and campaign material relating to his years in the Congress.
Frederick Lange Grundtvig Papers
Lutheran Minister in Clinton, Iowa, 1888-1900. These manuscripts deal with the Grundtvig's observations of the birds breeding in Clinton and Jackson, Iowa and Whiteside and Carroll, Illinois.
Frederick Stern Bock Papers
Poet , Assistant Editor Poetry Fountains of Regardlessness (1961). Correspondence, subject files, and preliminary drafts of his writings.
Freeman Hydraulics Collection
Consulting engineer. Topics of interest to Freeman included water power, dams, power plants, river control and management, hydraulics laboratories, and water supply.
French Algerian Photographs
Small collection of photographs depicting French Algerian life.
G. Scott Porter Alcan Highway and Panama Canal Papers
Correspondence, notes, narrative, and photographs related to the building of a portion of the Alcan Highway; slides from the Panama Canal zone.
Gallup Organization Papers
Official records of the world famous polling organization. Includes personal papers of George Gallup II (Ted), George III, and Alec Gallup and other members of the family.
Gar Osten Papers
Astrologer. Papers include correspondence, interviews, tape recordings, astrological charts, and materials relating to a number of criminal investigations in which Osten participated as well as his writings.
Gary Frost Papers
Materials relating to various conservation practices.
Gawsworth (Armstrong)/Shiel/Redonda Papers
Papers and manuscripts of the lyrical poet and second King of Redonda; some papers for M.P. Shiel, fantasy writer and first King of Redonda; some papers on the Kingdom of Redonda. Letters from Gawsworth's days as editor; many of his poems written in his hand, most of them unpublished. 21 notebooks and several photographs. These notebooks are mostly from the World War II era and document his experiences in the RAF in North Africa and Italy, as well as his literary musings and studies, including a list of authors in North Africa.
Gene Wilder Papers
Actor, film star, writer, director and producer, University of Iowa alumnus (1955). The Wilder papers include scripts and drafts of scripts, contracts and related papers, and a group of photographs.
General Stamp Collection
A variety of stamps, stamp ephemera, and collecting tools.