Showing Collections: 121 - 140 of 1172
Bruce Gould Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, Msc0869.
Bruce Levene Papers
Bruno Torres Papers
Collection of photographs by proinent photojournalist Bruno Torress. Covers civil rights, national and international political campgigns, sporting events, and local tradgedies from the mid- to late-20th Century.
Bud Kudart Collection
These are the personal papers and senate files of Iowa politician Bud Kudart.
Buel Griffith Beems Papers
Lawyer and author. Correspondence, research, editor's questionnaires, and preliminary drafts of his writings.
Burlington Iowa Chamber of Commerce Records
Records, minutes, correspondence and clippings reflect commercial and civic activities.
Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed Papers
Correspondence, chiefly love letters, between amateur printers Smith and Turnepseed, together with a few additional materials, including copies of their co-edited Literary Newsette. Many of Smith's letters document his activities training as a navigator in the United States Army Air Force, 1943-1944.
Buster Cleveland Papers
Correspondence and art work by mail artist Buster Cleveland.
Byron Farwell Papers
Author and military historian. Primarily manuscripts including various drafts, galleys, and proofs for eleven of his books. Also contains draftof book reviews, short stories, and articles along with some subject files.
Byron McClain Letters
Letters to McClain's family in Wilton Junction, Iowa, telling of experiences in Tennessee with the 2nd Regiment of Iowa Cavalry.
[C.] Everett Turling Letters from Oakdale Sanatorium
California Civil War Diary
Diary of an unknown soldier in Company C, 4th Infantry C.V., who was assigned to a detail guarding a wagon train carrying species to the East.
Calvin Kentfield Papers
Iowa writer. Manuscript for The Alchemist's Voyage and various clippings and tear sheets. Iowa Author Mss.
Carl Backman Chautauqua Collection
Photographs, brochures, correspondence, financial papers, and brochures from several chautauquas.
Carl Glick Papers
Story writer, playwright and film script writer, author of books for adults and children, Glick is best remembered for his books about the Chinese in America.
Carl Klaus Papers
University of Iowa professor and writer on writing and the teaching of writing, as well as essayist. This collection consists of manuscripts and related materials for three of his books: My Vegetable Love, Weathering Winter, and Taking Retirement.
Carl (Ted) McInerney Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, MsC0869.
Carl Van Vechten Papers
23 photographs of Doris Julian, Stephen Van Ophuigsen, Coleman Dowell, Jose Quintero and others; 16 photograph postcards including Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas; 75 photographs of celebrities (lacking no. 18); several drafts and related correspondence for Gertrude Stein: An Epilogue.
Carl Weeks Papers
Businessman. Correspondence, speeches, advertising, etc. relating to the Armand Company (a cosmetics manufacturing firm in Des Moines, IA).
Carol Gorman Papers
Author of books for young adults and teacher. Preliminary drafts of her writings.