Showing Collections: 141 - 160 of 1172
Caroline Mabry Christie Papers
Holdings are the manuscript of Silver Heels, a book for children. Iowa Authors Mss.
Carolyn and Anna Boerner Collection of Glass Plate Negatives
This collection is compiled of glass plate negatives and photographs of family scenes and other daily activities or sightings.
Carr and Carr Records
Complete records of a pioneer law firm and several of its predecessors, including correspondence, account books, ledgers, cases, journals, and receipts.
Carroll Coleman Papers
Proprietor of the Prairie Press and printer. Correspondence, preliminary drafts, galleys and mock-ups for books printed by the Prairie Press, and related business records, advertising, etc.
Carroll Lane Fenton and Mildred Adams Fenton Papers
A geologist by training and a member of several university faculties, Carroll Fenton published a large number of books on scientific topics for children, most of them with his own illustrations and many co-authored with his wife.
cARTalog Collection
Artifacts from the exhibit mounted at the University of Iowa Libraries in 2006, in which volunteers contributed artwork created from cards from the defunct catalog of the library.
C.B. Baldwin Papers
Government official and Progressive Party officer. Correspondence, subject files, speeches, clippings, tape recordings, photographs, and scrapbooks.
Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railroad Papers
Transcripts of interviews with Sutherland Dows and W.M. Schneider concerning the history and operation of the CRANDIC Railway.
Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce Records
Budgets, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and other material.
Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra Papers
Correspondence, account books, reports, lists, attendance registers, minutes, rosters of officers, publicity material, programs, and financial records.
Celeste Hotaling-Lyons Fanzine Collection
Fan writer and editor. A collection of science fiction fanzines, primarily consisting of pieces of fan fiction, and a few related items, including some science fiction convention materials. Collection of fanzines, encompassing a number of different fandoms, assembled by fan writer and editor Hotaling-Lyons.
Celia Stuelke Morley and Harold J. Morley Letters
Centro de Arte y Comunicacion (CAYC) (Center for Art and Communication) Buenos Aires
Committed to the production and dissemination of systems art, CAYC was established as a multidisciplinary workshop in August of 1968. A collection of large scale works (each about 22 x 34 inches) was assembled in 1972 by Jorge Glusberg, CAYC Director, as an edition of 10 that circulated as traveling exhibitions. Apparently including about 72 works in 1972, the collection grew over time and the Iowa collection now consists of 143 diazo prints and appears to be the only extant copy. The collection includes a linear foot of catalogues, documentation, books and pamphlets, dating from 1970 to 1980 and a complete set of black and white photographs from which online images were derived.
Charles A. Dewey Papers
Judge and lawyer. Papers relating primarily to his career on the bench. Correspondence and subject files, together with biographical material, speeches, and articles make up the collection. Includes jury instructions and a well documented lawsuit involving Union Carbide and Carbon Corp.
Charles B. Hoeven Papers
U.S. Representative from Iowa. Correspondence, speeches, radio addresses, news releases, voting records, telegrams, photos, and similar related materials.
Charles Cady Papers
Civil War soldier from Danville, Iowa. Consists of letters written to his parents and family describing life in the 15th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Also includes his promotion and discharge papers.
Charles E. Pickett Papers
U.S. Representative from Iowa and attorney. Subject files relating to his Congressional career. Includes campaign materials, and files on conservation, tariffs, pensions, and other subjects.
Charles E. Strickland Papers
Mason City, Iowa, businessman. Correspondence and subject files documenting his business, political and civic interests. Topics include the Iowa Terminal Railroad and People's Gas and Electric Company of Mason City.
Charles F. Horner Papers
Correspondence, book manuscript, clippings, incomplete brochures, talent prices having to do with traveling Chautauquas.
Charles F. Kemp Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, MsC0869.