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Showing Collections: 221 - 240 of 860

Emily Putnam Schramm sketchbooks

Identifier: IWA0523

Sketchbooks of landscapes which focus on the Mississippi River.

Dates: 1864-1889

Emma Harvat papers

Identifier: IWA0163

First woman mayor of Iowa City, serving from 1922 to 1925.

Dates: 1920-2001

Emma Lou Leeper Phelan papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0226

Brooklyn, Iowa, native who was a riveter for Ryan Aeronautical Company in California, 1944 to 1945.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1945-1998

Emmylou Krohn papers

Identifier: IWA0634

Teacher, columnist, and textbook author from Council Bluffs area.

Dates: 1940-1998

Entre Nous records (Iowa City, Iowa)

Identifier: IWA0081

Women's drama study club founded in 1914 in Iowa City.

Dates: 1914-2002

ERA Iowa 1992 records

Identifier: IWA0305

Grassroots campaign initiated in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1991 to promote the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment to the Iowa constitution in the 1992 election.

Dates: 1980-1993

Ericka Peterson-Dana papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0670

Organic farmer and activist in Poweshiek County, Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 2000

Ernella Van Horn papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0724

The second of four generations of women in her family to play basketball in Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1993-2001

Ernest Rodriguez papers

Identifier: IWA0784

Davenport civil rights and Chicano activist, born in the predominantly Mexican settlement of Holy City in Bettendorf, Iowa.

Dates: 1910-2014

Estefania Joyce Rodriguez papers

Identifier: IWA0569

Family photographs taken in Iowa, Alabama, and Mexico.

Dates: 1902-2008

Esther Christensen papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0596

65-page memoir of Fayette County, Iowa farmwoman.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1908-1987

Esther Everett papers

Identifier: IWA0880

Home economics professor raised on a farm in Lacey, Iowa.

Dates: 1911-2008

Esther Flower Cruikshank Papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA1054

Photocopy of memoir, "The Covered Wagon," by Esther Flower Cruikshank written in 1927.

Dates: Existence: 1927

Esther J. Walls papers

Identifier: IWA0288

Mason City, Iowa native and librarian who was the first African-American female student at University of Iowa elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

Dates: 1860-1996

Esther Mae Christensen Grow memoir

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0210

Reflections on growing up in western Iowa and Nebraska include experiences in country school, college and as a teacher.


One folder shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1993

Esther Sietmann Warner Dendel papers

Identifier: IWA0301

Author and artist from Laurel, Iowa.

Dates: 1922-1996

Esther Treptow Clark papers

Identifier: IWA0893

Daughter of German immigrants whose scrapbook documents her life in the early 20th century.

Dates: 1919-2010

Esther Ver Meer papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0408

Farmwoman and member of the Porkettes, the women's auxiliary of the Iowa Pork Producers Council.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1991-1998

Ethel Roberta Douglass papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0169

West Branch, Iowa, resident who graduated from the University of Iowa in 1921 with a B.A. in geology.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1919

Eva Donelson Wilson papers

Identifier: IWA0355

Native of Ogden, Iowa, and professor of nutrition at colleges in the United States and Brazil.

Dates: 1994

Filtered By

  • Repository: Iowa Women's Archives X
  • Language: English X
  • Subject: Women X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Archives (groupings) 762
Personal papers 559
20th century 517
Photographs 512
2001-2010 266
∨ more
Scrapbooks 198
Rural women 196
Iowa City (Iowa) 191
1991-2000 189
Oral histories 186
Women in agriculture 185
Diaries 168
Administrative records 167
Families 161
Correspondence 158
Women -- Societies and clubs 156
1981-1990 152
Iowa 150
Cultural artifacts 146
Memoirs 135
Women -- Political activity 131
Teachers 126
Autobiographies 123
1971-1980 116
Sound recordings 116
Women lawyers 112
Farm life 106
Women 106
College students 104
Homemakers 100
Teaching 99
Video recordings 99
Des Moines (Iowa) 97
Speeches 96
Farmers 90
Women -- 19th century 77
Clubs 74
Rural families 72
Women in education 70
College teachers 63
African American women -- Iowa 62
Social participation 60
Women and War 60
Women in public life 60
Yearbooks 60
African American women 56
World War, 1939-1945 56
Photograph albums 54
Authors 53
Women in higher education 50
Political participation 47
Rural girls 47
Twentieth century 47
Political campaigns 45
Women's rights 45
Community activists 44
Volunteers 43
Journalists 39
Community organization 37
Voyages and travels 37
Slides (photographs) 36
Feminism 33
High school students 33
Legislators 33
Davenport (Iowa) 32
Nurses 32
2011-2020 31
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 31
1941-1950 29
Family papers 29
Rural schools 29
Sports for girls 29
Sports for women 29
Women in medicine 29
1961-1970 28
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 28
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 28
Women in charitable work 28
Women in nonprofit organizations 28
Artists 27
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 27
Political activists 27
Women in community organization 27
Women in journalism 27
Feminists 26
Social workers 26
Waterloo (Iowa) 26
Pacifism 25
Equal rights amendments 24
Hispanic American women 24
Women in church work 24
Working class women 24
Frontier and pioneer life 23
Girls 23
Hispanic American families 23
Marriage 23
Peace 23
4-H clubs 22
Country life 22
Home economics 22
+ ∧ less
German 2
Dutch; Flemish 1
Finnish 1
French 1
Icelandic 1
∨ more  
State University of Iowa 62
University of Iowa 56
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 20
Democratic Party (Iowa) 19
Republican Party (Iowa) 19
∨ more
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 12
American Association of University Women 10
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 10
Iowa State Teachers College 9
League of Women Voters of Iowa 9
Grinnell College 7
Iowa State College 7
Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 7
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 7
American National Red Cross 6
Drake University 6
Iowa Women's Political Caucus 6
Mason, Kären 6
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 6
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 6
University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives 6
University of Northern Iowa 6
General Federation of Women's Clubs 5
Iowa State University 5
League of United Latin American Citizens. Council 10 (Davenport, Iowa) 5
State University of Iowa. Department of Home Economics 5
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 5
University of Iowa. College of Nursing 5
White family 5
City High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 4
Daughters of the American Revolution 4
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 4
Iowa Mother of the Year 4
League of Women Voters of Johnson County, Iowa 4
O'Dea, Suzanne, 1950- 4
Republican National Committee (U.S.) 4
Shrauger, Cornelia Prentiss, 1896-1985 4
State University of Iowa. School of Nursing 4
United Nations 4
United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve 4
University High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 4
Anderson, Margaret, 1928- 3
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 3
Coe College 3
Des Moines Women's Club 3
Emma Goldman Clinic 3
Everett, Beverly, 1926-2001 3
Iowa Civil Rights Commission 3
Iowa Cornets (Basketball team) 3
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation 3
Iowa Porkettes 3
Iowa. General Assembly 3
Jones, Virginia Shrauger, 1921- 3
Keyes, Margaret N., 1918-2015 3
League of United Latin American Citizens 3
Lipsky, Joan (1919-2015) 3
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 3
National Organization for Women. Iowa 3
National Women's Political Caucus (U.S.) 3
Noun, Louise R. (1908-2002) 3
O'Brien, Denise, 1949- 3
Pennsylvania State University 3
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 3
Ray, Robert D. (1928-2018) 3
Smith, Mary Louise (1914-1997) 3
Teaford, Jane (1935-) 3
United Nations Association of the United States of America 3
United States. Navy 3
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education and Dance 3
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education for Women 3
University of Iowa. Women's Resource and Action Center 3
University of Iowa. Women's Studies Program 3
University of Minnesota 3
University of Wisconsin 3
Veterans Administration Hospital (Iowa City, Iowa) 3
Women's Professional Basketball League 3
Young Women's Christian Association (State University of Iowa) 3
Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A. 3
Adams, Janet (1937-) 2
American Association for the United Nations 2
Artists In Action (Muscatine, Iowa) 2
Atlantic High School (Atlantic, Iowa) 2
Berry, Jean, 1938- 2
Blundall, Joan, 1945- 2
Bourret, Joan Liffring-Zug (1929-2022) 2
Branstad, Terry E. 2
Braunwarth, Sarah, 1853-1927 2
Camp Fire Girls 2
Camp Fire Girls. Iowana Council 2
Campbell, Bonnie J., 1948- 2
Central College (Pella, Iowa) 2
Chapman, Kathleen "Kay" Halloran (1937-) 2
Christen, Inez, 1906-1999 2
Clark family 2
Clark, Betty Jean, 1920-2005 2
Coffin, Barbara, 1941- 2
Coggeshall, Mary Jane Whitely, 1836-1911 2
Cohen, Gertrude (1913-2016) 2
Conklin, Charlene, 1929-2022 2
Conlin, Roxanne Barton, 1944- 2
+ ∧ less