Showing Collections: 1 - 12 of 12
American Business Women's Association records
Artists in Action (Muscatine, Iowa) records
Muscatine organization of area artists who opened a shop and organized an annual craft fair, classes, and craft demonstrations.
Campaign to Add Women to the Iowa Constitution records
Organization formed to work for passage of Iowa state ERA.
Emma Goldman Clinic (Iowa City, Iowa) records
Feminist health clinic.
Administration Boxes 1-30 and 66
EGC projects Boxes 30-48 and 67
Anti-abortion movement Boxes 48-50 and 67
Pro-choice movement Boxes 50-53 and 67
Publications, EGC Boxes 53-54
Publications, non-EGC Boxes 54-56 and 67-68
Newspaper clippings Boxes 56-57 and 68
Photographs Boxes 36, 59-50, and 58-60
Scrapbook Box 61
Artifacts Boxes 38, 62-63, and 69
Audiovisual [audiocassette and videocassette collections]
ERA Iowa 1992 records
Grassroots campaign initiated in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1991 to promote the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment to the Iowa constitution in the 1992 election.
Iowa City Women's Press records
Iowa City publisher and printer of lesbian and feminist books that existed from 1973 to 1985.
Iowa Women Against the Equal Rights Amendment records
Grassroots organization opposed to Iowa's ratification of the ERA to the Iowa and United States constitutions.
Iowa Women's Political Caucus records
Organization to promote the advancement of women in politics.
Jean Jew Justice Committee records
The committee organized in 1990 to support Jean Jew in her sexual harassment lawsuit against the University of Iowa.
Johnson County ERA Coalition records
Organized in Iowa City to promote the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment to the constitution of the state of Iowa.
"New Strategies, Old Obstacles in the Fight for Equality: An Analysis of the 1992 Iowa ERA Referendum Campaign," is shelved in the Iowa Women's Archives printed works collection (fHQ.1236.5.U6 F45 1993).
Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) records
Sexual abuse response and advocacy center established in in Iowa City in 1973 to serve located the University of Iowa community and surrounding counties.
Reproductive Rights Coalition of Iowa City records
The Reproductive Rights Coalition of Iowa City (RRCIC) formed in January 1989 in response to Operation Rescue's attempt to shut down a local abortion clinic.