Showing Collections: 181 - 200 of 847
Edith Reed Atkinson papers
Singer and radio-script editor from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Atkinson performed in a song-and-dance act with her brothers Wallace and Cecil Reed from 1935 to 1944.
Edith Sackett papers
Schoolteacher and Iowa Mother of the Year, 1969.
Edith Sprout memoir
Farm woman raised in western Iowa and North Dakota who wrote about her childhood in her memoir.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Edna Englert papers
Iowa City native who was the organist at St. Wenceslaus Church for sixty-five years, retiring at the age of 81.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Edna Flesner papers
Biology teacher at Iowa City City High School from 1928 to 1967.
Edna Griffin papers
Civil rights activist, later known as the Rosa Parks of Iowa.
Edna Herbst papers
Videotaped interview with Herbst about the history of television broadcasting in Iowa, 1998.
One folder shelved in SCVF.
Edna Hidlebaugh papers
Prominent Bayard, Iowa clubwoman who helped found the local library.
Edna Jones papers
Author, artist, and amateur historian from Washington County, Iowa.
Edna Means papers
Characterist and dramatic reader, and chatauqua performer from Tama, Iowa organized her own talent agency.
A gift copy of James W. Foley's, Some one like you (1915), presented to Means by Elias Day in 1936, has been removed to the printed works collection and cataloged separately.
Edythe Stirlen papers
One of the first ordained female ministers in the Midwest whose sermons were broadcast on radio stations KFNF and KMA for over sixty years in Shenandoah, Iowa.
Effie Hoffman Rogers papers
Reporter and city editor for Oskaloosa's Globe Press later elected Grand supreme chapter president of the PEO sisterhood.
One folder shelved in SCVF.
Eileen Albaugh papers
Junior high school teacher who taught in Tipton and Wellsburg, Iowa, and died of polio.
Elaine Szymoniak papers
Iowa State senator, Des Moines City Council member, and hearing and speech consultant.
Elayne Zalis papers
Writer and multimedia artist who received her doctorate from the University of Iowa.
Eleanor Eyestone Trummel papers
Home demonstration agent for Iowa State College Extension Service and homemaker.
Eleanor Gildner Hageboeck papers
University of Iowa alumna and clubwoman. She wrote a column for the Iowa City Press Citizen during World War II.
Eliza Hickok Kesler papers
Cedar Rapids native who worked on the radio show 'The Quiz Kids.'
Elizabeth "Bettye" Crawford Tate papers
Owner and operator of the Tate Arms, a boarding house for African American male students at the University of Iowa during the 1940s and 1950s.
Elizabeth Buckwalter papers
Diaries of farm and family life written by Elizabeth Buckwalter and her daughter Mary Jane Buckwalter in Scott County, Iowa from 1867-1878.