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Showing Collections: 21 - 40 of 45

League of Women Voters, Sioux City records

Identifier: IWA0229
Scope and Contents The League of Women Voters of Sioux City records date from 1978 to 1993 and measure 2.5 linear inches. The bulk of the collection consists of newspaper clippings from the Sioux City Journal and the Des Moines Register chronicling local debates in the late 1970s about Sioux City's urban renewal and city government structure. Clippings on how other Iowa cities were handling these issues in their communities are included. The home rule charter folder includes the proposal submitted by the Sioux City Charter Commission to the mayor and city council, which called for re-structuring the city's government; among other things, the new charter would have given more power to the mayor. The proposed charter was hotly debated for several months and defeated in a narrow vote; the League opposed the charter. The urban renewal newspaper clippings describe conflicts over how to maintain a vital business sector, and an investigation into charges that a developer had misused...
Dates: 1978-1993

Linda Yanney papers

Identifier: IWA0413

Iowa City feminist and champion of LGBT rights.

Dates: 1948-2000

Magdalen Meade papers

Identifier: IWA0648

Iowa farm woman and political organizer who was active in Roxanne Conlin's gubernatorial campaign in 1982.

Dates: 1891-1992

March for Women's Lives, Iowa Delegation records

Identifier: IWA0578

On April 25, 2004, pro-choice activists went to Washington, D.C., to participate in the March for Women's Lives, a protest against the pro-life policies of President George W. Bush's administration.

Dates: 2004

Maria Rundquist papers

Identifier: IWA0544

Sioux City business owner and political activist who emigrated to the United States from Mexico in 1978.

Dates: 1959-2016

Mary Ankeny Hunter papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0097

Secretary, vice-president, and then president of the Iowa Suffrage Memorial Commission in the 1920s and 1930s. Hunter was a peace activist, prohibitionist, and Red Cross worker during World War I.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1940

Mary C. Neuhauser papers

Identifier: IWA0455

Democrat who served four terms in the Iowa House and one four-year term in the Senate (1986-1998).

Dates: 1968-1999

Mary Louise Smith papers

Identifier: IWA0027

First woman to chair the Republican National Committee, serving from 1974 to 1977. Co-founder of the Louise Noun-Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women's Archives.

Dates: 1925-1997

Maude Esther White papers

Identifier: IWA0196

Founder of the Des Moines Tutoring Center, and Iowa's first Affirmative Action administrator from 1973 to 1978.

Dates: 1957-1996

Minnette Doderer papers

Identifier: IWA0008
Abstract State legislator from Iowa City who was first elected to the Iowa House of Representatives in 1964. Arrangement Alphabetical file, 1944-1984 (Boxes 1-30) Campaign files 1966, 1968, 1977-1980 (Box 6) Lieutenant governor campaigns, 1970, 1977-1978 (Box 22-25) 1966-1988 (Box 31) 1986-2000 (Boxes 53-55) Correspondence 1944-1984 (Boxes 10-15) 1972-1990 (Boxes 31-33) 1974, 1978-1992 (Box 45) 1970s-2000 (Boxes 55-56) Personal material 1968-1990 (Boxes 33-35) 1975, 1981-1992 (Boxes 47-48) 1970s-2000 (Box 53) Photographs 1964-1967, 1983-1984 (Box 35) Speeches Speeches and speech material, 1966-1982 (Boxes 28-29) Undated (Box 35) 1968-2000 (Boxes 57-58) Topical files and legislation ...
Dates: 1944-2005

Myrtilla F. Levin papers

Identifier: IWA0032

Active in the Republican Party, mayor of Newton, Iowa, and executive director of Iowa Business Council.

Dates: 1971-2010

Naomi Schedl papers

Identifier: IWA0548

Artist and professor in the Department of Home Economics at the University of Iowa.

Dates: 1966-2004

National Organization for Women, Ames Chapter records

Identifier: IWA0658

Includes ERA campaign material.

Dates: 1973-1986

National Organization for Women, Des Moines Chapter records

Identifier: IWA0014

Feminist activist organization records.

Dates: 1971-1987

National Organization for Women, Dubuque Chapter records

Identifier: IWA0223

The group was formed in 1973. The purpose of the group was to improve and expand the role of women in society and it supported the Equal Rights Amendment, safe and legal abortion among other issues.

Dates: 1973-1995

National Organization for Women, Iowa records

Identifier: IWA0013

Feminist activist organization records.

Dates: 1976-1989

National Organization for Women, Johnson County-Iowa City Chapter records

Identifier: IWA0017

Feminist activist organization records.

Dates: 1977-1997

Patricia Herring papers

Identifier: IWA0741

Feminist, social worker, and advocate for persons with HIV/AIDS.

Dates: 1979-2008

Polk County Women's Political Caucus records

Identifier: IWA0748

County branch of a national organization to support candidates who promote women's rights and women's participation in the political process.

Dates: 1974-1987

Redwing Workers Organization (Des Moines, Iowa) records

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0674

Des Moines, Iowa libertarian group which traces its roots to a revolutionary group focused on feminist-socialist ideology.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1972-1976

Filtered By

  • Repository: Iowa Women's Archives X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Political participation X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Women X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Archives (groupings) 43
Women -- Political activity 33
Women lawyers 30
Photographs 26
20th century 24
∨ more
Personal papers 24
Administrative records 19
Women -- Societies and clubs 18
1971-1980 17
1981-1990 16
Iowa 14
2001-2010 13
Cultural artifacts 12
Des Moines (Iowa) 12
1991-2000 11
Sound recordings 11
Video recordings 11
Women's rights 11
Equal rights amendments 10
Iowa City (Iowa) 10
Political activists 10
Correspondence 9
Feminism 9
Speeches 9
Oral histories 8
Community education 7
Equality before the law 7
Political campaigns 7
Scrapbooks 7
Women in public life 7
Civil rights 6
Feminists 6
Local government 6
Pacifism 6
Peace 6
Community activists 5
Johnson County (Iowa) 5
Rural women 5
Slides (photographs) 5
Teachers 5
Women in agriculture 5
Abortion 4
Bisexuals 4
Farm life 4
Farmers 4
Gays 4
Lesbians 4
Pacifists 4
Rural families 4
Sex discrimination against women 4
Sexual minorities 4
Teaching 4
Transgender people 4
Women 4
1961-1970 3
Autobiographies 3
Businesswomen 3
Civil rights workers 3
Diaries 3
Families 3
Federal government 3
Memoirs 3
Politicians 3
Volunteers 3
Washington (D.C.) 3
African American women 2
African American women -- Iowa 2
African Americans 2
Agriculture 2
Caucus 2
Child care 2
Civic improvement 2
Civic leaders 2
Civil rights demonstrations 2
Davenport (Iowa) 2
Discrimination in employment 2
Dubuque (Iowa) 2
Hispanic American families 2
Hispanic American women 2
Homemakers 2
Housing 2
Immigrants 2
Legislators 2
Mayors 2
Municipal government 2
Newsletters 2
Political clubs 2
Polk County (Iowa) 2
Reproductive rights 2
Rural girls 2
Sioux City (Iowa) 2
Social justice 2
Social service 2
Twentieth century 2
Waterloo (Iowa) 2
Women -- Suffrage -- Iowa 2
Women and peace 2
1941-1950 1
1951-1960 1
+ ∧ less
Democratic Party (Iowa) 3
League of Women Voters of Iowa 3
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 3
National Organization for Women. Iowa 3
Republican Party (Iowa) 3
∨ more
State University of Iowa 3
American Association for the United Nations 2
American Association of University Women 2
Iowa Women's Political Caucus 2
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 2
National Organization for Women. Dubuque Chapter 2
National Organization for Women. Johnson County-Iowa City Chapter 2
National Women's Political Caucus (U.S.) 2
Noun, Louise R. (1908-2002) 2
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 2
Ray, Robert D. (1928-2018) 2
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
Teaford, Jane (1935-) 2
University of Iowa 2
AIDS Coalition of Johnson County (Iowa) 1
Adams, Janet (1937-) 1
Alan Guttmacher Institute 1
Americans for Religious Liberty 1
Ashby, Rhoda 1
Black Hawk County Democratic Women's Organization (Iowa) 1
Branstad, Terry E. 1
Bruggmann, Charles 1
Bruggmann, Dominique 1
Bruggmann, Sibylle 1
Bush, George, 1924- 1
Carlson, Agnes Bollesen 1
Carr, Martha Ashby 1
Catholic Interracial Council (Davenport, Iowa) 1
Catholics for a Free Choice (Organization) 1
Daughters of the American Revolution 1
Des Moines Human Rights Commission 1
Des Moines Metro Opera Guild 1
Des Moines Tutoring Center 1
Doderer, Minnette, 1923-2005 1
Donovan, Vergene (1924-) 1
Drake University 1
Dubuque Human Rights Commission (Dubuque, Iowa) 1
Durham, Leona 1
ERA Iowa 1992 1
Eaton, Linda 1
Egenes, Joan Vander Naald, 1936- 1
Emma Goldman Clinic 1
Feminist Majority (Organization) 1
Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006 1
Glickman, Miriam Wijkman 1
Goldsmith, Judith 1
Governor Ray's Commission on the Status Of Women (Iowa) 1
Griffin, Edna, 1909-2000 1
Grinnell College 1
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 1
Harris, Briana 1
Harris, Larry 1
Herring, Patricia, 1944- 1
Himschoot, Nickol 1
Houston family 1
Houston, Elvira, 1901-1981 1
Hunter, Mary Ankeny, 1870- 1
Hutchison, Sherry 1
Iowa Business Council 1
Iowa Center for AIDS Resources and Education 1
Iowa City Free Medical Clinic 1
Iowa Civil Rights Commission 1
Iowa Commission on Latino Affairs 1
Iowa Commission on the Status of African-Americans 1
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 1
Iowa Community AIDS Partnership 1
Iowa ERA Coalition 1
Iowa Farmers Union 1
Iowa Parent Teacher Association 1
Iowa Porkettes 1
Iowa Suffrage Memorial Commission 1
Iowa Women's Caucus Research and Education Center 1
Iowa. Department of Public Health 1
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 1
Jackson, Jesse, 1941- 1
John F. Kennedy School of Government 1
Johnson County (Iowa). Department of Public Health 1
Johnson County Regional Planning Commission (Iowa) 1
Kausch, Lani 1
Kelly, Alberta Metcalf, 1899-1994 1
Knowler, Faith (1911-2002) 1
Lambie, Candace Packard 1
Laurila, Kathleen Wood, 1940- 1
League of United Latin American Citizens. Council 10 (Davenport, Iowa) 1
League of Women Voters (U.S.) 1
League of Women Voters of Johnson County, Iowa 1
League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Des Moines 1
League of Women Voters of Mount Vernon-Lisbon 1
League of Women Voters of Muscatine, Iowa 1
League of Women Voters of Sioux City, Iowa 1
Levin, Myrtilla F., 1938- 1
Magers, Jane 1
March For Women's Lives. Iowa Delegation 1
Martin, Mona Kadel (1934-) 1
Marylanders for the Right to Choose (Organization) 1
+ ∧ less