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Showing Collections: 81 - 100 of 179

Irene Hoover papers

Identifier: IWA0472

Farmwoman, 4-H leader, and volunteer who was active in the Farm Bureau and the Master Farm Homemakers Guild.

Dates: 1923-2001

Janie Yates-Glandorf papers

Identifier: IWA0337

Iowa City high school drama and English teacher.

Dates: 1943-2005

Janis Torrence Laughlin papers

Identifier: IWA0125

Muscatine County Supervisor from 1976 to 1982 and Representative in the Iowa Legislature from 1983 to 1985.

Dates: 1976-1990

Jean Lloyd-Jones papers

Identifier: IWA0066

State legislator from Iowa City and president of the Iowa Peace Institute.

Dates: 1964-2021

Jeanne Jones Cook papers

Identifier: IWA0795

Nurse Jeanne Jones Cook grew up in Iowa and Colorado. She completed her training with the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps in 1945.

Dates: 1939-1949

Jessie Field Shambaugh papers

Identifier: IWA0133

Shenandoah, Iowa teacher who became school superintendent for Page County, Iowa. She played a central role in the development of activities for rural youth and is referred to as the 'Mother of 4-H.'

Dates: 1901-1994

Joann Weldon papers

Identifier: IWA0521

A resident of Davenport from 1962, Weldon publicly acknowledged her lesbian identity during the early 1950s.

Dates: 1920-2003

Josephine Gruhn papers

Identifier: IWA0382

Britt, Iowa-born member of the Iowa House of Representatives and vice-chair of the Committee on Agriculture during the farm crisis of the 1980s.

Dates: 1982-1992

Josephine M. Kuba papers

Identifier: IWA0406

Volunteer whose work centered on her involvement in the Woman's Relief Corps.

Dates: 1885-1998

Judy Klemesrud papers

Identifier: IWA0094

Nationally recognized journalist whose reporting included coverage of the women's movement.

Dates: 1939-1995

Julie Goodrich papers

Identifier: IWA0108

Adel, Iowa native who was an accomplished high school athlete in the 1970s.

Dates: 1948-1977

Kathryn W. Hansen

Identifier: IWA0859

Photographer, Peace Corps volunteer, and United Nations Association leader and member.

Dates: 1959-2012

Keyes Family papers

Identifier: IWA0039

Mount Vernon, Iowa, family whose papers include photographs, account books, correspondence and civil war diaries.

Dates: 1832-1992

League of Women Voters, Johnson County records

Identifier: IWA0021

Local branch of the national non-partisan League of Women Voters which seeks to promote political responsibility through educating and informing the public on selected governmental issues and promoting action on those issues.

Dates: 1920-2009

League of Women Voters, Metropolitan Des Moines records

Identifier: IWA0243

This non-partisan group studied and acted upon the many local issues including the following: the council-manager form of city government, home rule for local and county government, reapportionment of legislative districts of the Iowa General Assembly, desegregation and integration of Des Moines public schools, and the need for affordable housing in the community.

Dates: 1936-1995

League of Women Voters, Muscatine records

Identifier: IWA0636

During the 1980s and 1990s, the LWV of Muscatine conducted a number of studies on Muscatine county issues, including the ambulance 911 system, law enforcement, county courthouse space needs, alternative forms of county government, housing, education, land use, hazardous waste, local option tax, the U.S. Highway 61 Bypass, and the Muscatine fire station.

Dates: 1943-2000

Lela Powers Briggs papers

Identifier: IWA0043

An artist who farmed with her husband near La Porte, Iowa.

Dates: 1892-1992

Lena Belle Bock papers

Identifier: IWA0118

Member of the Iowa House of Representatives from 1960 to 1964.

Dates: 1960-1981

Lola Kathleen "Kathy" Fisher scrapbook

Identifier: IWA0854

West Chester, Iowa resident who attended the State University of Iowa from 1954-1956.

Dates: 1954-1956

Lola Moeller Zook papers

Identifier: IWA0462

Newspaper editor whose papers relate to her career as a journalist and the years she spent in occupied Japan following World War II.

Dates: 1909-2004

Filtered By

  • Repository: Iowa Women's Archives X
  • Subject: Photographs X
  • Subject: Scrapbooks X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

20th century 144
Personal papers 118
2001-2010 63
Cultural artifacts 56
Women -- Societies and clubs 53
∨ more
Administrative records 52
Iowa City (Iowa) 42
Diaries 40
Families 36
Rural women 36
College students 35
Correspondence 35
Women in agriculture 35
Sound recordings 34
Yearbooks 34
Clubs 33
Teachers 31
Oral histories 30
Video recordings 29
Women -- Political activity 28
Speeches 27
Memoirs 26
Women lawyers 26
Des Moines (Iowa) 25
Photograph albums 25
Teaching 24
Iowa 23
1971-1980 22
1981-1990 20
Farm life 18
High school students 18
Women in education 18
1991-2000 16
Autobiographies 16
Social participation 16
Women in public life 16
Voyages and travels 15
Homemakers 14
Rural families 14
4-H clubs 13
Farmers 13
World War, 1939-1945 13
Authors 12
Drawings (visual works) 12
Slides (photographs) 12
Community organization 11
Journalists 11
Political campaigns 11
Women 11
Women -- 19th century 11
Women and War 11
Legislators 10
Volunteers 10
1941-1950 9
College teachers 9
1961-1970 8
Autograph albums 8
Community activists 8
Family papers 8
Political participation 8
Social workers 8
Women in journalism 8
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 8
1951-1960 7
Rural girls 7
Sports for girls 7
Sports for women 7
Waterloo (Iowa) 7
Women in charitable work 7
Women in church work 7
Women in community organization 7
Women in nonprofit organizations 7
2011-2020 6
African American women 6
African American women -- Iowa 6
Artists 6
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 6
Home economics 6
Marriage 6
Motion pictures 6
New York (N.Y.) 6
Pacifism 6
Social service 6
Washington (D.C.) 6
Women in higher education 6
Women in the performing arts 6
Working class women 6
1931-1940 5
Agriculture 5
Basketball for girls 5
Country life 5
High school athletes 5
High school teachers 5
Intellectual life 5
Librarians 5
Local history 5
Nurses 5
+ ∧ less
Dutch; Flemish 1
State University of Iowa 25
University of Iowa 10
Republican Party (Iowa) 8
Iowa State College 5
General Federation of Women's Clubs 4
∨ more
Iowa State Teachers College 4
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 4
American National Red Cross 3
Iowa State University 3
University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives 3
Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A. 3
American Association of University Women 2
City High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
Davis, Aldeen 2
Day, Cornelia, 1919-2004 2
Everett family 2
Everett, Beverly, 1926-2001 2
Grand View College 2
Grinnell College 2
Iowa Cornets (Basketball team) 2
Iowa Porkettes 2
Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 2
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 2
Jones, Virginia Shrauger, 1921- 2
Keyes, Margaret N., 1918-2015 2
National Women's Conference (1st : 1977 : Houston, Tex.) 2
Noun, Louise R. (1908-2002) 2
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 2
Republican National Committee (U.S.) 2
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
Shrauger family 2
Shrauger, Cornelia Prentiss, 1896-1985 2
Shrauger, Harold, Sr. 2
Smith, Mary Louise (1914-1997) 2
State University of Iowa. School of Nursing 2
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 2
United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve 2
University of Colorado Boulder 2
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education for Women 2
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 2
Women's Professional Basketball League 2
Alfred University 1
Algona High School (Algona, Iowa) 1
Allen family 1
Allen, George Eugene, 1887-1944 1
Allen, Hilda Ellyson, 1988- 1
Allen, Philip, 1915- 1
Allen, Sewell E., 1913-1975 1
American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 1
American Association for the United Nations 1
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 1
American Association of Dental Schools 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Association of University Women. Iowa City Branch 1
American Dental Association 1
American Dental Hygienists' Association 1
American Legion Auxiliary 1
American Mission Upper Nile 1
American Theological Society 1
Ankeny High School (Ankeny, Iowa) 1
Anneberg, Dorothy Spencer 1
Anton, Judy 1
Arizona State University 1
Art Institute of Chicago. School 1
Artists In Action (Muscatine, Iowa) 1
Associated Country Women of the World 1
Associated Country Women of the World. Conference 1
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 1
Athletic and Recreation Federation of College Women 1
Atlantic High School (Atlantic, Iowa) 1
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States 1
Aurora Reading Club of Pittsburgh (Pa.) 1
B'nai Jeshurun Temple (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Baker, Hermione Georgette Allen, 1917- 1
Barnes, Irston R. 1
Bartlett family 1
Bartley, Joy Hedges 1
Basketball Hall of Fame (Springfield, Mass.) 1
Bayard Women's Club (Iowa) 1
Becker, Virginia (1918-2009) 1
Bell,  Eleanor Nissen, 1925- 1
Benedict Home (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Bennett, Julia 1
Berg, Anna Margaret Skramstad 1
Berg, Mary J. (Mary Jaylene), 1950- 1
Berg, Orville 1
Best Ever Club (Percival, Iowa) 1
Bethel Evangelical Secondary School 1
Birmingham High School (Birmingham, Iowa) 1
Black Hills Playhouse (Theater group) 1
Bock, Lena Belle, 1904-2007 1
Bolin, Molly, 1957- 1
Bondurant, Dorothy, 1908-2002 1
Boone High School (Boone, Iowa) 1
Boyd, Susan, 1927- 1
Bradley family 1
Bradley, Cornelia Fitch, 1838-1893 1
Bradley, David Ogden, 1827-1895 1
Bradley, Henry 1
Bradley, Rhoda Ogden 1
+ ∧ less