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Iowa League for Nursing records

Identifier: IWA0580

The Iowa League for Nursing's efforts have included active participation in community planning and action for health care, advocating changes such as home health care. The organization made efforts to assure the continuing supply of nurses by providing them with the educational opportunities to reach their maximum career potential, ability to move into management and leadership positions, and promoting a greater public appreciation of nursing as a profession.

Dates: 1952-2002

Iowa Nurses Association, Fifth District records

Identifier: IWA0015

Local chapter of the Iowa Nurses Association.

Dates: 1922-2001

Iowa Nurses' Association records

Identifier: IWA0023

State branch of the national organization. The overall purpose of the association has been to promote and improve the professional skills and status of nurses.


Administrative Records, 1904-1989 (boxes 1-18) American Nurses Association, 1928-1989 (boxes 18-24) Committees, 1933-1989 (boxes24-34) Continuing Education, 1955-1989 (boxes 34-36) Conventions, 1904-1989 (boxes 37-44) Districts, 1920-1984 (boxes44-48) Economic Security,1946-1989(boxes 48-57) Iowa League for Nursing,1913-1980 (boxes 57-61 Iowa Organizations, 1926-1989 (boxes 61-68) Membership, 1904-1988 (boxes 68-70) Publications, 1917-1985 (box71) Sections, 1940-1984 (boxes 71-77) Student Nurses Association, 1949-1984 (boxes 77-78) Photographs, 1918-1987 (boxes 78-79) Artifacts, 1981-1988 (box 80) Audiotapes, 1974-1987 (box 81) Oversize, 1916-1987 (box 82 and container 83)

Dates: 1904-1989

Linda Kinney Neuman papers

Identifier: IWA0532

Served for over twenty years in the Iowa judiciary and was the first woman to be appointed to the Iowa Supreme Court.

Dates: 1975-2018

Marian Rees papers

Identifier: IWA0273

Emmy Award-winning television producer and owner of Marian Rees Associates, Inc.

Dates: 1977-1996

National League of American Pen Women, Iowa City Branch records

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: IWA0655

Local branch, formed in 1963, of group for women writers and artists.

Dates: 1963-2011

National League of American Pen Women, Quad Cities Branch records

Identifier: IWA0656

The National League of American Pen Women, Quad Cities Branch was established in 1976 to serve as an outlet for area women writers to communicate. The group organized scholarship competitions for high school student writers.

Dates: 1976-1997

National League of American Pen Women, Waterloo-Cedar Rapids Branch records

Identifier: IWA0657

Local chapter formed in 1932.

Dates: 1944-2000

National Secretaries Association Robert Lucus Chapter records

Identifier: IWA0659

Local chapter of the professional organization focused on social, educational, and professional activities.

Dates: 1947-1987

Pi Lambda Theta, Theta Chapter records

Identifier: IWA0817

Honorary society for women students in the field of education.

Dates: 1918-2008

Polk County Women Attorneys records

Identifier: IWA0219

Association to promote the professional growth of women in the law.

Dates: 1986-1995

Stella M. Mason papers

Identifier: IWA0744

Physician and surgeon who practiced in Mason City, Iowa, and was also active in the women's sufffrage movement.

Dates: 1852-1958

Filtered By

  • Repository: Iowa Women's Archives X
  • Subject: Professional associations X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Photographs 11
Administrative records 9
20th century 8
Women -- Societies and clubs 8
Scrapbooks 5
∨ more
1981-1990 4
1991-2000 4
Awards 4
Cultural artifacts 4
Iowa 4
Women in education 4
Women in medicine 4
1971-1980 3
2001-2010 3
Authors 3
Correspondence 3
Iowa City (Iowa) 3
Nurses 3
Nursing 3
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 3
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 3
Personal papers 3
Sound recordings 3
Women and literature 3
Career development 2
Contests 2
Educators 2
Law 2
Lawyers 2
Medical education 2
Nurse administrators 2
Nursing students 2
Professional education of women 2
Quad Cities (Ill. and Iowa) 2
Video recordings 2
Women -- Political activity 2
Women lawyers 2
African American women -- Iowa 1
Artists 1
Bioethics 1
Businesswomen 1
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 1
College students 1
Composers 1
Courts 1
Educational leadership 1
Equal rights amendments 1
Families 1
Feminism 1
Files (digital files) 1
Film festivals 1
Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1
Human reproductive technology 1
Judges 1
Judicial opinions 1
Judicial process 1
Made-for-TV movies 1
Mason City (Iowa) 1
Medical instruments and apparatus 1
Motion picture producers and directors 1
Newsletters 1
Oral histories 1
Philanthropists 1
Photograph albums 1
Physicians 1
Polk County (Iowa) 1
Practice of law 1
Scholarships 1
Scott County (Iowa) 1
Secretaries 1
Sex role 1
Slides (photographs) 1
Social participation 1
Speeches 1
Suffrage 1
Teachers 1
Television producers and directors 1
Voyages and travels 1
Wages 1
Waterloo (Iowa) 1
Women 1
Women -- 19th century 1
Women and War 1
Women and the arts 1
Women in charitable work 1
Women in the motion picture industry 1
Women in the performing arts 1
Work environment 1
Yearbooks 1
+ ∧ less
Iowa League for Nursing 2
Iowa Nurses' Association 2
Alternative Living for the Aging (Organization) 1
American Film Institute 1
American Nurses Association 1
∨ more
American Women in Radio and Television Inc. 1
Bixler, Genevieve Knight 1
Center for Population Options (U.S.) 1
Chamber of Commerce (Studio City, Los Angeles, Calif.) 1
Children Now (Organization) 1
Dobbs, Ella Victoria 1
Eastern Iowa League for Nursing 1
Entertainment Industry Coalition on Aids 1
Friends of Tel Hashomer (Organization) 1
Getty Center for Education in the Arts 1
Gwen Bolden Foundation 1
Hollywood Radio and Television Society 1
Institute for Mental Health Initiatives 1
Iowa Citizens' League for Nursing 1
Iowa Nurses' Association. Fifth District 1
Iowa Organization of Women Attorneys 1
Iowa State Bar Association 1
Iowa. Supreme Court 1
Kemp, Alice M. 1
Los Angeles Production Advisory Group 1
Marian Rees Associates (Firm) 1
Mason, Stella M., 1861-1957 1
McBroom, Maude 1
Museum of Television and Radio 1
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (U.S.) 1
National Association of Women Judges (U.S.) 1
National Council for Families and Television (U.S.) 1
National League for Nursing 1
National League of American Pen Women. Iowa City Branch 1
National League of American Pen Women. Quad Cities Branch 1
National League of American Pen Women. Waterloo-Cedar Rapids Branch 1
National Secretaries Association (U.S.). Robert Lucas Chapter (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Neuman, Linda Kinney, 1948- 1
Peterson, Andrew 1
Pi Lambda Theta 1
Pi Lambda Theta. Theta Chapter (University of Iowa) 1
Polk County Women Attorneys (Iowa) 1
Producers Guild of America 1
Rees, Marian 1
Snedaker, Mabel I. 1
State University of Iowa 1
Sundance Institute 1
Tétreault, Mary Ann, 1942- 1
University of Iowa 1
Women in Film (Organization) 1
+ ∧ less