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Showing Collections: 61 - 80 of 196

Emeline Fuhrmeister papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0613

Widowed farmwoman who lived at the homes of her various children.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1908

Emmylou Krohn papers

Identifier: IWA0634

Teacher, columnist, and textbook author from Council Bluffs area.

Dates: 1940-1998

Ericka Peterson-Dana papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0670

Organic farmer and activist in Poweshiek County, Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 2000

Ernella Van Horn papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0724

The second of four generations of women in her family to play basketball in Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1993-2001

Esther Christensen papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0596

65-page memoir of Fayette County, Iowa farmwoman.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1908-1987

Esther Everett papers

Identifier: IWA0880

Home economics professor raised on a farm in Lacey, Iowa.

Dates: 1911-2008

Esther Mae Christensen Grow memoir

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0210

Reflections on growing up in western Iowa and Nebraska include experiences in country school, college and as a teacher.


One folder shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1993

Esther Ver Meer papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0408

Farmwoman and member of the Porkettes, the women's auxiliary of the Iowa Pork Producers Council.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1991-1998

Eva Donelson Wilson papers

Identifier: IWA0355

Native of Ogden, Iowa, and professor of nutrition at colleges in the United States and Brazil.

Dates: 1994

Evelyn Birkby Collection of Radio Homemaker Materials

Identifier: IWA0126

Cookbooks, newsletters, and other publications of the Radio Homemakers who broadcast over KMA and KFNF in southwest Iowa.

Dates: 1924-2021

Ever Ready Club (Baxter, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0573

The Ever Ready Club served as a social and educational organization for women in the community

Dates: 1926-1987

Farm Safety 4 Just Kids (founding chapter) records

Identifier: IWA0381

An organization advocating the prevention of farm-related childhood injuries, health risks and fatalities.

Dates: 1990-1998

Faye T. Wookey papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0699

Native of Red Oak, Iowa who who recalls family life on a farm in Montgomery County, Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 2000

Franklin Township Farm Bureau Women (O'Brien County) records

Identifier: IWA0713

Farmwomen's club organized in 1956.

Dates: 1956-1993

Freedom Township Women's Club (Palo Alto County) records

Identifier: IWA0383

Social club founded in 1923. Presentations were given on food preservation, nutrition, sewing, and tailoring.

Dates: 1923-1998

Friendly Circle Club (Washington, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0533

A Washington, Iowa women's social club which was founded in 1934.

Dates: 1934-2011

Friendly Neighbors Club (Percival, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0178

Social club organized in April 1935 by farm wives living southeast of Percival, Iowa.

Dates: 1935-2000

Gladys Homan papers

Identifier: IWA0261

Extensive correspondence of Corning, Iowa farm wife and club woman.

Dates: 1871-2004

Gladys Talcott Rife papers

Identifier: IWA0284

Mt. Vernon, Iowa high school teacher who later owned and directed The Depot Museum in Fayette County, Iowa.

Dates: 1920-2002

Grace Ferns papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0608

Memoir and oral history transcript of a rural Iowa school teacher.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1987-2002

Filtered By

  • Repository: Iowa Women's Archives X
  • Subject: Rural women X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Women in agriculture 184
Archives (groupings) 165
20th century 117
Personal papers 116
Photographs 104
∨ more
Farm life 99
Farmers 87
Diaries 79
Oral histories 77
Families 75
Rural families 70
Autobiographies 65
Memoirs 58
Homemakers 57
2001-2010 54
Rural girls 47
Teachers 45
Scrapbooks 44
1991-2000 43
Women -- Societies and clubs 38
Teaching 37
Correspondence 33
Women -- 19th century 33
Administrative records 31
Iowa 29
1981-1990 28
Twentieth century 28
Social participation 27
Rural schools 26
Clubs 24
Country life 22
Agriculture 19
1971-1980 17
4-H clubs 17
Sound recordings 16
Frontier and pioneer life 15
Family papers 14
Rural conditions 14
Cultural artifacts 13
Depressions -- 1929 13
Speeches 13
Stock Market Crash, 1929 13
Cooking 12
Women in education 12
Yearbooks 12
Authors 11
College students 11
Home economics 11
Sewing 11
Women in public life 11
Community organization 10
Housekeeping 10
Rural churches 10
Women -- Political activity 10
Women and War 10
Women in community organization 10
Des Moines (Iowa) 9
Farm management 9
Gardening 9
Marriage 9
Photograph albums 9
Video recordings 9
1931-1940 8
Fayette County (Iowa) 8
Journalists 8
Volunteers 8
Voyages and travels 8
World War, 1939-1945 8
1941-1950 7
Autograph albums 7
Community activists 7
Immigrant families 7
Local history 7
Nineteenth century 7
Pioneers 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 7
Women 7
Women lawyers 7
1901-1910 6
1921-1930 6
1961-1970 6
Community life 6
Farms 6
Iowa City (Iowa) 6
Mahaska County (Iowa) 6
Nurses 6
Women in charitable work 6
World War, 1914-1918 6
2011-2020 5
Artists 5
Basketball for girls 5
Courtship 5
High school students 5
Nineteen twenties 5
Political campaigns 5
Political participation 5
Sports for girls 5
Sports for women 5
1861-1870 4
+ ∧ less
German 1
Iowa State Teachers College 5
Everett, Beverly, 1926-2001 3
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation 3
Iowa Porkettes 3
O'Brien, Denise, 1949- 3
∨ more
State University of Iowa 3
American Association of University Women 2
Blundall, Joan, 1945- 2
Everett family 2
Gruhn, Josephine, 1927-2015 2
Hodne, Carol 2
Iowa Mother of the Year 2
Iowa State College 2
Iowa State Fair 2
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 2
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 2
Mahaska County Farm Bureau. Women's Committee 2
Miller, Elizabeth R. (Elizabeth Ruby), 1905-1988 2
Monroe Busy Bees (4-H Club : Mahaska County, Iowa) 2
Newhall High School (Newhall, Iowa) 2
Puttmann, Sally, 1936- 2
Rural Women's Project (University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives) 2
Shivvers, John, -1962 2
Shivvers, Vera, 1897-1990 2
Svoboda, Jane, 1944- 2
University of Iowa 2
White family 2
White, Stanley V., 1901- 2
World's Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.) 2
Achttien, Jack, -1924 1
Ackeman, Karen 1
Adams, Janet (1937-) 1
Albia Woman's Club (Albia, Iowa) 1
American Academy of Neurology. Women's Auxiliary 1
American Legion Auxiliary 1
Anderson, Christine Hanson, 1912- 1
Anderson, Helen 1
Anderson, Marilyn 1
Angrick, William 1
Anneberg, Dorothy Spencer 1
Anton, Judy 1
Art Institute of Chicago. School 1
Ashby, Rhoda 1
Associated Country Women of the World 1
Associated Country Women of the World. Conference 1
Atalig, Angelica Lynn Rose 1
Audubon Society of Manchester (Iowa) 1
Backes, Lenora 1
Baker, Carl (poet) 1
Balster, Stella Werden 1
Barker, Patti 1
Bartley, Joy Hedges 1
Basgall, Carol 1
Bassett, Ella 1
Baxter, Elaine (1933-2021) 1
Bayard Women's Club (Iowa) 1
Beatty, Linda, 1942- 1
Beck, Jennie, 1903- 1
Becker, Virginia (1918-2009) 1
Bell,  Eleanor Nissen, 1925- 1
Bennett, Mary 1
Berg, Orville 1
Best Ever Club (Percival, Iowa) 1
Bevin, Nancy 1
Birkby, Evelyn, 1919 - 2021 1
Birmingham High School (Birmingham, Iowa) 1
Bishop, Nellie, 1904-1999 1
Block, Marjorie Bertalot, 1923-2007 1
Blom, Nancy De Vries, 1907-1993 1
Bloom, Amy 1
Blunt, Dorothy 1
Bob's Creek Neighbors (Club : Allamakee County, Iowa) 1
Bobbitt family 1
Bobbitt, Benjamin Claiborne 1
Bobbitt, Laura Littlefield 1
Bobbitt, Randolph 1
Boedeker family 1
Boedeker, Margaret Talcott 1
Bollin, Kathy 1
Bonham, Catherine 1
Boyd, June Lundy, 1922- 1
Boyd, Nancy Shimanek, 1947- 1
Brandt, Diane, 1938- 1
Briggs family 1
Briggs, Lela Powers, 1896-1953 1
Brindley family 1
Brinton, Ada Mae Brown, 1891-1988 1
Brown, Gerald 1
Browneller, Martha Jean Nicholson, 1920- 1
Browneller, Max 1
Browning Literary Club (Atlantic, Iowa) 1
Bruggmann, Charles 1
Bruggmann, Dominique 1
Bruggmann, Sibylle 1
Bucey family 1
Buchanan County Farm Bureau (Iowa). Women's Committee 1
Buckley, Susan C. 1
Buckwalter, Elizabeth, 1817-1886 1
Buckwalter, Mary Jane, 1852- 1
Buell family 1
+ ∧ less