Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 208
Dorothy Ashby Pownall papers
Journalist who reported on Camp Dodge in Iowa during World War I.
Dorothy Bondurant papers
Waterloo music educator and multicultural programs coordinator.
Dorothy Clark papers
Methodist Episcopal deaconess who later worked with the Mahaska County Historical Society to found the Nelson Pioneer Farm in Oskaloosa, Iowa.
Edith Edmund Johnson papers
Longstanding member of Fairfield, Iowa clubs including the Fancy Work Circle and the Good Cheer Society.
Edith Neal papers
Known as the Vietnam Mail Lady, Neal corresponded with servicemen stationed in Vietnam from 1966 to 1969.
Edith Sackett papers
Schoolteacher and Iowa Mother of the Year, 1969.
Edna Hidlebaugh papers
Prominent Bayard, Iowa clubwoman who helped found the local library.
Edna Means papers
Characterist and dramatic reader, and chatauqua performer from Tama, Iowa organized her own talent agency.
A gift copy of James W. Foley's, Some one like you (1915), presented to Means by Elias Day in 1936, has been removed to the printed works collection and cataloged separately.
Edythe Stirlen papers
One of the first ordained female ministers in the Midwest whose sermons were broadcast on radio stations KFNF and KMA for over sixty years in Shenandoah, Iowa.
Eleanor Eyestone Trummel papers
Home demonstration agent for Iowa State College Extension Service and homemaker.
Elizabeth Wherry papers
Emma Goldman Clinic (Iowa City, Iowa) records
Feminist health clinic.
Administration Boxes 1-30 and 66
EGC projects Boxes 30-48 and 67
Anti-abortion movement Boxes 48-50 and 67
Pro-choice movement Boxes 50-53 and 67
Publications, EGC Boxes 53-54
Publications, non-EGC Boxes 54-56 and 67-68
Newspaper clippings Boxes 56-57 and 68
Photographs Boxes 36, 59-50, and 58-60
Scrapbook Box 61
Artifacts Boxes 38, 62-63, and 69
Audiovisual [audiocassette and videocassette collections]
Emmylou Krohn papers
Teacher, columnist, and textbook author from Council Bluffs area.
Esther Everett papers
Home economics professor raised on a farm in Lacey, Iowa.
Esther J. Walls papers
Mason City, Iowa native and librarian who was the first African-American female student at University of Iowa elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Esther Sietmann Warner Dendel papers
Esther Treptow Clark papers
Daughter of German immigrants whose scrapbook documents her life in the early 20th century.
Ethel Reames papers
Businesswoman who was the creator and proprieter of the Reames Noodle Company in Des Moines, Iowa.
Eve Drewelowe papers
Artist who attended the State University of Iowa and in 1924 became the first person to receive a masters degree in Painting and Art History.
Flora Garden Club (Manchester, Iowa) records
The records include notebooks for flower shows, a program planning book, and newspaper articles.