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Showing Collections: 61 - 80 of 201

Germaine Mayer Blake papers

Identifier: IWA0271

Elementary school teacher who taught for thirty-three years at the Catholic Visitation Grade School in Stacyville, Iowa.

Dates: 1948-1997

Gertrude Schroeder Lockwood papers

Identifier: IWA0826

Scrapbook documenting the collegiate life of a State University of Iowa student during the 1920's.

Dates: 1923-1928

Gertrude Taft papers

Identifier: IWA0843

Humboldt, Iowa, native who taught high school in Iowa and worked for the Unitarian Church in Cleveland and Boston.

Dates: 1908-1926

Gladys Miller Ferguson papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0316

Teacher and high school girls basketball coach from Mechanicsville, Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1919-1978

Gladys Nelson papers

Identifier: IWA0662

Republican Iowa legislator from 1950 to 1956 and former president of the League of Women Voters of Iowa.

Dates: 1938-1995

Gladys Spayde papers

Identifier: IWA0042

Stage actress who spent her childhood in Saskatchewan and was a teacher in Fairfield, Iowa.

Dates: 1932-1982

Gladys Talcott Rife papers

Identifier: IWA0284

Mt. Vernon, Iowa high school teacher who later owned and directed The Depot Museum in Fayette County, Iowa.

Dates: 1920-2002

Grace Ferns papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0608

Memoir and oral history transcript of a rural Iowa school teacher.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1987-2002

Grace Morris Allen Jones papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0277

Burlington, Iowa born educator and wife of Dr. Laurence C. Jones, founder of Piney Woods Country Life School in Piney Woods, Mississippi.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1927-1975

Harriet Adeline Stevens papers

Identifier: IWA0707

Teacher of nutrition education and dietetics; U. S. Army Second Lieutenant who served as a medical hospital dietician at Camp Gordon, Georgia during World War II.

Dates: 1928-1994

Hazel Rogers papers

Identifier: IWA0214

Teacher who attended the Iowa State Teachers College between 1939 and 1941.

Dates: 1932-1987

Hazelle Keir Schmuecker papers

Identifier: IWA0244

Autobiographical essays and family history of six generations by rural schoolteacher, homemaker, and artist.

Dates: 1983-2007

Helen Lee Hensleigh Wenger papers

Identifier: IWA0142

University of Iowa graduate and teacher whose papers include correspondence and scrapbook files relating to her work on a variety of social issues.

Dates: 1922-2006

Helena Jongewaard McDonald papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0390

Teacher who attended Iowa State College in 1914.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1913-1952

Helene Scriabine papers

Identifier: IWA0080

Author and Professor Emeritus of Russian at the University of Iowa, who emmigrated to the United States after surviving the siege of Leningrad in 1941.

Dates: 1940-1996

Henrietta Ruff papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0289

Amana, Iowa, school teacher.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1985-1996

Her Own Story: Ten Benton County Women

Identifier: IWA0134

Project of the Vinton, Iowa, American Association of University Women.

Dates: 1984-1992

Hilda Ellyson Allen papers

Identifier: IWA0371

The papers consist largely of correspondence between Hilda and George Allen and their three children and cover a broad range of family, social and political issues.

Dates: 1884-1958

Icey Lenora Teel Harling papers

Identifier: IWA0238

Lecturer, author and playwright who ran the Teel School of Expression in Davenport, 1918-1934 and was later a writer and editor for the Durant News.

Dates: 1902-1973

Ida "Belle" Bandfield Holden papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0062

Schoolteacher in the Waterloo area at the turn of the century.


One folder shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1840-1981

Filtered By

  • Repository: Iowa Women's Archives X
  • Subject: Teachers X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Archives (groupings) 186
Personal papers 169
Photographs 140
20th century 138
Teachers 129
∨ more
Teaching 100
Iowa City (Iowa) 75
College teachers 65
Women in education 62
2001-2010 55
Diaries 50
Memoirs 49
Oral histories 49
Rural women 46
Scrapbooks 46
Women in agriculture 46
Families 44
Correspondence 42
College students 41
Women in higher education 40
1991-2000 38
Autobiographies 36
Cultural artifacts 36
1981-1990 33
Speeches 30
Farm life 29
Video recordings 29
Sound recordings 28
Rural schools 21
Rural families 20
Iowa 19
Women 18
1971-1980 17
Authors 17
Women -- Political activity 17
Farmers 16
Homemakers 16
Voyages and travels 16
African American women -- Iowa 15
High school teachers 15
Twentieth century 15
African American women 14
Des Moines (Iowa) 14
Women lawyers 14
World War, 1939-1945 14
Rural girls 13
Slides (photographs) 13
Photograph albums 12
Elementary school teachers 11
Sports for girls 11
Sports for women 11
Women -- 19th century 11
Women and War 11
Yearbooks 11
Administrative records 10
1941-1950 9
College teaching 9
English teachers 9
High school students 9
Home economics 9
Nurses 9
Women in public life 9
1901-1910 8
1921-1930 8
Artists 8
Bisexuals 8
Gays 8
Journalists 8
Lesbians 8
Sexual minorities 8
Social participation 8
Transgender people 8
Women in the performing arts 8
1931-1940 7
Family papers 7
Feminism 7
Physical education teachers 7
Political participation 7
Sex discrimination against women 7
Social workers 7
Volunteers 7
Women in church work 7
1911-1920 6
4-H clubs 6
Agriculture 6
College administrators 6
Community activists 6
Drawings (visual works) 6
Legislators 6
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 6
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 6
Rural conditions 6
Scholars 6
Women's rights 6
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 6
1951-1960 5
Art teachers 5
Cedar Falls (Iowa) 5
Davenport (Iowa) 5
Depressions -- 1929 5
+ ∧ less
Finnish 1
French 1
Icelandic 1
Japanese 1
Norwegian 1
∨ more
Swedish 1
+ ∧ less
State University of Iowa 26
University of Iowa 22
Iowa State Teachers College 7
State University of Iowa. Department of Home Economics 5
City High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 4
∨ more
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 3
Republican Party (Iowa) 3
University High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 3
University of Iowa. College of Nursing 3
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education for Women 3
University of Northern Iowa 3
University of Wisconsin 3
American Association of University Women 2
American National Red Cross 2
Central College (Pella, Iowa) 2
Coe College 2
Fox, Margaret, 1912-2010 2
Girl Scouts of the United States of America 2
Grinnell College 2
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 2
Iowa State College 2
Jew, Jean Y. 2
Keyes, Margaret N., 1918-2015 2
Moore, Mary Ellen, 1919-1998 2
Ohio State University 2
Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays 2
Pennsylvania State University 2
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
State University of Iowa. School of Nursing 2
University of Iowa. College of Dentistry 2
University of Iowa. Department of Home Economics 2
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education and Dance 2
University of Iowa. School of Journalism 2
University of Iowa. Women's Studies Program 2
University of Minnesota 2
Whitehead, Floy Eugenia, 1913-1998 2
Young Women's Christian Association (State University of Iowa) 2
Albaugh, Eileen Ferreter, 1915-1952 1
Allen family 1
Allen, George Eugene, 1887-1944 1
Allen, Hilda Ellyson, 1988- 1
Allen, Philip, 1915- 1
Allen, Sewell E., 1913-1975 1
American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 1
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 1
American Association of Dental Schools 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Association of University Women. Iowa City Branch 1
American Dental Association 1
American Dental Hygienists' Association 1
American Educational Research Association 1
American Home Economics Association 1
American Junior Red Cross 1
American Legion Auxiliary 1
American Mission Upper Nile 1
American Psychological Association 1
Anderson, Christine Hanson, 1912- 1
Anderson, Ruth Bluford, 1921-2013 1
Anneberg, Dorothy Spencer 1
Antioch Baptist Church (Waterloo, Iowa) 1
Association of Trial Lawyers of America 1
Association of Trial Lawyers of Iowa 1
Athletic and Recreation Federation of College Women 1
Atwood, Roy Alden 1
Audiovisual Education Association of Iowa 1
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States 1
Aydelotte, Myrtle Kitchell (1917-2010) 1
Bacon, Evelyn Crary, 1916-1997 1
Baker, Carl (poet) 1
Baker, Hermione Georgette Allen, 1917- 1
Barclay, Winston 1
Barnes, Irston R. 1
Barnes, Lea Boyce 1
Bartlett family 1
Basgall, Carol 1
Bayard Women's Club (Iowa) 1
Beck, Jennie, 1903- 1
Bell,  Eleanor Nissen, 1925- 1
Benjamin Franklin High School (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) 1
Bennett, Julia 1
Beran family 1
Beran, Janice A. 1
Berg, Anna Margaret Skramstad 1
Berg, Mary J. (Mary Jaylene), 1950- 1
Berg, Orville 1
Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948 1
Berry, Venise T. 1
Bethel College (North Newton, Kan.) 1
Bethel Evangelical Secondary School 1
Birmingham High School (Birmingham, Iowa) 1
Bixler, Genevieve Knight 1
Black Hills Playhouse (Theater group) 1
Blake, Germaine Mayer 1
Blind Tom, 1849-1908 1
Boedeker family 1
Boedeker, Margaret Talcott 1
Bohlmann, Rachel E. 1
Bondurant, Dorothy, 1908-2002 1
Bowersox family 1
Bowersox, Dorothy LeVier 1
+ ∧ less