Showing Collections: 121 - 140 of 201
Margaret Johnson papers
Farm woman, teacher, and recipient of the Master Farm Homemaker award in 1970.
Margaret Keyes papers
Professor of Home Economics at the University of Iowa and nationally recognized leader in the field of historic preservation.
Margaret Talcott Boedeker papers
Teacher with Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1941-1963; vocational counselor and tourism advocate.
Margaret Wilbourn Gerber papers
Clubwoman and activist who lived in Chicago, Albany, New York, and Iowa City.
Marian Farquhar papers
Missionary to the Sudan who spent her childhood in Page County, Iowa, and worked in Africa from the 1940s to 1980s.
Marianne Michael papers
Served with her husband as missionaries for the Church of the Brethren in Garkida, Nigeria from 1948 to 1961.
Marie Giddings papers
Detailed account of farm and rural community life as Marie Giddings knew it growing up in Kossuth County during the early 20th century.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Marilyn Preheim Rose papers
Professor of Anthropology and Women's Studies at the University of Iowa.
Marion Jones Clark papers
Bacteriologist and assistant professor at the University of Iowa, 1940s to ca. 1960.
Marjorie Elizabeth Lyford papers
Public health and visiting nurse who later taught at the University of Iowa College of Nursing.
Marjorie Mason papers
Teacher, newspaper columnist and poet from Sioux City, Iowa.
Martha Wahl papers
Mathematician and teacher who patented educational toys for teaching mathematics to children.
Mary Berg papers
Pharmacist and professor at The University of Iowa College of Pharmacy.
Mary Ellen Moore papers
High school English teacher from Iowa City.
Mary Grefe papers
Educator, social activist, politician and businesswoman who was inducted into the Iowa Women's Hall of Fame in 1980.
Mary Jayne “MJ” Williams papers
English teacher and drama director for over forty years in Fairfield, Iowa and Iowa City, Iowa.
Mary Johnston Elson papers
Iowa teacher from Jefferson County who taught in rural schools for forty-four years and was active in the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs.
Mary Patricia Donahue papers
Maude Esther White papers
Founder of the Des Moines Tutoring Center, and Iowa's first Affirmative Action administrator from 1973 to 1978.
May Bennett Harshbarger papers
Schoolteacher from eastern Carroll County, Iowa who managed the family farm after her husband's death in 1926.