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Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 113

Iowa Women's Hall of Fame records

Identifier: IWA0174

Established by the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women in 1975 to recognize the contributions of Iowa women.

Dates: 1975-2010

Iowa Women's Political Caucus records

Identifier: IWA0019

Organization to promote the advancement of women in politics.

Dates: 1972-1999

Jacqueline Scott papers

Identifier: IWA0295

Elementary schoolteacher in Keokuk, Iowa.

Dates: 1988-1997

Jane Christoffer Rubel papers

Identifier: IWA0346

High school bascketball player who sued the Iowa Girl's High School Athletic Union to be allowed to play on the school team after becoming pregnant.

Dates: 1969-1993

Janette Ryan-Busch papers

Identifier: IWA0675

Organic farmer and activist from Johnson County, Iowa.

Dates: 1989-2006

Janis Torrence Laughlin papers

Identifier: IWA0125

Muscatine County Supervisor from 1976 to 1982 and Representative in the Iowa Legislature from 1983 to 1985.

Dates: 1976-1990

Jean Berry papers

Identifier: IWA0297

Des Moines-based artist.

Dates: 1989-2000

Jean Huffey papers

Identifier: IWA0303

Elementary schoolteacher and substitute teacher; active in PFLAG and groups promoting LGBTQ inclusion within the Lutheran Church.

Dates: 1977-2019

Jean Jew Justice Committee records

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: IWA0444

The committee organized in 1990 to support Jean Jew in her sexual harassment lawsuit against the University of Iowa.

Dates: 1982-1999

Jeanne Van Kley papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0388

Farmer's wife from Ocheydan, Iowa who raised four children.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1987-1998

Joan Blundall papers

Identifier: IWA0486

Social worker who developed support services for rural families during the 1980s farm crisis in Iowa.

Dates: 1986-1998

Johnie Hammond papers

Identifier: IWA0563

Democratic representative and senator in the Iowa legislature.

Dates: 1970-2006

Johnson County ERA Coalition records

Identifier: IWA0138

Organized in Iowa City to promote the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment to the constitution of the state of Iowa.


"New Strategies, Old Obstacles in the Fight for Equality: An Analysis of the 1992 Iowa ERA Referendum Campaign," is shelved in the Iowa Women's Archives printed works collection (fHQ.1236.5.U6 F45 1993).

Dates: 1984-1993

Josephine Gruhn papers

Identifier: IWA0382

Britt, Iowa-born member of the Iowa House of Representatives and vice-chair of the Committee on Agriculture during the farm crisis of the 1980s.

Dates: 1982-1992

Judy Polumbaum papers

Identifier: IWA0914

Professor of journalism at The University of Iowa.

Dates: 1987-1997

Karen Goodenow papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0233

Elementary and high school teacher who has served on local and state boards of education.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1980-1993

Kathleen Halloran Chapman papers

Identifier: IWA0263

Attorney and Democrat who served in the Iowa House of Representatives from 1983 to 1992 and again in 1996.

Dates: 1977-1999

Katy Gammack papers

Identifier: IWA0749

Multi-client lobbyist, co-publisher of "Money and Politics Iowa," and an advocate for women's rights.

Dates: 1976-2007

Kittredge Cherry and Audrey Lockwood

Identifier: IWA0759

Life partners Kittredge Cherry (1957-), an author, journalist, and minister to the LGBT community, and Audrey Lockwood (1957- ), a financial planner, met as students at the University of Iowa in 1975 and lived and worked in Japan before settling in California.

Dates: 1970-2009

La Casa Latina (Sioux City, Iowa)

Identifier: IWA0726

Non-profit organization that helped recent Latino immigrants and non-English speakers in the Siouxland area obtain human services, healthcare, housing, and other basic needs.

Dates: 1989 - 2007

Filtered By

  • Repository: Iowa Women's Archives X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: 1981-1990 X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: 1991-2000 X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Archives (groupings) 107
1971-1980 62
Personal papers 61
Photographs 54
2001-2010 44
∨ more
Administrative records 44
Iowa 36
Iowa City (Iowa) 33
Women -- Societies and clubs 33
Women -- Political activity 32
Women lawyers 29
Women 21
Cultural artifacts 20
Video recordings 20
Rural women 19
Women in agriculture 19
Scrapbooks 17
Oral histories 16
Teachers 16
African American women -- Iowa 15
Correspondence 15
Sound recordings 15
Women in public life 14
Women's rights 14
African American women 13
Speeches 13
Political campaigns 12
Des Moines (Iowa) 11
Feminism 11
Homemakers 11
Women in education 11
College teachers 10
Memoirs 10
Political participation 10
Social participation 10
Teaching 10
Women in higher education 10
Diaries 9
Equal rights amendments 9
Autobiographies 8
Community activists 8
Families 8
Farm life 8
Legislators 8
Sex discrimination against women 8
Social workers 8
Twentieth century 8
Clubs 7
Community organization 7
Bisexuals 6
Davenport (Iowa) 6
Farmers 6
Feminists 6
Gays 6
Johnson County (Iowa) 6
Lesbians 6
Sexual minorities 6
Social service 6
Transgender people 6
Abortion 5
Artists 5
Career development 5
College students 5
Equality before the law 5
Journalists 5
Political candidates 5
Rural families 5
Volunteer workers in social service 5
Women in nonprofit organizations 5
20th century 4
Artists and community 4
Authors 4
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 4
Education 4
Financial records 4
Law 4
Lawyers 4
Political activists 4
Rural schools 4
Sexual harassment 4
Sioux City (Iowa) 4
Sports for girls 4
Sports for women 4
Women in church work 4
Working class women 4
1961-1970 3
2011-2020 3
Agriculture 3
Ames (Iowa) 3
Awards 3
Basketball players 3
Dubuque (Iowa) 3
Educators 3
Gay rights 3
Hispanic American families 3
Hispanic American women 3
Homophobia 3
Legislation 3
+ ∧ less
University of Iowa 14
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 6
Democratic Party (Iowa) 4
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 4
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 4
∨ more
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 4
Republican Party (Iowa) 4
Drake University 3
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 3
American Association of University Women 2
Artists In Action (Muscatine, Iowa) 2
Chapman, Kathleen "Kay" Halloran (1937-) 2
Gruhn, Josephine, 1927-2015 2
Harper, Patricia (1932-) 2
Henry, Phylliss, 1940- 2
Iowa Cornets (Basketball team) 2
Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 2
Iowa. General Assembly 2
Jew, Jean Y. 2
Lemme, Helen 2
Lipsky, Joan (1919-2015) 2
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 2
Metcalf, Janet, 1935- 2
National Organization for Women. Dubuque Chapter 2
O'Dea, Suzanne, 1950- 2
Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays 2
Teaford, Jane (1935-) 2
Torrence Laughlin, Janis, 1926-2014 (1926-2014) 2
University of Northern Iowa 2
Women's Professional Basketball League 2
AIDS Coalition of Johnson County (Iowa) 1
Adams, Janet (1937-) 1
Alan Guttmacher Institute 1
American Business Women's Association. Grant Wood Chapter 1
American Institute of Commerce 1
Americans for Religious Liberty 1
Anderson, Helen 1
Anderson, Ruth Bluford, 1921-2013 1
Ashby, Rhoda 1
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 1
Atkinson, Edith Reed, 1919-2000 1
Barclay, Winston 1
Baxter, Elaine (1933-2021) 1
Beatty, Linda, 1942- 1
Beck, Jennie, 1903- 1
Becker, Virginia (1918-2009) 1
Berg, Orville 1
Berry, Jean, 1938- 1
Berry, Vern, 1906-2004 1
Bloom, Amy 1
Blundall, Joan, 1945- 1
Bolin, Molly, 1957- 1
Boulware, Lois, 1903-1998 1
Boyd, Nancy Shimanek, 1947- 1
Brandt, Diane, 1938- 1
Braunwarth, Sarah, 1853-1927 1
Brine, Pauline 1
Bruggmann, Charles 1
Bruggmann, Dominique 1
Bruggmann, Sibylle 1
Bucklew, Jeanette, 1946- 1
Buhr, Florence, 1933- 1
Burrows, Bess, 1895- 1
Campaign to Add Women to the Iowa Constitution 1
Campbell, Bonnie J., 1948- 1
Cano family 1
Carl, Janet (1948-) 1
Carlson, Agnes Bollesen 1
Carpenter, Dorothy, 1933-2011 1
Carr, Martha Ashby 1
Catholics for a Free Choice (Organization) 1
Cedar Investors (Cedar County, Iowa) 1
Celebration of Excellence and Achievment Among Women (University of Iowa) 1
CenterSpace (Community art center : Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Cherry, Kittredge, 1957- 1
Christensen, Jeanne, 1938- 1
Clark family 1
Clark, Betty Jean, 1920-2005 1
Coe College 1
Coffin, Barbara, 1941- 1
Cohen, Gertrude (1913-2016) 1
Conklin, Charlene, 1929-2022 1
Cooper, Cecile, 1900-1997 1
Corning, Joy (1932-2017) 1
Cothorn, Marguerite, 1909-1998 1
Crabb, Helen M., 1916- 1
Davis, Laura 1
Democratic Activist Women's Network 1
Des Moines (Iowa). Police Department 1
Des Moines Area Community College 1
Doderer, Minnette, 1923-2005 1
Dubuque Human Rights Commission (Dubuque, Iowa) 1
Dubuque Packing Company 1
Duitscher, Lucille Dreier, 1922- 1
Duncan, Bob 1
ERA Iowa 1992 1
Eaton, Linda 1
Eichacker, Lois H. (1932-2018) 1
Eisinger, Mary 1
Embroiderers' Guild of America. Plum Grove Chapter (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
+ ∧ less