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Showing Collections: 41 - 58 of 58

Margaret Davis Collison papers

Identifier: IWA0083

Member of the Iowa Board of Regents who was also active in Roxanne Conlin's gubernatorial campaign of 1982.

Dates: 1937-1990

Marguerite Cothorn papers

Identifier: IWA0402

Social worker and political activist, who served on the Iowa Civil Rights Commission from 1983 to 1984.

Dates: 1928-1995

Mary C. Neuhauser papers

Identifier: IWA0455

Democrat who served four terms in the Iowa House and one four-year term in the Senate (1986-1998).

Dates: 1968-1999

Mary Louise Smith papers

Identifier: IWA0027

First woman to chair the Republican National Committee, serving from 1974 to 1977. Co-founder of the Louise Noun-Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women's Archives.

Dates: 1925-1997

Mavis Stoner papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0428

Newspaper articles.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1918-1998

Minnette Doderer papers

Identifier: IWA0008
Abstract State legislator from Iowa City who was first elected to the Iowa House of Representatives in 1964. Arrangement Alphabetical file, 1944-1984 (Boxes 1-30) Campaign files 1966, 1968, 1977-1980 (Box 6) Lieutenant governor campaigns, 1970, 1977-1978 (Box 22-25) 1966-1988 (Box 31) 1986-2000 (Boxes 53-55) Correspondence 1944-1984 (Boxes 10-15) 1972-1990 (Boxes 31-33) 1974, 1978-1992 (Box 45) 1970s-2000 (Boxes 55-56) Personal material 1968-1990 (Boxes 33-35) 1975, 1981-1992 (Boxes 47-48) 1970s-2000 (Box 53) Photographs 1964-1967, 1983-1984 (Box 35) Speeches Speeches and speech material, 1966-1982 (Boxes 28-29) Undated (Box 35) 1968-2000 (Boxes 57-58) Topical files and legislation ...
Dates: 1944-2005

Mona Kadel Martin papers

Identifier: IWA0835

Mona Martin (1934- ) served in the Iowa House of Representatives from Scott County from 1993-2001.

Dates: 1992-2009

Myrtilla F. Levin papers

Identifier: IWA0032

Active in the Republican Party, mayor of Newton, Iowa, and executive director of Iowa Business Council.

Dates: 1971-2010

Naomi Novick papers

Identifier: IWA0667

Iowa City city councilor from 1990 to 1997. Chosen twice to serve as mayor.

Dates: 1922-2016

Patricia Herring papers

Identifier: IWA0741

Feminist, social worker, and advocate for persons with HIV/AIDS.

Dates: 1979-2008

Roxanne Barton Conlin papers

Identifier: IWA0005

Attorney and political activist who co-founded the Iowa Women's Political Caucus and was appointed Federal Prosecutor in 1977.

Dates: 1969-1998

Sally Puttmann papers

Identifier: IWA0396

Farmer, speaker, and first woman on the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Board of Directors.

Dates: 1994-1998

Shirley M. Sandage papers

Identifier: IWA0318

Mason City, Iowa-born civil rights activist, United States field representative for the Christian Children's Fund and director of program development for the National Organization on Disability.

Dates: 1927-2012

Thelma B. Lewis papers

Identifier: IWA0022

Iowa City mayor in 1961; served on the city council from 1958 to 1963.

Dates: 1947-1967

Violet Greiner papers

Identifier: IWA0389

Farmwoman, columnist, and volunteer from Blairsburg, Iowa who wrote a monthly column for the Rural Electric Cooperative News.

Dates: 1960-1999

Virginia Becker papers

Identifier: IWA0540

Scrapbooks of Bremer County, Iowa, Farm Bureau woman.

Dates: 1976-1993

Wilma Belden Collins papers

Identifier: IWA0079

Grimes, Iowa, newspaper columnist and editor.

Dates: 1921-1992

Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Iowa records

Identifier: IWA0751

Organization dedicated to legislative and educational efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency and support woman's suffrage.

Dates: 1874-2006

Filtered By

  • Repository: Iowa Women's Archives X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Women in public life X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Archives (groupings) 57
Personal papers 48
Photographs 45
20th century 38
Women -- Political activity 30
∨ more
Iowa 25
Women lawyers 24
1991-2000 18
2001-2010 18
Speeches 17
1981-1990 16
Scrapbooks 16
Des Moines (Iowa) 15
Iowa City (Iowa) 13
1971-1980 10
African American women -- Iowa 10
Legislators 10
Rural women 10
Women in agriculture 10
Cultural artifacts 9
Sound recordings 9
Video recordings 9
Administrative records 8
African American women 8
Political campaigns 8
Oral histories 7
Political participation 7
Women -- Societies and clubs 7
Community activists 6
Correspondence 6
Political candidates 6
Women 6
1961-1970 5
Homemakers 5
Mayors 5
Social workers 5
City council members 4
Civic leaders 4
Equal rights amendments 4
Farmers 4
Jewish women -- Iowa 4
Memoirs 4
Municipal government 4
Rural families 4
Social service 4
Teachers 4
Volunteers 4
Women -- 19th century 4
Women in community organization 4
Women's rights 4
1951-1960 3
Abortion 3
African Americans 3
Clubs 3
College students 3
College teachers 3
Families 3
Government employees 3
Johnson County (Iowa) 3
Journalists 3
Nurses 3
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 3
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 3
Photograph albums 3
Political activists 3
Race discrimination 3
Social participation 3
Teaching 3
Washington (D.C.) 3
Waterloo (Iowa) 3
Women -- Suffrage -- Iowa 3
1941-1950 2
Agriculture 2
Authors 2
Autobiographies 2
Bisexuals 2
Businesswomen 2
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 2
China 2
Civil rights 2
Country life 2
Courtship 2
Diaries 2
Education 2
Equality before the law 2
Ethics 2
Farms 2
Federal government 2
Feminism 2
Feminists 2
Gays 2
Jewish women 2
Jews in public life 2
Lesbians 2
Minority women 2
Politicians 2
Race relations 2
Religious tolerance 2
Sexual minorities 2
+ ∧ less
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 9
Republican Party (Iowa) 7
Democratic Party (Iowa) 6
State University of Iowa 5
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 3
∨ more
Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 3
Chapman, Kathleen "Kay" Halloran (1937-) 2
Cohen, Gertrude (1913-2016) 2
Conlin, Roxanne Barton, 1944- 2
Doderer, Minnette, 1923-2005 2
Drake University 2
Grinnell College 2
Gruhn, Josephine, 1927-2015 2
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 2
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 2
Know Your Neighbor (Panel : Des Moines, Iowa) 2
League of Women Voters of Iowa 2
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 2
Neuhauser, Mary C., 1934- 2
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
Veterans Administration Hospital (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
AIDS Coalition of Johnson County (Iowa) 1
Adams, Janet (1937-) 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
American Association for the United Nations 1
American Association of University Women 1
Anderson, Helen 1
Anton, Judy 1
Association of Trial Lawyers of America 1
Association of Trial Lawyers of Iowa 1
Audiovisual Education Association of Iowa 1
Baxter, Elaine (1933-2021) 1
Beatty, Linda, 1942- 1
Becker, Virginia (1918-2009) 1
Benedict Home (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Berg, Orville 1
Bloom, Amy 1
Bock, Lena Belle, 1904-2007 1
Boyd, Nancy Shimanek, 1947- 1
Brandt, Diane, 1938- 1
Brigance, Linda 1
Buchanan County Farm Bureau (Iowa). Women's Committee 1
Bucksbaum, Carolyn, 1929- 1
Buhr, Florence, 1933- 1
Burleson, Jane, 1928- 1
Bush, George, 1924- 1
Calderon, Barbara McDonald (1915-1999) 1
Call, Leona, 1857-1943 1
Carl, Janet (1948-) 1
Carpenter, Dorothy, 1933-2011 1
Carter, Lucille Ketchum (1913-2009) 1
Center for the American Woman and Politics (Eagleton Institute of Politics) 1
Central Washington State University 1
Chauncey Depew Club (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Christian Children's Fund 1
City High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Clark, Betty Jean, 1920-2005 1
Cochran family 1
Cochran, Lee W. (Lee William) 1
Cochran, Lida M. 1
Coffin, Winnie 1
Collins, Wilma Belden, 1909- 1
Collison, Margaret Davis, 1921-2014 1
Congressional Club (Washington, D.C.) 1
Conklin, Charlene, 1929-2022 1
Cooper, Fannie Wilson 1
Corning, Joy (1932-2017) 1
Cosson, George 1
Cosson, Jennifer Riggs, -1943 1
Cothorn, Marguerite, 1909-1998 1
Crabb, Helen M., 1916- 1
Crawford family 1
Crawford, Anita, 1909-1998 1
Crowl, Jennifer 1
Davis, Laura Hutchison, 1916-1993 1
Davis, Lloyd L. 1
Democratic Activist Women's Network 1
Des Moines Human Rights Commission 1
Des Moines Metro Opera Guild 1
Des Moines Suffrage Club 1
Displaced Homemakers Network 1
Door Opener (Mason City, Iowa) 1
Drake College of Pharmacy 1
Duitscher, Lucille Dreier, 1922- 1
Duncan, Bob 1
Egenes, Joan Vander Naald, 1936- 1
Eichacker, Lois H. (1932-2018) 1
Evans, Alpha, 1918- 1
FG Syndrome Family Alliance 1
Flanagan, Barbara, 1924- 1
Flesner, Edna, 1904-2004 1
Flora Garden Club (Manchester, Iowa) 1
Florida Women's Consortium 1
Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006 1
Fowler, Gwendolyn Wilson, 1907-1997 1
Frederick County Human Relations Commission (Frederick County, Iowa) 1
Furgerson, Betty Jean, 1927- 1
Garman, Teresa, 1937- 1
Garrity, Margaret 1
Garrity-Sandage Associates, Inc. 1
+ ∧ less