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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 22

Archie L. Greene papers

Identifier: IWA0296

Writer and volunteer who earned a doctorate in English from the University of Iowa while living with spinocerebellar degeneration.

Dates: 1963-1998

Bernice Zimmer papers

Identifier: IWA0876

Diaries of an Iowa woman.

Dates: 1932-2010

Beverly Everett papers

Identifier: IWA0148

Family farmer, volunteer, and community activist who served on U.S. National Commission for UNESCO and the International Women's Year Commission.

Dates: 1856-2001

Dorothy Misbach papers

Identifier: IWA0468

Educator whose lifelong career of working with partially seeing and blind students began in 1938 at the Perkins School for the Blind in Massachussetts.

Dates: 1890-1999

Edith Edmund Johnson papers

Identifier: IWA0740

Longstanding member of Fairfield, Iowa clubs including the Fancy Work Circle and the Good Cheer Society.

Dates: 1922-2005

Edith Neal papers

Identifier: IWA0660

Known as the Vietnam Mail Lady, Neal corresponded with servicemen stationed in Vietnam from 1966 to 1969.

Dates: 1931-1997

Edna Englert papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0604

Iowa City native who was the organist at St. Wenceslaus Church for sixty-five years, retiring at the age of 81.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1987-2005

Eleanor Gildner Hageboeck papers

Identifier: IWA0460

University of Iowa alumna and clubwoman. She wrote a column for the Iowa City Press Citizen during World War II.

Dates: 1929-1993

Entre Nous records (Iowa City, Iowa)

Identifier: IWA0081

Women's drama study club founded in 1914 in Iowa City.

Dates: 1914-2002

Friendly Circle Club (Washington, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0533

A Washington, Iowa women's social club which was founded in 1934.

Dates: 1934-2011

Friendly Neighbors Club (Deep River, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0377

The club was organized in 1952 as a social and philanthropic forum for local women.

Dates: 1952-1992

Lucille Ketchum Carter papers

Identifier: IWA0131

1936 graduate of the School of Nursing at the State University of Iowa who was active in Democratic politics and whose correspondence includes round robin letters.

Dates: 1936-2008

Marian Rees papers

Identifier: IWA0273

Emmy Award-winning television producer and owner of Marian Rees Associates, Inc.

Dates: 1977-1996

Mary Elizabeth Wood papers

Identifier: IWA0262

Social worker and the first African American woman in the United States to be named executive director of a greater metropolitan YWCA.

Dates: 1920-1998

Ortha P. Neff papers

Identifier: IWA0561

Red Cross staff member who was stationed in Okinawa and Hawaii during World War II.

Dates: 1944-2006

Prairie View Club (Hardin County) records

Identifier: IWA0432

Rural women's club dating from the early twentieth century.

Dates: 1932-1995

Proteus Club (Des Moines) records

Identifier: IWA0096

Women's study club organized in 1896 by college graduates for their intellectual improvement.

Dates: 1896 - 2024

Ruth Fuller papers

Identifier: IWA0482

The first female pilot in Appanoose County and active in the local Democratic Party.

Dates: 1925-2002

Ruth Salzmann Becker papers

Identifier: IWA0123

Nurse and community activist in Iowa City who, as a young Jewish woman, fled Nazi Germany in 1939 and emigrated to the United States.

Dates: 1858-2012

Sew and So Club (Cass County, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0551

The club was originally organized by Washington Township women to work on quilting and other handiwork.

Dates: 1937-2005

Filtered By

  • Repository: Iowa Women's Archives X
  • Subject: Women in charitable work X
  • Subject: Photographs X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

20th century 20
Personal papers 14
2001-2010 12
Women -- Societies and clubs 9
Administrative records 8
∨ more
Clubs 8
Scrapbooks 7
College students 5
Correspondence 5
Iowa City (Iowa) 5
Memoirs 5
Women and War 5
Cultural artifacts 4
Diaries 4
Oral histories 4
Rural women 4
Social participation 4
Women -- Political activity 4
Families 3
High school students 3
Homemakers 3
Sound recordings 3
Speeches 3
Volunteer workers in social service 3
Volunteers 3
Women -- 19th century 3
Women in agriculture 3
Women in church work 3
Women in public life 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 3
Yearbooks 3
1981-1990 2
1991-2000 2
African American women 2
African American women -- Iowa 2
Autobiographies 2
Community activists 2
Des Moines (Iowa) 2
Family-owned business enterprises 2
Intellectual life 2
Nurses 2
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 2
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 2
Photograph albums 2
Social workers 2
Teachers 2
Video recordings 2
Women 2
Women in nonprofit organizations 2
World War, 1914-1918 2
1901-1910 1
1971-1980 1
2011-2020 1
4-H clubs 1
Air pilots 1
Ames (Iowa) 1
Appanoose County (Iowa) 1
Army spouses 1
Artists 1
Authors 1
Awards 1
Berlin (Germany) 1
Blind students 1
Bremer County (Iowa) 1
Buffalo (N.Y.) 1
Cass County (Iowa) 1
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 1
Centerville (Iowa) 1
Charities 1
Charity sports events 1
Chicago (Ill.) 1
Children with disabilities 1
Church officers 1
College graduates 1
Community organization 1
Cookbooks 1
Cooking 1
Czech Americans 1
Davenport (Iowa) 1
Deep River (Iowa) 1
Dish towels 1
Down syndrome -- Patients 1
Downing (Mo.) 1
Drawings (visual works) 1
Educators 1
Fairfield (Iowa) 1
Farmers 1
Feminists 1
Film festivals 1
Financial records 1
Friedreich's ataxia 1
Friendship 1
Gardening 1
German Americans 1
Germany 1
Girl Scouts 1
+ ∧ less
State University of Iowa 3
Democratic Party (Iowa) 2
Alternative Living for the Aging (Organization) 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Film Institute 1
∨ more
American National Red Cross 1
American Women in Radio and Television Inc. 1
Aurora Reading Club of Pittsburgh (Pa.) 1
Becker, Ruth Salzmann (1922-2007) 1
Camp Courageous of Iowa 1
Carter, Lucille Ketchum (1913-2009) 1
Center for Population Options (U.S.) 1
Chamber of Commerce (Studio City, Los Angeles, Calif.) 1
Child Development Club (Manchester, Iowa) 1
Children Now (Organization) 1
Christen, Inez, 1906-1999 1
Clionian Club (Davenport, Iowa) 1
Congressional Club (Washington, D.C.) 1
Englert, Edna Rummelhart, 1902-2005 1
Entertainment Industry Coalition on Aids 1
Entre Nous (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Evans, Mary 1
Everett family 1
Everett, Beverly, 1926-2001 1
Fancy Work Circle (Fairfield, Iowa) 1
Friendly Circle Club (Washington, Iowa) 1
Friendly Neighbors Club (Deep River, Iowa) 1
Friends of Tel Hashomer (Organization) 1
Fuller, Ruth Beard, 1907-2008 1
Getty Center for Education in the Arts 1
Girl Scouts of the United States of America 1
Glandorf, Gil 1
Good Cheer Society (Fairfield, Iowa) 1
Greene, Archie L., 1945- 1
Greene, Archie Lou Shipp 1
Gwen Bolden Foundation 1
Hageboeck, Eleanor Gildner, 1908- 1
Hollywood Radio and Television Society 1
Institute for Mental Health Initiatives 1
Iowa State University 1
Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 1
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 1
Johnson, Edith Edmund, 1893- 1
Los Angeles Production Advisory Group 1
Lutheran Church Women's Quilting Club (Fairfield, Iowa) 1
Marian Rees Associates (Firm) 1
Meyer, Louis 1
Mount Ararat Baptist Church (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1
Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, N.Y.). School of Nursing 1
Museum of Television and Radio 1
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (U.S.) 1
National Council for Families and Television (U.S.) 1
National Women's Conference (1st : 1977 : Houston, Tex.) 1
Neal, Edith, 1916-2007 1
Neff, Ortha P., 1915- 1
Pennsylvania State University 1
Perkins School for the Blind 1
Prairie View Club (Hardin County, Iowa) 1
Producers Guild of America 1
Proteus Club (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Rees, Marian 1
Salzmann family 1
Sew and So Club (Cass County, Iowa) 1
Shipp, Nellie Elmira Martin 1
Sundance Institute 1
Tuesday Nighters (Manchester, Iowa) 1
U.S. National Commission for UNESCO 1
United States. President's Commission on the Status of Women 1
University of Iowa 1
University of Iowa. College of Nursing 1
Women in Film (Organization) 1
Wood, Mary Elizabeth, 1902- 1
Yates-Glandorf, Janie B. 1
Young Women's Christian Association of Buffalo (N.Y.) 1
Young Women's Christian Association of Philadelphia (Pa.) 1
Young Women's Christian Association of Pittsburgh (Pa.) 1
Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A. 1
Zimmer, Bernice, 1916-2012 1
Zimmer, Louis, -1987 1
+ ∧ less