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Showing Collections: 21 - 38 of 38

Ivory Winston papers

Identifier: IWA0883

Concert vocalist and Ottumwa housewife.

Dates: 1936-2010

Jane Burleson papers

Identifier: IWA0340

Teacher's aide, packinghouse worker, and union activist, Burleson was the first woman and first African American elected to the Fort Dodge City Council.

Dates: 1931-1998

Janice A. Beran papers

Identifier: IWA0149

Professor in the College of Education at Iowa State University until her retirement in 1994. Materials relate to the history of sports and particularly the participation of women and African-Americans in Iowa sports.

Dates: 1944-1998

Lileah Harris papers

Identifier: IWA0256

Professional volunteer active in several arts, civic, educational, and religious organizations in Cedar Rapids.

Dates: 1961-2014

Lillian Moore Scales papers

Identifier: IWA0292

Estherville, Iowa-born homemaker and teacher who was active in literary, political, and religious groups in Des Moines.

Dates: 1938-1991

Lois H. Eichacker papers

Identifier: IWA0255

Fort Madison civic leader and former president of the University of Iowa Alumni Association Board.

Dates: 1905-2006

Lulu Merle Johnson papers

Identifier: IWA0550

An African American woman from Gravity, Iowa, who earned an MA in 1930 and a PhD in 1941 in American history from the State University of Iowa.

Dates: 1930-1995

Martha Nash papers

Identifier: IWA0235

Civil rights activist, community and religious leader, she was executive director of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Education and Vocational Training in Waterloo.

Dates: 1939-2000

Mary Elizabeth Wood papers

Identifier: IWA0262

Social worker and the first African American woman in the United States to be named executive director of a greater metropolitan YWCA.

Dates: 1920-1998

Maude Esther White papers

Identifier: IWA0196

Founder of the Des Moines Tutoring Center, and Iowa's first Affirmative Action administrator from 1973 to 1978.

Dates: 1957-1996

Noble Photograph collection

Identifier: IWA0031

Postcards and photographs of Iowa includes the work of professional women photographers in Iowa.

Dates: 1874-1996

Olabelle Reed papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0343

Teacher, community activist, and co-founder of Club Les Dames, an African American women's club in Waterloo.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1935-1997

Penny Furgerson papers

Identifier: IWA0280

Pakistan-born Indian American pharmacist, dancer, choreographer, and theatre director who founded the Gateway Dance Theatre, a Des Moines-based company specializing in multiethnic dance.

Dates: 1937-2023

Sarilda Phillips papers

Identifier: IWA0671

Mississippi schoolteacher who was forced into retirement in 1956 following desegregation.

Dates: 1913-1986

The Maid Narratives: Oral Histories from the Great Migration to Iowa

Identifier: IWA1108

Oral history interviews with African American women who worked in domestic service in the South before moving to Iowa.

Dates: 2006 - 2023

Verda Williams papers

Identifier: IWA0137

Communication specialist at Iowa State University who produced the documentary Black Des Moines: Voices Seldom Heard.

Dates: 1965-2004

Virginia Harper papers

Identifier: IWA0199

One of five African American women who integrated Currier Hall at the University of Iowa in 1946. Former president of the Fort Madison chapter of the NAACP.

Dates: 1940-2005

YWCA of Greater Des Moines records

Identifier: IWA0167

The records are arranged in eight series: Administrative records, Financial records, Publicity, Branches and clubs, Photographs, Scrapbooks, Artifacts, and 1998 Accession.

Dates: 1885-1995

Filtered By

  • Subject: African American women X
  • Subject: 20th century X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

20th century 37
African American women -- Iowa 37
Archives (groupings) 36
African American women 33
Personal papers 32
∨ more
Photographs 28
Des Moines (Iowa) 16
Sound recordings 12
Oral histories 11
2001-2010 8
Correspondence 8
Speeches 8
African Americans 7
Cultural artifacts 7
Video recordings 7
Iowa City (Iowa) 6
Scrapbooks 6
Teachers 6
Waterloo (Iowa) 6
Women in community organization 6
Women in public life 6
Civic leaders 5
College students 5
Community activists 5
Families 5
Iowa 5
Race discrimination 5
Teaching 5
Women -- Political activity 5
Women in education 5
Educators 4
Race relations 4
Social workers 4
Volunteers 4
Women 4
Women lawyers 4
Administrative records 3
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 3
Civil rights workers 3
Clubs 3
College teachers 3
Diaries 3
Fort Madison (Iowa) 3
Leadership 3
Minority women 3
Pharmacists 3
Singers 3
Social service 3
Sports for girls 3
Sports for women 3
Volunteer workers in social service 3
Women -- Societies and clubs 3
Women in charitable work 3
Women in higher education 3
Women in pharmacy 3
1981-1990 2
1991-2000 2
African American students 2
Ames (Iowa) 2
Authors 2
Burlington (Iowa) 2
Civil rights 2
Community organization 2
Conservatorships 2
Dancers 2
Education 2
Girls 2
Government employees 2
Holly Springs (Miss.) 2
Homemakers 2
Mason City (Iowa) 2
Muscatine (Iowa) 2
Nurses 2
Nursing 2
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 2
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 2
Political participation 2
Race relations in school management 2
Racism 2
Retired women 2
Vocational education 2
Women in medicine 2
Women in radio broadcasting 2
Women in the performing arts 2
1921-1930 1
1931-1940 1
1941-1950 1
1951-1960 1
2011-2020 1
Actors 1
Actresses 1
Adoption 1
Advertising cards 1
African American business enterprises 1
African American children 1
African American churches 1
African American cooking 1
African American women household employees 1
Artificial collections 1
Artists 1
+ ∧ less
State University of Iowa 3
Furgerson, Betty Jean, 1927- 2
Morris, Arlene Roberts (1926-2016) 2
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 2
Neal, Kathryn M. 2
∨ more
University of Iowa 2
YWCA of Greater Des Moines 2
Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A. 2
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
American Nurses Association 1
Antioch Baptist Church (Waterloo, Iowa) 1
Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women's (Dubuque, Iowa) 1
Atkinson, Edith Reed, 1919-2000 1
Aurora Reading Club of Pittsburgh (Pa.) 1
Beran family 1
Beran, Janice A. 1
Blind Tom, 1849-1908 1
Booster Women's Club (Fort Madison, Iowa) 1
Branstad, Terry E. 1
Brewton, Frances 1
Brown, Geraldine 1
Burleson, Jane, 1928- 1
Carson, Frances 1
Club Les Dames (Waterloo, Iowa) 1
Coffin, Winnie 1
Community Pharmacy (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Cooper, Fannie Wilson 1
Davis, Aldeen 1
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 1
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Phi Chapter (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Des Moines City Federation of Colored Women 1
Des Moines Suffrage Club 1
Des Moines Tutoring Center 1
Drake College of Pharmacy 1
Eichacker, Lois H. (1932-2018) 1
Felton, Geraldene, 1926- 1
Fowler, Gwendolyn Wilson, 1907-1997 1
Franklin Book Programs, inc. 1
Furgerson, Penny, 1936- 1
Gateway Dance Theatre 1
Governor Ray's Commission on the Status Of Women (Iowa) 1
Greene, Archie L., 1945- 1
Greene, Archie Lou Shipp 1
Griffin, Edna, 1909-2000 1
Griffin, Phyllis 1
Haralovich, Mary Beth 1
Harper family 1
Harper, Virginia, 1929-1997 1
Harris, Gwendolene Barry 1
Harris, Lileah, 1931-2014 1
Hawthorne, Frances E. 1
Hickok, Kathy 1
Indo-American Association of Des Moines 1
Iowa Civil Rights Commission 1
Iowa Commission on the Status of African-Americans 1
Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union 1
Iowa League for Nursing 1
Iowa Nurses' Association 1
Iowa State University 1
Iowa State University. Cooperative Extension Service 1
Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 1
Iowa. Department of Agriculture 1
Iowa. Department of Social Services 1
Jackson, David W., 1972- 1
Johnson, Lulu Merle, 1907-1995 1
Jones, Grace Morris Allen, 1876-1928 1
Katz Drug Store (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Know Your Neighbor (Panel : Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Lawrence, Noah 1
Lloyd, Billie D., 1940-1991 1
Mackay, Dora E., 1915- 1
Marsh, Marjorie, 1913- 1
Mary Church Terrell Club (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Mason, Kären 1
Maxwell, Artice 1
McIntyre, Elizabeth Cicel Crawford 1
Mississippi State Board of Education 1
Mitchell, Azalia, 1898-1986 1
Mitchell, James Wardlow 1
Mount Ararat Baptist Church (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1
Muscatine Federated Women's Club 1
Nash, Martha, 1925-2000 1
National Council of Catholic Women (U.S.) 1
Noble, Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1945- 1
Page, Betty Mae, 1929- 1
Pennsylvania State University 1
Phillips, Sarilda, 1877-1971 1
Piney Woods School 1
Progressive Party (U.S. : 1948) 1
Quad Cities Conference on Black Families 1
Ray, Robert D. (1928-2018) 1
Reed, Cecil A. 1
Reed, Olabelle, 1935- 1
Ross, Marie 1
Scales, Lillian Moore, 1901-1991 1
Schuyler, Philippa, 1932-1967 1
Semper Fidelis Federated Women's Club 1
Shipp, Nellie Elmira Martin 1
Skinner, Eugene Willis 1
Smith, David A. 1
+ ∧ less