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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 59

Alberta Powell Graham Papers

Identifier: MsC0615

A writer of biographies for children (on Columbus, Clara Barton, Lafayette and LaSalle, among others), Mrs. Graham also published more than 300 songs and Strike Up the Band! (1949), a collection of short biographies of American band musicians. Both her books and songs are represented in her papers.

Dates: 1945-1955

Alfred M. Bailey Papers

Identifier: MsC0561

Naturalist and writer. Manuscripts of his books and articles, primarily about birds.

Dates: 1949-1955

Arthur Carhart Papers

Identifier: MsC0576

Author, conservationist, and landscape architect. Manuscripts of some of his books including The National Forests and Timber in Your Life. Typescript drafts, proofs, galleys, outlines, and correspondence are included.

Dates: 1916-1965

Bruce Bliven Papers

Identifier: MsC0566

Author, editor of The New Republic 1923-1953, and journalist. Typescript drafts, galleys, and page proofs for two books, Preview of Tomorrow and The World Changers.

Dates: 1952-1965

Byron Farwell Papers

Identifier: MsC0502

Author and military historian. Primarily manuscripts including various drafts, galleys, and proofs for eleven of his books. Also contains draftof book reviews, short stories, and articles along with some subject files.

Dates: 1955-1989

Charles Paul May Papers

Identifier: MsC0656
Scope and Contents

This collection contains notes, source materials, drafts and proofs for two non-fiction books: Bats. (1969) and Stranger in the Storm (Abelard-Schuman, 1972). Original title: Birds Flying High.

Dates: 1969 - 1972

Clyde Kluckhohn Papers

Identifier: MsC0640

Anthropologist and author. Correspondence, early drafts, galleys, and printer's copies of three of Kluckhohn's early works.

Dates: 1945-1948

David Morrell Papers

Identifier: MsC0478

Born in Ontario 1943, awarded a PhD in American literature by Pennsylvania State University in 1970, taught at Iowa from 1970 to 1986, retired to write. Perhaps best known for Rambo, the central character of his 1972 novel First Blood, which lead to the Rambo films starring Sylvester Stallone, Morrell has written numerous novels as well as screen- and teleplays. The growing collection of his papers includes video and audio tapes as well as research notes, correspondence, and manuscripts.

Dates: 1974-1999

Dorothy M. Johnson Papers

Identifier: msC0632

Editor, novelist and professor of journalism at the University of Montana. Typescript drafts and related correspondence for several short stories and her novel, The Hanging Tree. Also some family correspondence and photographs. Johnson wrote Liberty Valence and A Man Called Horse, both, like The Hanging Tree, made into motion pictures.

Dates: 1896-1958

Edwin L. Sabin Papers

Identifier: MsC0688

Novelist. Correspondence, scrapbooks, subject files, preliminary drafts of his writings.

Dates: 1870-1952

Eleanor Pownall Simmons Manuscripts

Identifier: MsC0698

Printmaker and artist, Simmons wrote and illustrated a number of books for children. This collection includes her artwork, typescript drafts, and artist's ephemera.

Dates: 1960 - 1970

Ellis Parker Butler Papers

Identifier: MsC0575

Author and businessman from Iowa , best known for his short story Pigs is Pigs. The papers consist of correspondence to and from Butler about his writing and the Author's League of America . His wife's correspondence is also included.

Dates: 1913-1937

Elswyth Thane Papers

Identifier: MsC0707

Playwright, biographer and novelist. Holograph notebooks containing first drafts of several historical novels, printer's copies, and correspondence are included. There are audiotapes of her research for Potomac Squire, a book about George Washington.

Dates: 1943-1963

Elton Trueblood Papers

Identifier: msc0710
Scope and Contents

There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, MsC0869.

Dates: -

Eugene L. Burdick Papers

Identifier: MsC0574

Author and co-author of such books as The Ugly American and Fail-Safe. This collection contains a manuscript for the book The Blue of Capricorn, and the serialized version of Fail-Safe, as well as clippings relating to Burdick. Iowa Author Ms.

Dates: 1962

Frank Luther Mott Papers

Identifier: MsC0664

Journalism professor and dean. Mott is best remembered for his writing on the history of American newspapers. He also wrote numerous stories, plays and novels, and drafts of which are preserved in this collection.

Dates: 1918 - 1963

Frederick Stern Bock Papers

Identifier: MsC0567

Poet , Assistant Editor Poetry Fountains of Regardlessness (1961). Correspondence, subject files, and preliminary drafts of his writings.

Dates: 1935-1980

George M. Sheets Papers

Identifier: msc0694
Scope and Contents

There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, MsC0869.

Dates: -

George Stimpson Papers

Identifier: MsC0704

Journalist, writer, and President of the National Press Club. Manuscripts for four of his informational books. Iowa Author

Dates: Undated

Hartzell Spence Papers

Identifier: MsC0701

Born in Clarion, Iowa, Spence graduated from the University of Iowa in 1930. From 1930 to 1941 he was the United Press bureau manager in Des Moines, and saw service during WW II in the Army Air Forces where he was the founder and first editor of Yank, the Army weekly newspaper. After the war, he worked as a free-lance writer, particularly noted for his reporting on religion. He also published several novels, wrote a comic strip (David Crane) and scripts for the weekly radio program, One Foot in Heaven, broadcast on the ABC network, 1944-1945. This collection consists of drafts for numerous articles and stories, including those for The Story of Religion in America, published in Look, 1957-1960.

Dates: 1941-1962; Majority of material found within 1950-1962

Filtered By

  • Subject: American literature X
  • Subject: Authors, American X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Iowa X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Authors, American 54
Iowa 43
Drafts (documents) 39
Fiction -- Authorship 29
Novelists 29
∨ more
Poets 29
Archives (groupings) 19
Authors 16
American prose literature 14
Clippings (information artifacts) 14
20th century 12
Typescripts 12
Women authors, American 12
Manuscripts (documents) 10
Children's books -- Authorship 9
American fiction 8
Children's literature 8
Journalists 8
Correspondence 7
Photographs 7
Women authors 7
American poetry 5
Journalism 5
Middle West 5
Poets, American 5
Scrapbooks 5
Clergy 4
Dramatists 4
Fiction 4
Manuscripts for publication 4
Motion picture authorship 4
Novels 4
Poetry 4
Television authorship 4
Poems 3
Regionalism in literature 3
West (U.S.) 3
West (U.S.) -- In literature 3
Adolescence 2
Alumni and alumnae 2
Articles 2
Audiotapes 2
Biographies 2
College teachers 2
Composers 2
Diaries 2
First drafts 2
Historical fiction 2
Holographs (autographs) 2
Iowa City (Iowa) 2
Motion pictures -- Production and direction 2
Nature in literature 2
Newspaper editors 2
Notebooks 2
Notes 2
Photocopies 2
Popular culture -- Study and teaching 2
Press releases 2
Printers' proofs 2
Proofs (printed matter) 2
Publishers and publishing 2
Quakers 2
Radio scripts 2
Research (documents) 2
Screenplays 2
Sheet music 2
Short stories 2
Slides (photographs) 2
Sound recordings 2
Speeches 2
Television -- Production and direction 2
Theater -- Study and teaching 2
Video recordings 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
Acoustical engineering 1
Administrative records 1
And there I stood with my piccolo 1
Andersonville 1
Animal behavior 1
Animal rights activists 1
Annual reports 1
Anthropologists 1
Apple is eaten 1
Archivists 1
Author's choice 1
Authors, English 1
Bats (1969) 1
Beats (Persons) in literature 1
Bibliographies 1
Big river, big man 1
Biographers 1
Book design 1
Books 1
Broadsheet (format) 1
Broadsides (notices) 1
Brochures 1
Business economists 1
+ ∧ less
University of Iowa 4
Engle, Paul, 1908-1991 2
American Institute of Graphic Arts 1
Armitage, Merle 1
Authors' League of America 1
∨ more
Bailey, Alfred M. 1
Beebe, Lucius Morris, 1902-1966 1
Bissell, Bess G., 1908-1970 1
Bissell, Richard Pike 1
Bliven, Bruce 1
Bliven, Bruce, 1889-1977 1
Bock, Frederick Stern 1
Bourjaily, Vance 1
Bourjaily, Vance, 1922-2010 1
Brant, Irving 1
Brown, Lewis H. (Lewis Herold), 1894- 1
Burdick, Eugene 1
Burdick, Eugene L. 1
Butler, Ellis Parker 1
Calhoun, Mary 1
Calhoun, Mary Huiskamp 1
Calkin, Homer L. 1
Carhart, Arthur 1
Carlson, Esther Elizabeth 1
Cassill, R. V. (Ronald Verlin), 1919-2002 1
Childs, Marquis 1
Clark, Glenn, 1882-1956 1
Colby, Anthony Owen 1
Collins, Max Allan 1
Corey, Paul 1
Cowles, Gardner, 1861-1946 1
Crary, Margaret 1
Davidson, Osha Gray 1
Denver Museum of Natural History 1
Downing, J. Hyatt 1
Drake University 1
Duncan, Thomas W. 1
Eastman, Harold Lloyd 1
Elston, Hattie Phinnette, 1900- 1
Engle family 1
Engle, Paul 1
Eyerly, Jeanette 1
Farwell, Byron 1
Faulkner, William, 1897-1962 1
Federal Writers' Project 1
Felsen, Henry Gregor 1
Finsterwald, Maxine 1
FitzGerald, Edward, 1809-1883 1
Frederick, John Towner 1
Gould, Chester 1
Graham, Alberta Powell 1
Hall, James Norman 1
Heggen, Thomas, 1919-1949 1
Hunting, Ema S. (Ema Suckow) 1
Iowa Author's 1
Iowa Summer Writing Festival 1
Iowa Writers' Workshop 1
Johns-Manville, Incorporated 1
Johnson, Dorothy M. 1
Kantor, MacKinlay 1
Kantor, MacKinlay, 1904-1977 1
Kelm, Karlton 1
Kelm, Karlton, 1908-1987 1
Kelm, William Eulberg 1
Kluckhohn, Clyde 1
Krim, Seymour 1
Leggett, John, 1917- 1
Lemberger, LeAnn 1
Martin, Robert Bernard 1
May, Charles Paul 1
Miller, Merle 1
Miller, Merle, 1919-1986 1
Morrell, David 1
Morrison, Velma Ford 1
Mossman, Steven Dow 1
Mott, Frank Luther 1
Muehl, Lois Baker 1
Radio Corporation of America 1
Robertson, Keith 1
Rosheim, David L. 1
Rowan, Edward Beatty, 1898-1946 1
Sabin, Edwin L. 1
Sabin, Henry, 1829-1918 1
Saltzman, (Katherine) Eleanor (1904-1946) 1
Saltzman, Eleanor 1
Saunders, William Irving 1
Seagrave, Sadie Fuller 1
Seagrave, Sadie Fuller, 1882- 1
Sheets, George M. 1
Sheets, George Marsh, 1887-1974 1
Sigmund, Jay 1
Simmons, Eleanor Pownall 1
Simmons, Elly (artist) 1
Simpson, Frank B. 1
Smith, Grace Noll, 1878-1974 1
Smith, Lewis Worthington, 1866-1947 1
Spence, Hartzell 1
Spence, Hartzell, 1908-2001 1
Spillane, Mickey, 1981- 1
Stegner, Wallace 1
+ ∧ less