Showing Collections: 21 - 22 of 22
Thomas Yoseloff Papers
Identifier: MsC0735
Journalist and publisher. Managing editor of The Daily Iowan as a student, later wrote for newspapers including the New York Times and the Omaha World Herald. Collection consists of drafts for A Fellow of Infinite Jest (1946), a biography of Laurence Sterne, and his own autobiography, The Time of My Life.
1946; Undated
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
W. Earl Hall Papers
Identifier: MsC0193
Editor and publisher of the Mason City Globe Gazette. Papers relating to his career and civic activities. Subject files, correspondence, speeches, and editorials reflect his work for such organizations as the Red Cross, Radio Free Europe, and the Iowa State Board of Regents.
Found in:
University of Iowa Special Collections
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Journalists 21
- Iowa 14
- Journalism 11
- Newspaper editors 10
- Authors, American 9
- Periodical editors 9
- Publishers and publishing 9
- Drafts (documents) 7
- Speeches 5
- 20th century 4
- Clippings (information artifacts) 4
- Archives (groupings) 3
- Authors 3
- Correspondence 3
- Photographs 3
- World War, 1939-1945 3
- Agriculture 2
- American newspapers 2
- American prose literature 2
- Clergy 2
- Fiction -- Authorship 2
- Manuscripts (documents) 2
- Newspapers 2
- Novelists 2
- Personal narratives 2
- Poets 2
- Reporters and reporting 2
- Scrapbooks 2
- World War, 1914-1918 2
- American fiction 1
- American poetry 1
- Apportionment (Election law) 1
- Audiotapes 1
- Beats (Persons) in literature 1
- Birds 1
- Business enterprises 1
- Business records 1
- Businessmen 1
- Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 1
- Cedar Rapids Gazette 1
- Censorship 1
- Chicago tribune. European ed 1
- Christianity 1
- Church history 1
- Columbus Junction (Iowa) 1
- Communism and agriculture 1
- Copy (Production stage) 1
- Daily world (New York, N.Y.) 1
- Des Moines register and leader 1
- Diaries 1
- Diplomatic and consular service 1
- Diplomats 1
- Editorials 1
- Essays 1
- Face the nation (Television program) 1
- Family papers 1
- Farmers national weekly (Chicago, Ill. : 1934) 1
- Farms 1
- Gun control 1
- Halifax (N.S.) 1
- Interviews 1
- Journalism, School 1
- Lay ministry 1
- Legislative bodies 1
- Legislative reporting 1
- Manuscripts for publication 1
- Mason City (Iowa) 1
- Mason City globe-gazette 1
- Methodist Church 1
- Military intelligence 1
- Newspaper publishing 1
- Notebooks 1
- Novels 1
- Periodicals 1
- Poets, American 1
- Politics, Practical 1
- Press and politics 1
- Preview for tomorrow 1
- Producers news (Plentywood, Mont.) 1
- Public relations 1
- Radio journalists 1
- Radio scripts 1
- Regimental histories 1
- Rural poor 1
- Selling of the Pentagon (Television program) 1
- Short stories, American 1
- Sioux City (Iowa) 1
- Sioux City journal (Sioux City, Iowa : 1887) 1
- Stuttgart (Germany) 1
- Tear sheets 1
- Television broadcasting of news 1
- Traffic safety 1
- Typescripts 1
- University of Iowa -- Students 1
- Video recordings 1
- Wall Street journal 1
- Wallaces' farmer (Des Moines, Iowa : 1898) 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- University of Iowa 3
- Allen, Arthur Francis 1
- American Legion 1
- American National Red Cross 1
- Bert, Erik 1
- Bliven, Bruce 1
- Bliven, Bruce, 1889-1977 1
- Bowen, Howard Rothmann, 1908- 1
- Brant, Irving 1
- CBS Television Network 1
- Childs, Marquis 1
- Communist Party of America 1
- Davidson, Osha Gray 1
- Evans, Joseph E. 1
- Flansburg, James S. 1
- Hall, W. Earl 1
- Hancher, Virgil Melvin, 1896-1965 1
- Herbst, Josephine Frey 1
- Hoover Presidential Library Association 1
- Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 1
- Iowa Governor's Reapportionment Action Committee 1
- Iowa State Safety Council 1
- Iowa. General Assembly 1
- Iowa. State Board of Regents 1
- Kefauver, Estes, 1903-1963 1
- Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 1894-1971 1
- Koop, Theodore F. 1
- Krim, Seymour 1
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 1
- Mott, Frank Luther 1
- Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 1
- Nye, Frank 1
- Parsons College (Fairfield, Iowa) 1
- People to People Conference (1956: Washington, D.C.) 1
- Public Relations Society of America 1
- Radio Free Europe 1
- Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 1
- Reynolds, Conger 1
- Shearer, Paul V. 1
- Spence, Hartzell 1
- Spence, Hartzell, 1908-2001 1
- Standard Oil Company 1
- Stimpson, George 1
- Stimpson, George W., 1896- 1
- Thimmesch, Nick 1
- United Methodist Church (U.S.) 1
- United Methodist Church (U.S.) Iowa Conference 1
- United Service Organizations (U.S.) 1
- United States Army. Infantry Regiment, 168th 1
- United States Information Agency 1
- United States. Department of Agriculture 1
- United States. Office of Private Cooperation 1
- University of Iowa. Department of English 1
- Wallace, Henry, 1836-1916 1
- Wertz, Harvey W. 1
- Willkie, Wendell L. (Wendell Lewis), 1892-1944 1
- Yoseloff, Thomas 1
- Yoseloff, Thomas, 1913-2007 1
- united states Army. Infantry Regiment, 168th. 1 + ∧ less
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