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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 38

Albert J. Cohen Papers

Identifier: MsC0126

American motion picture and television script writer and producer. Program scripts, department materials, memos, clippings, notes, correspondence, production budgets, and miscellaneous photographs.

Dates: 1948-1961; Majority of material found within 1951-1955

Alice French Papers

Identifier: MsC0605

One of the most successful women writers of the later 19th century, Octave Thanet's stories and novels celebrated the status quo; she lived much of her life in Davenport, Iowa. Our holdings consist of a holograph draft of her story, The Governor's Prerogative, photographs, photocopies of other stories, and a microfilm of Voice of Nature.

Dates: 1868-1962

Augustus Sinning Papers

Identifier: MsC0391

Physician. Correspondence, clippings, notebooks, and other papers.

Dates: 1892-1948

Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce Records

Identifier: MsC0138

Budgets, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and other material.

Dates: 1874 - 1973; Majority of material found within 1935 - 1946

Conger Reynolds Papers

Identifier: MsC0183

Journalist, diplomat, and public relations expert. Subject files, correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks, etc. relating to his varied career, from WWI intelligence officer to Chicago Tribune editor in Paris to consulate official to public relations director for Standard Oil.

Dates: 1899-1970

Davenport Besler Corporation Papers

Identifier: MsC0081

Business records of a liquidated Davenport, Iowa, locomotive manufacturing company.

Dates: 1909-1955

David Swift Papers

Identifier: MsC0125

Television and motion picture writer, director and producer. Television and motion picture scripts, screenplays, publicity, reviews, notes and memos, set designs, and costume sketches.

Dates: 1951-1965

Dr. Mark Ranney Papers

Identifier: MsC0190

Physician and book collector. Photographs, financial records, clippings and memorabilia.

Dates: 1854-1909; Majority of material found within 1870-1909

Edward C. Eicher Papers

Identifier: MsC0049

Lawyer, Government official, and U.S. Representative from Iowa. Correspondence, and speeches, including material on Iowa politics and government.

Dates: 1899-1944; Majority of material found within 1899-1901; Majority of material found within 1935-1938

Edward J. McManus Papers

Identifier: MsC0258

Iowa state senator, lieutenant governor of Iowa, Democratic candidate for governor of Iowa, delegate to Democratic National Convention, and U.S. District Court Judge for Northern District of Iowa. Correspondence, speeches, telegrams, campaign material, press releases, photographs, newspaper clippings, tape recordings, phonograph recordings, and scrapbooks.

Dates: 1942-1964; Majority of material found within 1960-1969

Eleanor Pownall Simmons Manuscripts

Identifier: MsC0698

Printmaker and artist, Simmons wrote and illustrated a number of books for children. This collection includes her artwork, typescript drafts, and artist's ephemera.

Dates: 1960 - 1970

Eugene A. Gilmore Papers

Identifier: RG05.0001.010

Twelfth president of the University of Iowa, 1934-1940.

Dates: 1934-1940

Frank Emmanuel Stucki Papers

Identifier: MsC0090

Minister. Correspondence, sermons, and tax returns.

Dates: 1910-1961

George J. Schaller Papers

Identifier: MsC0833

Banker and businessman. Legal, personal, and business papers, as well as correspondence and photographs.

Dates: 1871-1964

Henry Agard Wallace Papers

Identifier: MsC0177

Editor of Wallaces' Farmer 1921-1933; Secretary of Agriculture, 1933-1940; Vice-President of the United States, 1941-1945; Secretary of Commerce, 1945-1946. Includes audio visual materials; clippings; an extensive collection of correspondence, including photocopies of the microfilm edition of the originals in the Library of Congress, Manuscript Division; government documents; personal papers; photographs; research materials, with an emphasis on agriculture, particularly corn, but including livestock, weather, strawberries, chickens, and gladioli; writings, and speeches.

Dates: 1923-2004

Howard Richardson Papers

Identifier: MsC0301

Dramatist. Subject files relating to his career and personal life, including dra s, photographs, set designs, etc. Much of the collection relates to his best known play, Dark of the Moon..

Dates: 1923-1987

Iowa Authors Manuscripts Collection

Identifier: MsC0869

Includes manuscripts, galley proofs, page proofs, dust jackets, and other miscellany associated with publications of many Iowa Authors.

Dates: 1888-1990

James Baird Weaver Papers

Identifier: MsC0048

Populist leader. Weaver's correspondence with his wife; other Weaver family papers. Includes material on Davis Co., Iowa, and experiences in the Civil War.

Dates: 1836-1894; Majority of material found within 1862-1864

James C. Wright Papers

Identifier: MsC0296

Educator. Correspondence, subject files, speeches, articles, clippings, and photographs documenting his career as a school administrator, state official, and educator.

Dates: 1933-1971; Majority of material found in 1956-1965

James M. Wallace Papers

Identifier: MsC0483

Notebooks of a collector of children's books, artwork, and other items by children's author Marguerite de Angeli.

Dates: 1933-1989

Filtered By

  • Subject: Clippings (information artifacts) X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Photographs X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

University of Iowa Special Collections 34
University of Iowa Archives 4
Photographs 37
Correspondence 24
Archives (groupings) 23
Iowa 23
American literature 16
∨ more
English literature 16
Writers Archive at Iowa 16
20th century 13
Scrapbooks 10
Speeches 10
Articles 6
Authors 6
Diaries 6
Typescripts 6
American drama 5
Authors, American 5
Dramatists 5
Motion picture authorship 5
Television authorship 5
Biographies 4
Business records 4
Fiction -- Authorship 4
Motion pictures 4
Motion pictures -- Production and direction 4
Notebooks 4
Novelists 4
Poets 4
Popular culture -- Study and teaching 4
Screenplays 4
Screenwriters 4
Sound recordings 4
Television -- Production and direction 4
Television programs 4
Theater -- Study and teaching 4
Annual reports 3
Business enterprises 3
Businessmen 3
Children's books -- Authorship 3
Clergy 3
Drafts (documents) 3
Drawings (visual works) 3
Iowa City (Iowa) 3
Legislators 3
Manuscripts (documents) 3
Newspaper editors 3
Pamphlets 3
Personal narratives 3
Personal papers 3
Physicians 3
Posters 3
Research (documents) 3
Slides (photographs) 3
Television writers 3
Airmen 2
Alumni and alumnae 2
Audiotapes 2
Banks and banking 2
Books 2
Budgets 2
Children's literature 2
College students 2
Des Moines (Iowa) 2
Education 2
Financial records 2
Illustrators 2
Journalists 2
Keokuk (Iowa) 2
Lawyers 2
Manuscripts for publication 2
Microfilms 2
Middle West 2
Motion picture actors and actresses 2
Notes 2
Periodical editors 2
Photocopies 2
Poems 2
Poetry 2
Political campaigns 2
Politicians 2
Postcards 2
Press releases 2
Price lists 2
Programs 2
Proofs (printed matter) 2
Publishers and publishing 2
Research grants 2
Sketches 2
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 2
Universities and colleges -- Finance 2
University of Iowa -- Administration 2
Wages -- College employees 2
Women authors, American 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
Account books 1
Acoustical engineering 1
Adel (Iowa) 1
Administrative records 1
Advertising 1
Albums 1
+ ∧ less
University of Iowa 4
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
United States. Navy 2
American College Testing Program 1
Bissell, Bess G., 1908-1970 1
∨ more
Brown, Lewis H. (Lewis Herold), 1894- 1
Calvin, Samuel 1
Carlson, Esther Elizabeth 1
Cassill, R. V. (Ronald Verlin), 1919-2002 1
Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce 1
Clark, Glenn, 1882-1956 1
Cohen, Albert J. 1
Colby, Anthony Owen 1
Cornell College (Mount Vernon, Iowa) 1
Crary, Margaret 1
Darling, Jay N. (Jay Norwood), 1876-1962 1
Davenport Besler Corportation 1
Davenport Locomotive Works 1
Davenport-Besler Corporation 1
Democratic Party (Iowa) 1
Dickinson, Lester Jesse 1
Drake University 1
Eastman, Harold Lloyd 1
Eicher, Edward Clayton, 1878-1944 1
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 1
Elston, Hattie Phinnette, 1900- 1
Engle family 1
Engle, Paul 1
Engle, Paul, 1908-1991 1
Faulkner, William, 1897-1962 1
French, Alice 1
Gilmore, Eugene A. 1
Head, Edith 1
Iowa Author's 1
Iowa Department of Public Instruction 1
Iowa School Masters' Walt Whitman Club 1
Iowa State Grange 1
Iowa Writers' Workshop 1
Ironmen (Football team) 1
J.N. "Ding" Darling Foundation 1
John Morrell & Co. 1
Johns-Manville, Incorporated 1
Kinnick, Nile C. 1
Kinnick, Nile C. (Nile Clarke), 1918-1943 1
Lindquist, E. F., 1901- 1
MacVicar, John 1
MacVicar, John, 1859-1928 1
Maibaum, Richard 1
McManus, Edward J. 1
McMillin, John V. 1
Measurement Research Center (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Morrill family 1
Muehl, Lois Baker 1
Pearson Education, Inc. 1
People to People Conference (1956: Washington, D.C.) 1
Philippines. Department of Public Instruction 1
Public Relations Society of America 1
Quezon, Manuel Luis, 1878-1944 1
Radio Corporation of America 1
Ranney, Dr. Mark 1
Ranney, M. H. 1
Republican Party (Iowa) 1
Reynolds, Conger 1
Richardson, Howard 1
Rigby, William Titus 1
Rosheim, David L. 1
Rowan, Edward Beatty, 1898-1946 1
Saunders, William Irving 1
Schaller, George J. 1
Schaller, George J., 1873-1964 1
Seagrave, Sadie Fuller 1
Seagrave, Sadie Fuller, 1882- 1
Simmons, Eleanor Pownall 1
Simmons, Elly (artist) 1
Simpson, Frank B. 1
Sinning, Augustus 1
Sinning, Augustus, 1864-1960 1
Smith, Grace Noll, 1878-1974 1
Smith, Lewis Worthington, 1866-1947 1
Smith, Ralph 1
Standard Oil Company 1
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur 1
Stern, Stewart 1
Stucki, Frank Emmanuel 1
Stucki, Frank Emmanuel, 1895-1961 1
Swift, David 1
Thanet, Octave, 1850-1934 1
United Service Organizations (U.S.) 1
United States Army. Infantry Division, 106th 1
United States Army. Iowa Infantry Regiment, 24th (1862-1865), Company E 1
United States Information Agency 1
United States. Army. Iowa Infantry Regiment, 2nd (1861-1864) 1
United States. Office of Private Cooperation 1
University of Iowa. Department of English 1
University of Iowa. International Writing Program 1
Ver Duft, Lee, 1910- 1
Vicksburg National Military Park (Miss.) 1
Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965 1
Ward, Leo R. (Leo Richard), 1893- 1
Weaver, Clara Vinson 1
+ ∧ less