Showing Collections: 21 - 37 of 37
Mary Beth Hurt papers
Award-winning actress of the stage and screen from Marshalltown, Iowa, who made her film debut in Woody Allen's Interior's.
Mary Louise Smith papers
First woman to chair the Republican National Committee, serving from 1974 to 1977. Co-founder of the Louise Noun-Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women's Archives.
Mary Terronez papers
Davenport area community activist and leader in its Mexican American community.
McCown Family Papers
Northwest Iowa family including Robert McCown, head of the University of Iowa Libraries Department of Special Collections from 1986-1997.
Mildred "Micki" Zeller papers
Costume designer and avid traveler whose papers include an extensive collection of slides, related travel diaries, and materials pertaining to the Iran Hostage Crisis.
Mona Kadel Martin papers
Mona Martin (1934- ) served in the Iowa House of Representatives from Scott County from 1993-2001.
Nadine Domond papers
Hawkeye women's basketball star, WNBA player and entrepreneur.
National Abortion Rights Action League of Iowa records
Local chapter of the national association.
Patricia Herring papers
Feminist, social worker, and advocate for persons with HIV/AIDS.
Phyllis Harper-Bardach papers
Educator of hearing-impaired children and retired professor of Education at the University of Iowa.
Polly Ely papers
Peace and civil rights activist who was a longtime member of Peoples Church Unitarian Universalist in Cedar Rapids.
Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) records
Sexual abuse response and advocacy center established in in Iowa City in 1973 to serve located the University of Iowa community and surrounding counties.
Ruth Hamilton papers
Teacher and world traveler who served in the New Hampshire legislature.
Sondra Smith papers
Iowa Memorial Union catering manager and women's rights activist.
University of Iowa Dental Hygiene Program records
University of Iowa Department of Physical Education for Women records
The department was established in 1924 and was a pioneer in the development of graduate study and professional training. The department existed until 2010 under a variety of names and organizations.
Women's Resource and Action Center (WRAC) records
Women's center established in 1970 to serve the university and community.