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Showing Collections: 21 - 32 of 32

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Council 10 (Davenport, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0733

The members of Davenport LULAC Council 10 engaged in a wide range of social and political activities including annual fiestas, civil rights and fair housing.

Dates: 1932-2019

Lois Wescott papers

Identifier: IWA0437

Geology graduate of the University of Iowa who traveled to Japan and Venezuela to work for oil companies.

Dates: 1860-2001

Lola Moeller Zook papers

Identifier: IWA0462

Newspaper editor whose papers relate to her career as a journalist and the years she spent in occupied Japan following World War II.

Dates: 1909-2004

Margaret Wilbourn Gerber papers

Identifier: IWA0520

Clubwoman and activist who lived in Chicago, Albany, New York, and Iowa City.

Dates: 1923-2003

Mary McDermott Shideler papers

Identifier: IWA0404

Theologian, writer and lecturer whose work encompassed religious theology, philosophy and psychology.

Dates: 1900-2000

McCown Family Papers

Identifier: IWA0852

Northwest Iowa family including Robert McCown, head of the University of Iowa Libraries Department of Special Collections from 1986-1997.

Dates: 1909-2012

Nancy V. "Rusty" Barceló Papers

Identifier: RG99.0351

Activist and administrator at the University of Iowa whose papers provide insight into Latino life and culture in Iowa and across the Midwest.

Dates: 1946-2005

Prentiss Family papers

Identifier: IWA0060

The family came to Iowa City in 1905 when Henry Prentiss established the Anatomy Department at the State University of Iowa.

Dates: 1891-1996

Ruth Laughlin papers

Identifier: IWA0185

Social activist and writer.

Dates: 1956-1997

Shirley A. Briggs papers

Identifier: IWA0197

Artist, editor, and naturalist.

Dates: 1840-2008

Swope and DeLand Families papers

Identifier: IWA0391

Family papers and subject files concerning women artists, women writers, and peace activism in Northwest Iowa.

Dates: 1876-1998

Verna Moulton Spencer papers

Identifier: IWA0145

Maquoketa, Iowa, native who owned and operated Spencer's Harmony Hall with her husband from 1912 to 1962.

Dates: 1899-1994

Filtered By

  • Subject: Families X
  • Subject: College students X
  • Subject: Archives (groupings) X

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Iowa Women's Archives 31
University of Iowa Archives 1
College students 31
Families 29
Photographs 29
Personal papers 28
20th century 26
∨ more
Diaries 16
Correspondence 15
Scrapbooks 15
Iowa City (Iowa) 12
2001-2010 10
Oral histories 10
Cultural artifacts 8
Marriage 7
Memoirs 7
Photograph albums 7
Teachers 7
Authors 6
High school students 6
Rural women 6
Yearbooks 6
Autobiographies 5
Drawings (visual works) 5
Friendship 5
Sound recordings 5
Speeches 5
Women -- 19th century 5
Women in agriculture 5
Women in education 5
Autograph albums 4
Rural families 4
Teaching 4
Video recordings 4
Women 4
Ames (Iowa) 3
Artists 3
Christmas cards 3
College teachers 3
Creative writing 3
Des Moines (Iowa) 3
Family papers 3
Farm life 3
Girls 3
Homemakers 3
Iowa 3
Librarians 3
Slides (photographs) 3
Voyages and travels 3
Women in higher education 3
1861-1870 2
1901-1910 2
2011-2020 2
Boulder (Colo.) 2
Cedar Falls (Iowa) 2
Clubs 2
Community activists 2
Divorce 2
Hispanic American families 2
Hispanic American women 2
Home economics 2
Japan 2
Journalists 2
Local history 2
Mexican American women 2
Omaha (Neb.) 2
Social participation 2
Washington (D.C.) 2
Women and the arts 2
Women in journalism 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
Wyoming (Iowa) 2
1911-1920 1
1921-1930 1
1931-1940 1
1981-1990 1
4-H clubs 1
Abortion 1
Administrative records 1
Affirmative action programs in education 1
African American students 1
African American women 1
African American women -- Iowa 1
Agriculture 1
Anamosa (Iowa) 1
Art 1
Art teachers 1
Basic guide to pesticides 1
Birds 1
Bisexuals 1
Blind students 1
Boone (Iowa) 1
Botany 1
Bremer County (Iowa) 1
Buena Vista County (Iowa) 1
Businessmen 1
Businesswomen 1
California 1
Caracas (Venezuela) 1
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 1
Chicano . . . 1
+ ∧ less
State University of Iowa 11
University of Iowa 4
Iowa State College 2
Iowa State Teachers College 2
American National Red Cross 1
∨ more
American Theological Society 1
Anneberg, Dorothy Spencer 1
Atlantic Refining Company 1
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States 1
Barcelo family 1
Barceló, Nancy V., 1946- 1
Barnes, Irston R. 1
Bartley, Joy Hedges 1
Beth El Jacob Synagogue (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Bonham, Catherine 1
Boone High School (Boone, Iowa) 1
Briggs, John Ely, -1952 1
Briggs, Nellie Upham, -1973 1
Briggs, Shirley A. (Shirley Ann), 1918-2004 1
Briggs, Wilbur 1
Broer, Bethany 1
Broer, Faye York 1
Broer, Jacob 1
Broer, Kyle 1
Cargill Corn Starch and Syrup (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) 1
Carson, Rachel, 1907-1964 1
Chicago Theological Seminary 1
Childs, Lue Prentiss, 1902-1968 1
Childs, Malissa 1
Christen, Inez, 1906-1999 1
City High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Cripliver family 1
DeLand family 1
DeLand, Ida Sherman 1
DeLand, Mary Lurene Swope, 1896-1978 1
Delta Zeta Sorority 1
Dendel, Esther Warner, 1910-2002 1
Dendel, Jo 1
Denwar Ceramics 1
Drake University 1
Ellsworth Community College (Iowa Falls, Iowa) 1
Fox, Steven 1
Fox, William B. 1
Franklin Book Programs, inc. 1
Fullerton family 1
Fullerton, Grace, 1879-1972 1
Fullerton, William J. 1
Gates, Adelia St. John, 1841-1874 1
Gates, John Cook, 1838-1917 1
Genesee College 1
Gerber, John C. 1
Gerber, Margaret Wilbourn, 1913-1996 1
Grinnell College 1
Hedges family 1
Hedges, Bertha, 1887-1978 1
Hedges, Charles 1
Hedges, Mildred 1
Heisdorffer, Ann White 1
Hergenreter, Jane McDermott 1
Hill, Catherine Snedeker 1
Hill, William, 1834-1896 1
Holmes, Marjorie, 1910- 1
Human Resources Research Organization 1
Indiana University 1
Iowa Falls High School (Iowa Falls, Iowa) 1
Iowa State University 1
Jongewaard, Jennie Ver Ploegh 1
Judson College (Marion, Ala.) 1
Kazina, Ben 1
Kearney, Barbara DeLand 1
Kern, Jean B. 1
Kinnick, Nile C. (Nile Clarke), 1918-1943 1
Korn family 1
Korn, Samuel 1
Larson, Helen, 1899-1996 1
Laughlin, Ruth, 1954-1986 1
League of United Latin American Citizens 1
League of United Latin American Citizens. Council 10 (Davenport, Iowa) 1
Lehman family 1
Lehman, Alberta Evelyn Swan, 1907-2002 1
Lewallen, Joy Smith 1
Lockwood, Gertrude Schroeder, 1899-1992 1
Mahoso, Tafataona Pasipaipa 1
Manuscript Society (U.S.) 1
Marin, Betty 1
Martin, Leo 1
Martin, Paul H. 1
Martini, Lorena 1
McCown family 1
McCown, Alfred Brown, 1850-1929 1
McCown, Anne Elizabeth, 1965- 1
McCown, Don Cleveland, 1884-1950 1
McCown, Frances Anne, 1902-1963 1
McCown, John Patrick, 1964- 1
McCown, Margaret 1
McCown, Robert A., 1939-2015 1
McDermott, George T. 1
McDermott, James S. 1
McDermott, Katherine Stewart 1
McDonald, Helena Jongewaard, 1894-1989 1
+ ∧ less