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Showing Collections: 141 - 160 of 220

Maria Kromminga papers

Identifier: IWA0144

Diaries of a Monticello, Iowa, native who lived on her parents' farm and never married, raising her son alone.

Dates: 1897-1937

Maria Mercedes Aguilera papers

Identifier: IWA0558

Factory worker who was among the first Latinas to be hired at the International Harvester Company Farmall plant in Rock Island, Illinois.

Dates: 1950-2013

Maria Rundquist papers

Identifier: IWA0544

Sioux City business owner and political activist who emigrated to the United States from Mexico in 1978.

Dates: 1959-2016

Marie Giddings papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0426

Detailed account of farm and rural community life as Marie Giddings knew it growing up in Kossuth County during the early 20th century.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1980

Marie Rumble papers

Identifier: IWA0505

A homesteader who lived in Wyoming, Colorado and Washington State.

Dates: 1890-2002

Marjorie Mason papers

Identifier: IWA0376

Teacher, newspaper columnist and poet from Sioux City, Iowa.

Dates: 1960-1995

Marta Werner papers

Identifier: IWA0361

Native of Mexico who came to Fort Madison, Iowa in 1914. Her community activism centered on the Iowa State Penitentiary in Fort Madison.

Dates: 1892-1989

Martha Jean Nicholson Browneller papers

Identifier: IWA0804

Mahaska County, Iowa, farm woman who was active in 4-H and rural organizations. She recorded her daily activities in her diaries between 1935 and 1973.

Dates: 1920-2010

Mary C. Hooper papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0850

Diary chronicling Hooper's daily life in Princeton, Iowa.

Dates: 1873-1874

Mary Hagen memoir

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0531

Memoir describing life on a family farm near Manly, Iowa during the 1920s and 1930s.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1996

Mary Henrietta Peters papers

Identifier: IWA0908

Resident of Illyria Township near Wadena, Iowa, who recorded her daily activities from 1891 until her death in 1931.


The Iowa Women's Archives gratefully acknowledges the transcription of the diaries by Dr. Lisa Guinn, a visiting assistant professor at Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas, and Rio Farren, an undergraduate history major at Upper Iowa University. They completed the transcription in 2014.

Dates: 1891-1934

Mary Jane Parsons papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0517

Reflections on her pioneer life from Rochester, New York to Dakota City, Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1935

Mary Johnston Elson papers

Identifier: IWA0730

Iowa teacher from Jefferson County who taught in rural schools for forty-four years and was active in the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs.

Dates: 1928-2004

Mary McDermott Shideler papers

Identifier: IWA0404

Theologian, writer and lecturer whose work encompassed religious theology, philosophy and psychology.

Dates: 1900-2000

Mary McInroy papers

 Collection — Box: Box 1
Identifier: IWA0729

Home Economics notebook kept by McInroy as a high school student in 1961.

Dates: 1961

Mary Sears McHenry papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0423

Diary and account book of the bride of a Civil War officer.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1865-1998

Mary Terronez papers

Identifier: IWA0497

Davenport area community activist and leader in its Mexican American community.

Dates: 1936-2018

Mary Ungerer Hauth papers

Identifier: IWA0190

Nurse in Sioux City during the first half of the 20th century.

Dates: 1905-1948

Mary Vasquez Olvera papers

Identifier: IWA0559

Davenport, Iowa, woman whose parents came to Iowa from Mexico in the 1910s.

Dates: 1923-2003

Maude Barkley Keck papers

Identifier: IWA0554

Diaries and account books of this Cherokee, Iowa woman record farm chores and expenses, housekeeping and family life.

Dates: 1937-1976

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  • Subject: Families X

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Iowa Women's Archives 218
University of Iowa Special Collections 1
University of Iowa Archives 1
Archives (groupings) 193
Families 170
Personal papers 167
20th century 156
Photographs 143
∨ more
Diaries 100
Rural women 98
Women in agriculture 95
Oral histories 88
Rural families 74
Autobiographies 73
Farm life 71
2001-2010 68
Correspondence 65
Homemakers 63
Memoirs 61
Farmers 53
Scrapbooks 50
Teachers 42
Rural girls 36
Women -- 19th century 36
College students 32
Teaching 32
1991-2000 29
Cultural artifacts 28
Iowa City (Iowa) 27
Photograph albums 26
Hispanic American families 24
Hispanic American women 24
Iowa 24
Sound recordings 23
Marriage 22
Rural schools 22
Women in education 22
Immigrant families 21
1981-1990 20
Social participation 20
Twentieth century 19
Housekeeping 17
Speeches 17
Women 17
Yearbooks 17
Immigrants 16
Mexican American women 16
World War, 1939-1945 16
2011-2020 15
Authors 15
Family papers 15
Davenport (Iowa) 14
Depressions -- 1929 14
High school students 14
Stock Market Crash, 1929 14
Video recordings 14
Volunteers 14
1971-1980 13
Community activists 13
Autograph albums 12
Clubs 12
Des Moines (Iowa) 12
Mexican American families 12
Voyages and travels 12
Women -- Political activity 12
Agriculture 11
Friendship 11
Women -- Societies and clubs 11
Working class women 11
Home economics 10
Journalists 10
Rural conditions 10
Women and War 10
Women lawyers 10
Administrative records 9
Blue collar workers 9
Frontier and pioneer life 9
Girls 9
Local history 9
Slides (photographs) 9
Country life 8
Drawings (visual works) 8
Family-owned business enterprises 8
Farm management 8
Mexican Americans 8
Political activists 8
Rural churches 8
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 8
World War, 1914-1918 8
1901-1910 7
African American women 7
African American women -- Iowa 7
Artists 7
Community life 7
Courtship 7
Emigration and immigration 7
Nineteen twenties 7
Political participation 7
Sewing 7
Women in journalism 7
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 7
4-H clubs 6
Ames (Iowa) 6
+ ∧ less
Dutch; Flemish 1
State University of Iowa 14
University of Iowa 7
Iowa State Teachers College 6
League of United Latin American Citizens. Council 10 (Davenport, Iowa) 4
White family 4
∨ more
Democratic Party (Iowa) 3
Iowa Mother of the Year 3
Iowa State College 3
League of United Latin American Citizens 3
Shrauger, Cornelia Prentiss, 1896-1985 3
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 3
Blundall, Joan, 1945- 2
Ellsworth Community College (Iowa Falls, Iowa) 2
Iowa Mothers Association 2
Jones, Virginia Shrauger, 1921- 2
Migrant Action Program (Mason City, Iowa) 2
Muscatine Migrant Committee 2
O'Brien, Denise, 1949- 2
Ohio State University 2
Older Women's League (U.S.) 2
Prentiss family 2
Stuart family 2
University of Minnesota 2
Vargas, Henry (1929-2021) 2
White, Stanley V., 1901- 2
Achttien, Jack, -1924 1
Adams family 1
Adams, Monroe Milton 1
Aguilera, Maria Mercedes, 1936-2013 1
Albia Woman's Club (Albia, Iowa) 1
Aldrich, Bess Streeter, 1881-1954 1
Allen, Sewell E., 1913-1975 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Legion Auxiliary 1
American Mothers, Inc. 1
American National Red Cross 1
American Theological Society 1
Anderson, Marilyn 1
Anneberg, Dorothy Spencer 1
Antioch Baptist Church (Waterloo, Iowa) 1
Art Institute of Chicago. School 1
Artists In Action (Muscatine, Iowa) 1
Ashby, Rhoda 1
Associated Country Women of the World 1
Associated Country Women of the World. Conference 1
Atlantic High School (Atlantic, Iowa) 1
Atlantic Refining Company 1
Attlee, C. R. (Clement Richard), 1883-1967 1
Attlee, Felicity 1
Attlee, Martin 1
Attlee, Violet 1
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States 1
Auer family 1
Auer, Amy Sophia, 1900- 1
Baker, Carl (poet) 1
Barcelo family 1
BarceloĢ, Nancy V., 1946- 1
Barker, Patti 1
Barnes, Irston R. 1
Bartley, Joy Hedges 1
Basgall, Carol 1
Bassett, Ella 1
Bayard Women's Club (Iowa) 1
Becker, Virginia (1918-2009) 1
Beth El Jacob Synagogue (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Bevin, Nancy 1
Birmingham High School (Birmingham, Iowa) 1
Blom, Nancy De Vries, 1907-1993 1
Bollin, Kathy 1
Bonham, Catherine 1
Boone High School (Boone, Iowa) 1
Bradley family 1
Bradley, Cornelia Fitch, 1838-1893 1
Bradley, David Ogden, 1827-1895 1
Bradley, Henry 1
Bradley, Rhoda Ogden 1
Brandt family 1
Brant family 1
Brant, Alice Sophia, 1882-1956 1
Brant, Naomi 1
Briggs family 1
Briggs, John Ely, -1952 1
Briggs, Lela Powers, 1896-1953 1
Briggs, Nellie Upham, -1973 1
Briggs, Shirley A. (Shirley Ann), 1918-2004 1
Briggs, Wilbur 1
Britton family 1
Britton, Cheryl, 1910-2003 1
Britton, Chester, 1904 - 1968 1
Broer, Bethany 1
Broer, Faye York 1
Broer, Jacob 1
Broer, Kyle 1
Brown, Bill 1
Brown, Harriet Connor, 1872- 1
Brown, Maria Dean Foster, 1827-1929 1
Browneller, Martha Jean Nicholson, 1920- 1
Browneller, Max 1
Bruggmann, Charles 1
Bruggmann, Dominique 1
+ ∧ less