Showing Collections: 21 - 40 of 266
Brown Gibson Family Papers
Letters, documents, and a booklet on Major Hugh G. Brown.
Byron McClain Letters
Letters to McClain's family in Wilton Junction, Iowa, telling of experiences in Tennessee with the 2nd Regiment of Iowa Cavalry.
C. Pauline Spencer papers
An outstanding athlete and the first woman to receive an athletic letter at the University of Iowa. She graduated in 1923.
Carl and Laura White papers
Letters to Iowa resident Laura Birgen from Carl White who served in the U.S. Army in France during and after World War I.
Carl Van Vechten Papers
23 photographs of Doris Julian, Stephen Van Ophuigsen, Coleman Dowell, Jose Quintero and others; 16 photograph postcards including Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas; 75 photographs of celebrities (lacking no. 18); several drafts and related correspondence for Gertrude Stein: An Epilogue.
Carr and Carr Records
Complete records of a pioneer law firm and several of its predecessors, including correspondence, account books, ledgers, cases, journals, and receipts.
Carrie Lindahl papers
Rural Linn County banker who worked outside of the home from 1910s to 1960s.
Carrie Stanley Papers
University of Iowa professor of English,1920-1954. Correspondence.
Carrie V. Talcott papers
Active clubwoman, Methodist, writer and farmer from Fayette County who spent 19 years in a retirement home in Fort Dodge.
Catherine Snedeker Hill papers
Illinois student who moved to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce Records
Budgets, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and other material.
Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra Papers
Correspondence, account books, reports, lists, attendance registers, minutes, rosters of officers, publicity material, programs, and financial records.
Charles A. Schaeffer Papers
Seventh president of the University of Iowa, 1887-1898.
Charles D. Cuttler Papers
Professor of art and art history. Consultant to National Endowment for the Humanities. Correspondence, administrative records.
Charles Thomas Ackley Civil War Diaries Collection
One hundred and eighteen letters from Charles Thomas Ackley, mostly to his wife in Marble Rock, Iowa. Also included are newspaper clippings, brief biographies of some of the men in the Seventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and historical commentary.
Cheryl Britton papers
Career nurse and avid traveler who grew up in Dedham, Iowa and Des Moines.
Chicago & Northwestern Railway Ticket Agent Papers
Records of the Cedar Rapids ticket agent for the railway, this collection consists of record books, correspondence with headquarters in Chicago, and correspondence dealing with problems of passenger transportation. Bulk dates are 1896-1899.
Christie York papers
University of Iowa graduate and laboratory assistant who was active in student government and served as a steward in AFSCME Local 12.
Christisen Railroad Collection
Records for the Milwaukee Road, Amtrak, and the B&O railroads, with some materials from the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern (EJ&E), the Central Railroad of New Jersey (CNJ), the Nickel Plate Railroad (NKP), and Acheson, Topeka and Santa Fe (AT&SF) lines from the 1880s to the early 1990s.
Clarence E. Hamilton Papers
Correspondence between Clarence and his family during his time in Europe during and after World War II.