Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 1774
Alice Kipp papers
The papers include Kipp's reminiscence of her childhood on an Iowa farm.
Alice McMurry papers
Promise City, Iowa elementary school teacher and poet.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Alice Sophia Brant papers
Diaries of this homemaker and mother who helped manage the family's funeral home in Oelwein.
Allen Wortman Papers
Editor of the Malvern Leader. Personal and professional correspondence.
Allin Dakin Papers
Administrative dean at the University of Iowa (1944-1974). Correspondence, notebooks, and speeches relating to Dakin's many civic interests and activities. Topics included are Rotary International, Boy Scouts of America, and U of I.
Alma Erickson Swanson papers
Swedish farm woman whose three children became academics during the 1930s and 1940s.
Alma Marie Kouba Kress papers
Buchanan County elementary school teacher and clubwoman.
Almira Ames Farnham papers
Essay describing the life of Almira Ames Farnham, a pioneer woman from New England who settled near Morley, Iowa in 1859.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Almira Safely Rutledge papers
Alpha Evans papers
Rural middle school teacher who chaired the Iowa committee to revise teacher standards in the 1970s.
Alpha Lambda Delta Records
Alta Martin papers
Homemaker and mother of five who received her private pilot license in 1963.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Alumni and Former Students Vertical File Collection
The Alumni and Former Students Vertical File Collection of the University of Iowa Archives consist of records pertaining to over 500 former University students. The files may include, but are not limited to, obituaries and newspaper articles. These records are collected continuously, and new files are created from these newspaper articles. The collection is a convenient source of biographical information about University of Iowa alumni and former students. Each entry below represents a folder pertaining to that particular individual.To access a folder in our reading room, note the title of the desired folder and the name and RG number of this collection, then contact staff in the Department of Special Collections with your request.
Amateur Radio Club Records
Amber McClintic papers
Amelia McNeill papers
Farm woman who served as secretary of Monona Co. Rural Electrification Association for more than 20 years.
American Business Women's Association records
American Studies Department Records
Amos Dean Papers
First president of the University of Iowa, 1855-1860.