Showing Collections: 1421 - 1440 of 1774
Reese Family Papers
Business documents, correspondence and travel ephemera of the Reese Family from Turin, Iowa.
Refocus Records
Refocus was founded in 1965 as a joint student-faculty-staff project coordinated initially by the Iowa Memorial Union Board Films Area and, later, funded by UI Student Government.
The Refocus collection in the Archives (RG02.0003.026) includes 6.0 lin. ft. of material from 1965 to 1979, mainly correspondence, programs, and sample posters. The collection is not processed but is open for research. We also have two folders, mostly of newspaper clippings, in our student clubs and organizations vertical file (RG01.0015.004). There is no evidence of any Refocus activity after 1979.
Reproductive Rights Coalition of Iowa City records
The Reproductive Rights Coalition of Iowa City (RRCIC) formed in January 1989 in response to Operation Rescue's attempt to shut down a local abortion clinic.
Research Council Records
Residence Services Records
Retirement Committee Records
Reverend Leo R. Ward Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, MsC0869.
Rhonda Penquite papers
Professional basketball player and coach who played for the Iowa Cornets and the New Mexico Energee.
Rhoterian Literary Society Records
Richard D. Remington Papers
This collection includes Remington's speeches and research notes.
Richard Maibaum Papers
American screenwriter, producer and actor. Personal papers contains an actors file, clippings and correspondences.
Richard Pike Bissell Papers
Typescript and holograph drafts, galley proofs, editor's notes, source material, etc., documenting the writings of this Dubuque novelist and author of 7 1/2 Cents (1953), the basis of the musical hit, The Pajama Game (1954, filmed 1957).
Richard Sherman Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, MsC0869.
Rita Benton Papers
Professor of music. Head of music library named for her in 1980. Reviews, offprints, articles.
River City Housing Collective Records
The Records of the River City Housing Collective consist of five series: Administrative, Houses, Issues, Cooperatives (other), and History. Included are Board of Directors minutes and meeting agendas, financial records such as rent payment histories and expense reports, and newsletters.
Roach and Musser Company Papers and Records
Correspondence, financial records, employee insurance reports, and stock proxies for the sale of Roach and Musser.
Robert B. Tabor Papers
Iowa artist. Diaries and sketchbooks, correspondence and biographical material documenting his career.
Robert B. Wylie Papers
University of Iowa professor of botany, 1908-1940. Director of the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, 1919-1923. Workshop and was instrumentalnd was instrumental in designing the first doctoral program in mass communication in the U.S.
Robert Bernard Martin Papers
This collection contains only the manuscript for With Friends Possessed: A Life of Edward Fitzgerald.
Robert Blees Papers
Motion picture and television script-writer and producer. Film treatments and screenplays written by Blees and other screenwriters, miscellaneous, memos and articles, film stills, photostats, phonographic recordings from soundtracks.