Showing Collections: 301 - 320 of 903
Gladys Conn papers
Social worker and State University of Iowa graduate from Marne, Iowa, whose papers include diaries and family correspondence.
Gladys Homan papers
Extensive correspondence of Corning, Iowa farm wife and club woman.
Gladys Miller Ferguson papers
Teacher and high school girls basketball coach from Mechanicsville, Iowa.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Gladys Moeller Lage papers
Personal accounts of Lage's childhood and upbringing on a farm in Cedar County, Iowa.
Gladys Nelson papers
Republican Iowa legislator from 1950 to 1956 and former president of the League of Women Voters of Iowa.
Gladys Spayde papers
Stage actress who spent her childhood in Saskatchewan and was a teacher in Fairfield, Iowa.
Gladys Talcott Rife papers
Mt. Vernon, Iowa high school teacher who later owned and directed The Depot Museum in Fayette County, Iowa.
Governor Ray's Commission on the Status of Women (Iowa) records
The Commission addressed issues such as the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), abortion reform, daycare, equal pay for equal work, and sex discrimination in employment, insurance, and education. At the end of 1970, the GCSW reported two major legislative accomplishments: the passage of no-fault divorce laws and the addition of sex to the Iowa Civil Rights Act of 1965.
Grace Ferns papers
Memoir and oral history transcript of a rural Iowa school teacher.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Grace Morris Allen Jones papers
Burlington, Iowa born educator and wife of Dr. Laurence C. Jones, founder of Piney Woods Country Life School in Piney Woods, Mississippi.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Greene Township Women's Club (Iowa County, Iowa) records
Social club of Iowa County farmwomen that began as a Farm Bureau club but later dropped that affiliation.
Gretchen Anton Coy papers
Artist and teacher in Okoboji, Iowa, who participated in the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Program during World War II.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Gretchen Harshbarger papers
Landscape architect, author and photographer.
Guy M. Gillette Papers
Research for a biography that was never published, this collection consists of papers from Gillette as well as Stelck's research materials.
Gwendolyn Fowler papers
The first African American woman pharmacist licensed in Iowa and presidential appointee to the United States Foreign Service in the 1950s.
Gwendolyn Johnson Hein papers
Farmwoman, basketball player on Newhall High School girls state championship team in 1927.
Hardin Craig Papers
Professor of English at the University of Iowa 1919-1928. Authority on Shakespeare and Milton. Typescripts.
Harriet Adeline Stevens papers
Teacher of nutrition education and dietetics; U. S. Army Second Lieutenant who served as a medical hospital dietician at Camp Gordon, Georgia during World War II.
Harriet E. Johnson Palmer papers
Scrapbook featuring the professional and social life of an Iowa nurse in the 1920's.
Harrison County Farm Bureau scrapbook
Part of the statewide, grass roots effort to provide agricultural and homemaking science to Iowa farmers in the second decade of the twentieth century.