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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 21

Dorothy M. Johnson Papers

Identifier: msC0632

Editor, novelist and professor of journalism at the University of Montana. Typescript drafts and related correspondence for several short stories and her novel, The Hanging Tree. Also some family correspondence and photographs. Johnson wrote Liberty Valence and A Man Called Horse, both, like The Hanging Tree, made into motion pictures.

Dates: 1896-1958

Ellis Parker Butler Papers

Identifier: MsC0575

Author and businessman from Iowa , best known for his short story Pigs is Pigs. The papers consist of correspondence to and from Butler about his writing and the Author's League of America . His wife's correspondence is also included.

Dates: 1913-1937

Elswyth Thane Papers

Identifier: MsC0707

Playwright, biographer and novelist. Holograph notebooks containing first drafts of several historical novels, printer's copies, and correspondence are included. There are audiotapes of her research for Potomac Squire, a book about George Washington.

Dates: 1943-1963

Frank Luther Mott Papers

Identifier: MsC0664

Journalism professor and dean. Mott is best remembered for his writing on the history of American newspapers. He also wrote numerous stories, plays and novels, and drafts of which are preserved in this collection.

Dates: 1918 - 1963

Iowa Authors Manuscripts Collection

Identifier: MsC0869

Includes manuscripts, galley proofs, page proofs, dust jackets, and other miscellany associated with publications of many Iowa Authors.

Dates: 1888-1990

James Norman Hall Papers

Identifier: MsC0619

Manuscripts of some of Hall's poetry, plays, articles, and essays. Also drafts of his book, The Far Lands.

Dates: 1934-1952

Jay Sigmund Papers

Identifier: MsC0697

Insurance agent, poet, story writer, and lecturer on literature. Preliminary drafts of plays, poetry, an unpublished novel, and correspondence with writers of note.

Dates: 1911 - 1975

John Towner Frederick Papers

Identifier: MsC0513

English professor, Iowa author, and founder and editor of The Midland. Correspondence, subject files, business records for The Midland, lectures, and preliminary drafts of writings, etc.

Dates: 1908-1975

Karlton and William Kelm Papers

Identifier: MsC0637

Story writers, novelists and playwrights who did most writing in collaboration. Karlton published two novels: Brother (1936) and The Cherry Bed (1936). Correspondence with noted writers, drafts of plays, short stories, and novels, and material relating to the Dubuque Dia, a literary magazine.

Dates: 1931-1986; 1930-1939

LeAnn Lemberger Papers

Identifier: MsC0647

Author of romance novels as Leigh Michaels. Manuscript drafts, galleys, and page proofs of her novels, as well as articles by and about Lemberger and teaching materials used for the Iowa Summer Writing Festival.

Dates: 1982 -

MacKinlay Kantor Papers

Identifier: MsC0635

Author. Manuscript drafts, proofs, correspondence, etc. for his novel, Andersonville, with drafts for some other books.

Dates: 1950-1958

Martin Yoseloff Papers

Identifier: MsC0734

Editor and novelist. Manuscripts for nine books, including No Greener Meadows (1946), his first novel.

Dates: 1940-1990

Max Allan Collins papers

Identifier: MsC0500

Author, filmmaker, and comic strip writer. The papers document his film and literary career. His novels, comics (including Dick Tracy and Ms. Tree), and screenplays are represented in various forms of completion, with typescript drafts, artwork, correspondence, research, galley proofs, and promotional material.

Dates: 1967-1996

Merle Miller Papers

Identifier: MsC0660

Editor at Yank, Time and Harper's, biographer of presidents, script writer, and novelist. Drafts, correspondence, printer's copies, and reviews for four of his books; the materials for The Sure Thing (1953) are extensive.

Dates: 1948 - 1961; Majority of material found in 1953

Papers of Ruth Suckow

Identifier: MsC0706

This collection is comprised of photographs, letters, paintings, and manuscripts of Ruth Suckow, family, and friends.

Dates: 1887-1988

Paul Corey Papers

Identifier: MsC0585

Writer Three Miles Square (1939), environmentalist, and animal activist. Correspondence, subject files, scrapbooks, and preliminary drafts of writings.

Dates: 1920 - 1992

Richard Pike Bissell Papers

Identifier: MsC0565

Typescript and holograph drafts, galley proofs, editor's notes, source material, etc., documenting the writings of this Dubuque novelist and author of 7 1/2 Cents (1953), the basis of the musical hit, The Pajama Game (1954, filmed 1957).

Dates: 1951-1973

Steven Dow Mossman Papers

Identifier: MsC0663

Writer born in Cedar Rapids. Collection includes extensive pre-publication materials for Mossman's highly regarded novel, The Stones of Summer (1972) as well as drafts written while a student in the Writer's Workshop.

Dates: 1966 - 1972

Thomas W. Duncan Papers

Identifier: MsC0594

Novelist and story writer. Preliminary drafts, notes, revisions, and galley proofs for three of his novels, including a highly successful circus novel, Gus the Great (1947).

Dates: 1940-1959

Vance Bourjaily Papers

Identifier: MsC0568
Scope and Contents

Novelist and Writers' Workshop instructor. Typescript with notes and revisions of his novel, A Game Men Play (Dial Press, 1980). Iowa Authors Ms.

Dates: 1980

Filtered By

  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Authors, American X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Drafts (documents) X
  • Subject: Fiction -- Authorship X

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Additional filters:

Authors, American 18
Iowa 16
Women authors 5
Women authors, American 5
Archives (groupings) 4
∨ more
Authors 4
Middle West 4
20th century 3
American fiction 3
American poetry 3
Clippings (information artifacts) 3
Poets, American 3
Regionalism in literature 3
Typescripts 3
Correspondence 2
Historical fiction 2
Holographs (autographs) 2
Manuscripts (documents) 2
Photographs 2
Poems 2
Poetry 2
Proofs (printed matter) 2
Acoustical engineering 1
Alumni and alumnae 1
American prose literature 1
Andersonville 1
Animal behavior 1
Animal rights activists 1
Annual reports 1
Apple is eaten 1
Articles 1
Audiotapes 1
Author's choice 1
Big river, big man 1
Biographers 1
Biographies 1
Business economists 1
Cartoonists 1
Children's literature 1
Civil service 1
Clergy 1
Comic books, strips, etc. 1
Concerning Mary Ann 1
Conscientious objectors 1
Detective and mystery stories 1
Diaries 1
Dick Tracy (Comic strip) 1
Directors of corporations 1
Do-it-yourself work 1
Doctor from Iowa 1
Don't touch me 1
Dramatists 1
Dubuque (Iowa) 1
Dubuque Dial 1
Editors 1
Engineers 1
Environmentalists 1
Far lands 1
Fiction 1
First drafts 1
Frontier and pioneer life 1
Galley proofs 1
Game men play 1
God and my country 1
Gus the great 1
Handbooks and manuals 1
Holding up the hills 1
House construction 1
Humorists 1
Instructions (document genre) 1
Iowa City (Iowa) 1
Journalists 1
Juvenile literature 1
Layouts (printer matter) 1
Legends 1
Literature 1
Manuscripts for publication 1
Midland (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Minnesota 1
Missions 1
Motion picture authorship 1
Motion pictures -- Production and direction 1
Ms. Tree (Comic strip) 1
Nature in literature 1
Newspapers 1
Notebooks 1
Novels 1
Obituaries 1
Paintings (visual works) 1
Photocopies 1
Physicians 1
Pillars of space 1
Popular culture -- Study and teaching 1
+ ∧ less
Authors' League of America 1
Bissell, Bess G., 1908-1970 1
Bissell, Richard Pike 1
Bourjaily, Vance 1
Bourjaily, Vance, 1922-2010 1