Showing Collections: 61 - 80 of 125
Jean Minish Stoner papers
Farmwoman, writer, and community volunteer near Mt. Vernon, Iowa.
Jean Shoots papers
Writer, performer, volunteer, and nurse in Iowa City.
Jeanette Eyerly Papers
Author of books for young adults from More Than a Summer Love, (1962), with a special concern for mental health. Correspondence, notes, various drafts, promotional material, etc., of her many books for adolescents.
John Towner Frederick Papers
English professor, Iowa author, and founder and editor of The Midland. Correspondence, subject files, business records for The Midland, lectures, and preliminary drafts of writings, etc.
Josephine Hirons Pullen papers
Teacher, artist, poet and author from Early, Iowa.
Josie Thurston papers
Journalist who worked for the Des Moines Register between 1947 and 1957 and was later a freelance writer.
Joy Neal Kidney newspaper articles
Julie McDonald Papers
Newspaper Editor and writer, this collection contains material related to two novels (Amalie's Story, 1970 and Petra, 1978), a play (Eyes of Sky; a Play in Six Scenes) and a biography (Ruth Buxton Sayre: First Lady of the Farms, 1980).
Karlton and William Kelm Papers
Story writers, novelists and playwrights who did most writing in collaboration. Karlton published two novels: Brother (1936) and The Cherry Bed (1936). Correspondence with noted writers, drafts of plays, short stories, and novels, and material relating to the Dubuque Dia, a literary magazine.
(Katherine) Eleanor Saltzman Papers
Iowa regional writer. This collection consists of manuscripts for Ever Tomorrow and Stuart's Hill, and her unpublished novel, Carpthorne; manuscripts and tear sheets of her short stories and poems; as well as correspondence, notes, and clippings. Iowa Author Mss.
Keith Robertson Papers
Subject files documenting Robertson's literary career, including typescript drafts of Henry Reed's Big Show (1958) and The Crow and the Castle (1967). There are also folders of correspondence, research, royalty statements, etc., all relating to the writing and publishing of his children's books and short stories. Iowa Author Mss.
Kittredge Cherry and Audrey Lockwood
Life partners Kittredge Cherry (1957-), an author, journalist, and minister to the LGBT community, and Audrey Lockwood (1957- ), a financial planner, met as students at the University of Iowa in 1975 and lived and worked in Japan before settling in California.
Laura Gibson Smith papers
Casey, Iowa native who taught country school before marrying and homesteading in Wyoming in 1913. She taught school in the Philippines in the 1910s and 1920s.
Lawrence Oakley Cheever Papers
Industrial editor, author, book and bookplate collector. Correspondence, drafts, publications, and research relating to his interest in book illustrators, books and book plates.
LeAnn Lemberger Papers
Author of romance novels as Leigh Michaels. Manuscript drafts, galleys, and page proofs of her novels, as well as articles by and about Lemberger and teaching materials used for the Iowa Summer Writing Festival.
Leola Bergmann papers
Lois Baker Muehl Papers
Manuscripts and correspondence related to her books for children including My Name Is-- (1959) and Hidden Year of Devlin Bates (1967).
Lois Baker Muehl papers
University of Iowa rhetoric professor who published children's books and taught English as a second language at refugee camps in Thailand, Korea, and China.
Three works have been transferred to the Iowa Women's Archives printed works collection: Trading Cultures in the Classroom, 1993; The Hidden Year of Devlin Bates, 1967; Worst Room in the School, 1961.
MacKinlay Kantor Papers
Author. Manuscript drafts, proofs, correspondence, etc. for his novel, Andersonville, with drafts for some other books.
Margaret Johnson papers
Farm woman, teacher, and recipient of the Master Farm Homemaker award in 1970.